Nightz said:
:lol at the amount of times this has been posted. It needs linked into the thread title or something. Having it in the op isn't enough. I've seen Wes post it at least 10 times.
Nightz said:
commish said:It's true, and in the end, the "superior" side really isn't superior once the other side gets with it. That said, I'm SVER, and we win easily almost all the damn time. But people can complain about maps or whatever, but all I see is such stupidity from the other 2 factions that I just shake my head. "Hey, let's take this apc right up to the bunker!" Also, I'm not sure if you guys get a sniper bonus or whatever, but I see a ton of people just hanging back, trying to pick us off.
Violater said:What time does GAF SVER domination begin today?
What? Valor maps are NOTHING like that bunker.gif.FFObsessed said:Excellent pic of Valor's domination map at the bottom there. :lol
That's what's going to happen down the road if Zipper doesn't change do anything about it.BattleMonkey said:So your going to jump to SVER? Really this is the worst thing that happens with online games, people jumping ship to the "superior" side. Tends to make things worse.
Anther one of those SVER is elite posts?commish said:It's true, and in the end, the "superior" side really isn't superior once the other side gets with it. That said, I'm SVER, and we win easily almost all the damn time. But people can complain about maps or whatever, but all I see is such stupidity from the other 2 factions that I just shake my head. "Hey, let's take this apc right up to the bunker!" Also, I'm not sure if you guys get a sniper bonus or whatever, but I see a ton of people just hanging back, trying to pick us off.
Lince said:I've sent you like three group invites and stuff that you ignored, we won a fucking amazing domination game with FFO, Sagen and another GAFer where we kicked our useless squad leader out of the game :lol
Kowak said:i need to respec to the raven machine gun, the assault rifle is fucking terrible. i will give it till tomorrow and then change it.
NoName#1 said:I am really enjoying a game where a large portion of the players actually care about the objectives and not just their own K/D ratio (although I do admit that I check it after most matches). I would like it if they included some other more class based stats. I play mostly as a medic so my revive/death ratio is probably 0.6. Which reminds me, 'Bleeders' (people who bleed out as soon as they hit the ground) annoy the hell out of me. The CoD mentality of respawning instantly will hopefully go away once people get a little more used to the tactics of the game.
jonnybryce said:I just picked up my pre order. I didn't follow MAG too closely so I have no real idea what I'm in for but I'm excited to play while my PS3 updates, etc. Once I figure out whats going on I'd like to join the GAF activities.
I also have an extra Gamestop pre-order Reedem Code if anyone wants it.
I dont think so. Am in a game right now.Chriswok said:Server went down?
thaOwner said:I dont think so. Am in a game right now.
Chriswok said:Kicked me out of a game, now I'm getting a 9:2 message saying I'm not connected to the PSN (I am) or the Game Universe is undergoing maintenance. Wonder if its SVER side only?
I am playing as a sver and didn't have any problems. It did happed to me a couple of times yesterday though but none today.Chriswok said:Kicked me out of a game, now I'm getting a 9:2 message saying I'm not connected to the PSN (I am) or the Game Universe is undergoing maintenance. Wonder if its SVER side only?
Chriswok said:Hmm, let me back on but kicked me off again. Rest of the net is fine, wonder if its just the PS3's wireless connection. Ah well, give it a rest and try later.
Bajan32 said:Lmao.. That shit is so fucking funny because it's true. We played a Dom mach against SVER and tore through their frontline and spent much of the rest of the game wondering why no other platoon was breaking through.... That was until the next game... Same thing except we were spawning on the east side this time... Then it looked exactly like that pic.
Hella fun games earlier tho Raven
PTCoakley said:Last night like 3 ppl in my squad would repeatedly kill me. It made absolutely no sense since it was usually just me and they'd do it on their way to the objective. I don't have a mic and I was just trying to play... So weird since it's the only time in my experience in MAG to be TK'd like that.
andycapps said:I'm about to go pickup MAG at the store. Should I be SVER, Raven, or Valor? What GAF clans are there for North America? And if anyone is running that, please send me a clan invite. Love to play with some Gaffers tonight. Played the beta a bit. Oh, have a headset as well if that makes a difference to some.
Chriswok said:Hopefully the cocks will go back to MW2 or xboxlive after a few weeks!![]()
depward said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=385029
Roll SVER if you want an automatic win button. Roll Raven if you want to be the underdog and have a great feeling of satisfaction when you put together wins. Roll Valor if you like to roll up your sleeves.
TheFatOne said:I'm really starting to regret buying this game. More than 75% the people I have been playing with don't have mics. It makes it almost impossible to get a coordinated attack. Another big problem is squad leaders who don't know what they are doing. They keep setting ridiculous frago points. There are not enough ways to communicate to players without mics. It seems like no one wants to play as a medic. The last 5 or six games I have played I was either the only medic or there were only three people who could revive others. Domination for me is pretty bad. The frame rate is just horrendous. This game is starting to remind me of Killzone 2. A lot of great core concepts that are not well done.
This post is the beginning of the end of RAVEN.Kowak said:come join raven gaf, seems a high percentage have mics.
EVERY MATCH? Even random players? You can't be serious... It is understandable that most random players/newbies wouldn't know what the fuck it is that they need to do when they start playing MAG at first, I'm sure even SVER players needed time to get used to it. I've seen tons of videos on justintv from retail (and then there is gianbomb first look videos), and played with SVER in beta, and I can safely say that the amount of teamwork (between randoms) was the same as any other faction.FlyinJ said:Like I said before, I started in Raven. They were completely disorganized. There was zero coordination. I almost gave up on the game.
Then I joined SVER. Every single game we have won, and every squad I've been in communicated and got the job done.
I'm starting to think it's less a question of map balance. Why Raven attracts nitwits I can't grasp... one would think the law of averages would make every side have an equal share of idiots and competents but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
JardeL said:This post is the beginning of the end of RAVEN.
TheFatOne said:I'm really starting to regret buying this game. More than 75% the people I have been playing with don't have mics. It makes it almost impossible to get a coordinated attack. Another big problem is squad leaders who don't know what they are doing. They keep setting ridiculous frago points. There are not enough ways to communicate to players without mics. It seems like no one wants to play as a medic. The last 5 or six games I have played I was either the only medic or there were only three people who could revive others. Domination for me is pretty bad. The frame rate is just horrendous. This game is starting to remind me of Killzone 2. A lot of great core concepts that are not well done.
Inanna said:This is another thing that I dislike. People ridiculing/putting down CoD. Sure these two games are VERY different from each other, but why do people feel the need to insult CoD players is beyond me...
J-Rzez said:Gotta say, I think you rolled the wrong team. Should've went SVER or worse come to worse, Raven. Valor is horribad like the kids would say. In SVER, we all have mics, plus some of the most talented mercs out there. FR has only been a lil iffy in Doms at times.
Kowak said:the real talent is at Raven, anyone would look talented on SVER but Raven requires a constant skill to be willing to be killed 30 times in acquisition and then say "we'll get you next time SVER scum"