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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


I played a lot today. Picked valor. Couldn't win a single directive game versus another faction. Was able to win suppression mode 90% of the time.

I think the only team Valor can beat is Valor :lol

So what is it, are the maps imbalanced or is it popoulation? I'm not a bad player, but in MAG I'm fighting near endless waves of reinforcements and it's impossible to make much headway before I'm either waiting for a medic (sometimes in vain) or sitting in a 20 sec respawn and running back.

Nearly all games I played were putting us as offense (usually against SVER), which sucks, but we managed to lose on defense once too.

I think my problem is that the game asks for too much objective completion. My squads can capture and hold B, but it doesn't do any good if the other squads can't capture A. And then if by some miracle we score a window where we hold them both, it's off to C and what a demoralization it is when there's only 2 minutes left on the clock. And then there's that bullshit SVER map with like 4 AA guns/turrets.

Just curious, do you get bonus EXP for winning? I made it to level 15 today but I'm seriously considering choosing a different faction if I can make it back twice as fast.


It's easier to win as defense. On my first day, it was all Raven attack X. I lost all matches except 1.

On my second day, it was all X attack Raven. I won all matches except 1. The one we lost, someone threw a chemical grenade into the DataComp level. I was looking for a fan to blow away the toxic gas, and died. :lol

Today, it's mixed. So I won some, lost some :)
to the big ravengaf group online late (1:30 est) sorry i missed the invite...was afk helping with baby...

to corran and bishop, had fun with the domination game last night! thanks for the invite :)


I have an issue with MAG and the trophies. I just went over a 3:1 K/D ratio and my Steamroller trophy didn't unlock. Also, the same thing happened with the Screeching Halt trophy. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?


I got both of those yesterday.

Today, something may be weird because at one point, I kept teleporting back to 2-3 seconds ago for a duration of about 20-30 seconds.


I tried and I can't play with a Type 3 NAT. Constantly getting dropped from the game, can't hear people talking, they can't hear me...

Called telus to get a different modem and I'll buy a router, see if that solves the problem. :lol


VendettaXXI said:
I have an issue with MAG and the trophies. I just went over a 3:1 K/D ratio and my Steamroller trophy didn't unlock. Also, the same thing happened with the Screeching Halt trophy. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?

no idea, I got mine no prob.


I had alot of fun with Raven Gaf tonight.

One thing though ... towards the end of the night it became painfully clear how unbalanced the SVER maps are ... as in most of them are impossible to win. This has caused a trend of "fuck it let's back out and find a 'fair' game versus Valor, or defending one of our own maps"

Basically I forsee a day when squads will simply refuse to play on SVER maps.

That day has already started

Raven Gaf is decently organized, plays as a team and works together ... but on Sver maps it's just too difficult to make headway, especially when compared to how easy Raven maps are to take in comparison.

I'm sure SVER has some squads that communicate well, work together, etc however the advantage is clearly one that is map based.


patsu said:
Are you talking about the 256 player SVER map ?

All of them. The SVER maps are brutally hard to attack against, almost impossible to pull a victory out of. Hell in some matches on Domination the front lines don't even get broken.


patsu said:
Are you talking about the 256 player SVER map ?

Yeah that map = bullshit played it 13 times only won once? :lol

Valor fucks em up if we be defending though, that good ol american not on our soil attitude really kicks in hahaha


patsu said:
Sabotage SVER map is not too bad. It's tough yes, but we almost brought it down twice yesterday (was in Obj. C).

Yeah Sabotage is the only SVER map that is "kind of" balanced .... and it's still way harder to win on that map than Raven or Valor (in my opinion)

Domination and Aquisition though are almost impossible to win on if you have SVER players that know what they are doing.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Kyoufu said:
Its hilarious reviving someone only to watch them get shot down again instantly. Over and over and over.....
Ugh I hate that...people reviving me instead of killing who killed me first :lol


Anerythristic said:
These SVER maps are :lol . People were really starting to get frustrated tonight.

Yeah I'm wondering if its just people not knowing how to play or if the game is really unbalanced like this...... :/


Bamelin said:
Yeah Sabotage is the only SVER map that is "kind of" balanced .... and it's still way harder to win on that map than Raven or Valor (in my opinion)

Domination and Aquisition though are almost impossible to win on if you have SVER players that know what they are doing.

Same thing can be said about all maps and factions though. I've been in some games where we'd get so outclassed, it's sad. SVER offense, Valor defense Acquisition for example is nearly impossible to win if the other team is really good. We (4 GAF) got stomped today and there was little we could do about it.

That's what I've been trying to say this whole time. Sure, SVER has some maps that are pretty tough to attack (due to the open space, shooting gallery type set-up), but so do other factions. At the end of the day though, it's really about each team's skill vs. one another.

SVER GAF has been in a few games where we completely take over a certain part of the map and lead our Company (128 players) to victory, while all 3 other parts of the map were still locked with less than 10 minutes left. Was that because Raven's Domination map was so uber, nobody can penetrate their defenses / map advantage, or was it because our Platoon was just so much better than the opposing team's, as well as our own team's? Without us in that game, I doubt we would've won. We must've held F and G for roughly 10 minutes straight.
Kyoufu said:
Yeah I'm wondering if its just people not knowing how to play or if the game is really unbalanced like this...... :/

People saying things like "only SVER uses teamwork" and "SVER makes superior plans" should be ashamed of themselves.

