Click said:I really hope Zipper fixes the insane lag or whatever the hell it is that's plaguing Domination games right now. Yesterday, it was 2 out of 12 games that had this issue. Today, it was more like 1 in every 2 games was a lag-fest.
If Zipper doesn't fix this major problem asap, people will begin to say "see, I knew MAG couldn't handle 256 players at once. What a bunch of BS." And I don't want to see that happen. The beta was nearly flawless but now, Domination games are really irritating, to say the least.
GothPunk said:I'm trying to decide whether I should spend the extra 5 on the collector's edition of the game. I don't think I'd ever use the dynamic themes but what's this about bonus armour? Does anyone know what this bonus armour does, if anything, apart from look nice? I've been Googling and kind find any answers.
GothPunk said:I'm trying to decide whether I should spend the extra 5 on the collector's edition of the game. I don't think I'd ever use the dynamic themes but what's this about bonus armour? Does anyone know what this bonus armour does, if anything, apart from look nice? I've been Googling and kind find any answers.
GothPunk said:I'm trying to decide whether I should spend the extra 5 on the collector's edition of the game. I don't think I'd ever use the dynamic themes but what's this about bonus armour? Does anyone know what this bonus armour does, if anything, apart from look nice? I've been Googling and kind find any answers.
They'll probably sell it as DLC.Click said:Why did Zipper do this?
archnemesis said:They'll probably sell it as DLC.![]()
archnemesis said:They'll probably sell it as DLC.![]()
The UK regular edition has a SVER character on the front with the face mask. It's rather stupid. They removed some of the hockey masks too, didn't they?Click said:Why did Zipper do this?
Especially SVER's face wrap. I'm so pissed off that they decided it would be a good idea to take them completely out of the game when that face wrap was in all of their concept art, character renderings, and just about any other SVER image I've ever seen. It defines SVER's look and now it's completely gone.
Same thing with Raven. Their balaclavas are even on the cover of MAG yet it's not in the game, lol. Seriously Zipper. WTF?
Bearillusion said:Eurogamer game MAG a 7 despite the review reading like a solid 8. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a 9 at the end. A 7 doesn't make sense to me after reading the text.
Bearillusion said:Eurogamer game MAG a 7 despite the review reading like a solid 8. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a 9 at the end. A 7 doesn't make sense to me after reading the text.
Click said:Why did Zipper do this?
Lince said:I can't wait to re-spec my character, I made some silly decisions with the sniper rifles... I think I'm better off spending those skill points with the improved RES or the lock-on RPGs.
uraldix said:I respec'd my character and still made a couple of choices that I regret. I wish they would let you choose all of your options and then either confirm the changes or revert back to the original without a penalty.
commish said:I'm finding the AK 47 with the 4x scope to be the optimal weapon. Whether from long distance or up close, it usually does the job. Honestly, 70% of my deaths come from reviving someone or trying to revive someone... i love you all, svergaf, but I might try a new strategy. Is there an online skill point calculator?
jorma said:
commish said:much appreciated! anyone finding improved healing worth it? I'm not seeing the benefit...
commish said:much appreciated! anyone finding improved healing worth it? I'm not seeing the benefit...
Bamelin said:Click you around? I'm still wondering about the "setting two frago's thing" you talked about earlier. Does setting a waypoint also act as a fraggo? Or when you switch fraggo targets the original one still gives off bonus xp for a limited time?
Bamelin said:The main benefit is that in a heavy firefight you get your guys back to 100 percent health a couple second sooner if you are healing instead of rezing.
To be honest though I generally prefer to wait for my teamates to die and rez (rather than heal when they are alive). Rezzing gives instant 100 percent health (assuming you have full sec rez), and is worth more xp wise.
In an upcoming interview for TheSixthAxis, Ben Jones, Senior Game Designer at Zipper hints that theres a possibility MAG could see a fourth PMC.
Players, when they find out what we have planned in terms of future support for MAG in terms of the Shadow War and how thats going to pan out, he said, will be very surprised and excited.
TheSixthAxis asked Jones whether he was referring to a fourth PMC. Smiling, he said You just never know. It could happen.
Watch out for the full interview later today on TheSixthAxis.
commish said:ha, but there's a chance your teammate cannot be rezzed, they take a death, etc.
FFObsessed said:Played my first Domination game and suffered my first lossReally frustrating, we only started to take the objectives at the end when there wasn't enough time left, only got the damage meter up to half way. Took B 3 times and here was no one else there. Squad leader was a lvl 39 retard. It was fun tho. Got 52 kills and 720xp and went up 3 levels. Got a few ribbons and trophies, great! Barely any lag at all in that one, framerate when there's airstrikes my god, still bad, but only last a few seconds thank god.
Oh I spawned at one time and fell through the floor to my death. :lol Can't wait to play in a GAF party. I'm not very good at the game yet, but I'll get there. Not played a single aquisition, gonna try that now.
oh for LMG users, is the second SVER LMG (PSK MG) worth purchasing or should I just stick with the default?
Lagspike_exe said:
jorma said:i'd like to know as well, but if i can guess it might be that there is always one basic frago, that the computer sets and then the squad leader can set another if he wishes. i'm pretty sure i got fragos from both A and B when defending on domination last night, and i think it possible that's how it was done.
Main objectives, i.e. Burnoff Towers, Cooling Towers, and Pump Controls are ALWAYS Frago targets.
The squad leader can then designate one other target to Frago(what does that even mean anyway?). The idea is setting a target will cause all the idiots playing to swarm the target for the, "OMGzorZ, MOAR of teh EXPzsorzezz".
Unfortunately, that doesn't work, and most of the time people will not listen, and instead go after whatever target they want.
That said, on defender, quick hop in the turret of a bunker, and Frago the bunker. Double exp.