I won't argue about it because I don't care. It's obvious what the issue is. Just admit it.

I like the game a whole lot play with some good people that want to quit unless they hear word from Zipper when the SVER fix is coming. Not if when. I still don't care, I won't quit, I worry about the player base though.

Chriswok said:
I'd think it was down to the fact that SVER has the least 'xbox' kids in the side, since they tend to go for the cool Marine good guys all the time. Who knows though, as I don't have the retail game yet!

:D , we have to stop rationalizing it. The "Only SVER can/does" arguments just aren't fair to the other players and sort of sound ridiculous. Certain players instinctivly know to just pick SVER,while all the "kids" pick the other PMCs? I said I wasn't going to argue about it though, si I am officially done. I am not going anywhere and am only worried about the overall lifespan of the game.
I'd think it was down to the fact that SVER has the least 'xbox' kids in the side, since they tend to go for the cool Marine good guys all the time. Who knows though, as I don't have the retail game yet!
I swear, playing as Raven is an exercise in frustration. All you silly guys with your arguments of "THIS PMC actually uses teamwork!" is ridiculous. The maps are unbalanced, plain and simple.


TheFatOne said:
Hmm I can't decide if I want to go with SVER or Raven. Not enough People in Valor GAF (at least this is what I think).

I have to say SVER does look appealing, even to me. Alot GMT folk which would be nice for me.


What happened ? So far my only experience is defense = win. I am a Raven.

That said, I picked up a SVER rifle (big round scope) and used it. It's ridiculously powerful. 3 shots and poor SVER is dead.
TheMissingLink said:
I swear, playing as Raven is an exercise in frustration. All you silly guys with your arguments of "THIS PMC actually uses teamwork!" is ridiculous. The maps are unbalanced, plain and simple.
The fact that people don't see this is mindboggling.

SVER sabotage map is bad, but their domination map? Holy fucking shit.

The best way to solve all of this imho, is to get rid of the concept of "home" maps. Just allow every faction to play on any map, on either attack or defense. Then the only balance issue would be the weapons themselves.


NullPointer said:
The best way to solve all of this imho, is to get rid of the concept of "home" maps. Just allow every faction to play on any map, on either attack or defense. Then the only balance issue would be the weapons themselves.

I think this is a good idea. It would be fun to play the different maps from different points of view.

That said, I think the defensive positions and the requirements to win them are just too steep most times for the offense players, especially for random groups of people. I could still see people just quitting out until they get a defense game.

I think MAG needs a counterstrike style end-game where either defense or offense can be victorious through some sort of sudden death objective. Right now defense wins by riding out for 20 minutes and so most matches are just brutal. Need more coup de grace opportunities.


How do I get a chemical grenade ? I thought I saw it in the Armory during my first night, and then I couldn't find it anymore.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
patsu said:
How do I get a chemical grenade ? I thought I saw it in the Armory during my first night, and then I couldn't find it anymore.
You unlock it with your skillpoints in the barracks under explosives
Awesome games tonight Raven. Especially the last one I played where we beat SVER in Domination. It didn't hurt that we had some random platoon leader or OIC who was so intense-sounding, I could have sworn he was reading his orders off a script.
Kyoufu said:
Nullpointer's avatar makes me wish Dr. Manhattan would enter the battlefield and obliterate the fucking S.V.E.R. :lol
Give me some time.

I'll see what I can do ;P

Considering my stats it could be a long while though.
Wow i love this game, the fact i have ME2 a game i love so much sitting in my xbox tray but i just want one more game of this shows how ace it is. Wish more people would talk, so far ive played three games this morning two were full of great chat about the game and helping the other was stone cold silent and simply wasnt as enjoyable.


Not pure anymore!
I've decided that I'm not going to get MAG, at least not until SVER map issue is fixed. Which I don't see happening anytime soon, or ever.


Inanna said:
I've decided that I'm not going to get MAG, at least not until SVER map issue is fixed. Which I don't see happening anytime soon, or ever.

What I want to know is what you guys actually beta tested all this time :/
Inanna said:
I've decided that I'm not going to get MAG, at least not until SVER map issue is fixed. Which I don't see happening anytime soon, or ever.

supermackem said:
Wow i love this game, the fact i have ME2 a game i love so much sitting in my xbox tray but i just want one more game of this shows how ace it is. Wish more people would talk, so far ive played three games this morning two were full of great chat about the game and helping the other was stone cold silent and simply wasnt as enjoyable.

Getting mine from Grainger now, who did you go with?


Not pure anymore!
Kyoufu said:
What I want to know is what you guys actually beta tested all this time :/
It was one of the main complaints during, well, every beta phase. It got to the point where everyone wanted to play against Valor, and moan and quit matches whenever SVER maps came up in rotation. Trust me, it's not funny when you have only 3 people in your squad when you're attacking SVER. I thought they'd do something about it, like they did for SVER weapons after getting tons of complaints (SVER were originally going to have poo-ey weapons and hard to attack maps) but nope, still the same.

Valor has best of both worlds, I love the layout of their maps and their weapons are amazing.

Anerythristic said:
:lol!!! Nah, Raven are noobs/all kids and CoD players. SVER are 3lit3 players!!

theBishop said:
SVER aren't so tough. We just need more coordination early.
Nothing is tough for a well coordinated team. I remember we kicked SVER's ass plenty of times during beta. But I'm talking about randoms (majority of the player base).
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