Raven Victory over SVER in Domination! :lolWes said:Question to Valor/SVER?
Have you ever lost attacking Raven on Domination?
Wes said:Question to Valor/SVER?
Have you ever lost attacking Raven on Domination?
I could...but I usually just record videos and put onto youtube. Im not sure how streaming would affect my lag on MAGNeoUltima said:Any GAFers stream MAG? I have no money for the game now(ok I technically do but I need to be conservative). I find it to be a very fun game to just watch.
Ah its ok. Wouldn't want you to lagCorran Horn said:I could...but I usually just record videos and put onto youtube. Im not sure how streaming would affect my lag on MAG
Bajan32 said:Can I respectfully ask to be upgraded to Officer of GAFven? I'll be a good officer I promise
Kowak said:First you must perform certain acts.
sure i was gonna make you one anyways as you were active in the beta and on the forum, plus hopefully willing to perform acts
Kowak said:that means you have never won defending.
i am 0-3
I know the differences between the two, thank you very much!Lince said:I played CoD for 200 hours, do you think I'm insulting CoD players by saying this game is not MW2? I'm just saying MAG won't give you instant gratifications by killing a lot of guys with basic mechanics (or sometimes no mechanics at all), in MAG you need to stop, think and of course, be a team player. I respect CoD players, of course these games are worlds apart but MAG is just better in my opinion.
<3 Foxgirl
oneHeero said:What's up with SVER? Thinking of leaving or what? I dislike playing on a side that everyone feels are overpowered. I prefer underdog teams. Any interest in changing from other SVER? I'll probably do it.
Proc said:I'm pretty close to picking this up after hearing anthony's impressions on rebel fm and reading jeff's review at giant bomb.
Its both. But you can't seem to pick up on that bit. SVER maps aren't unbeatable - just much better designed for defense than the others.J-Rzez said:I was thinking Valor too, as they need the most help it seems. I look forward to the challenge, and showing people that SVER is the skill of the player, not the map design once again.
my exact situation, except that i didn't bought the game but my friend did.prelude514 said:I just bought the game on a whim, so I'm trying to read up on everything to get up to date on the game. Anyone have tips for a noob? I'd like to eventually join a GAF clan once I figure the game out.
*starts training*
NullPointer said:Its both. But you can't seem to pick up on that bit. SVER maps aren't unbeatable - just much better designed for defense than the others.
Really good organization can beat any map, but you don't always have that at your disposal.
Edit: And just so I'm clear on my points, the last thing I'd want to see is a SVER nerf in any way. There are other ways. Nobody should ever get guilted out of choosing a PMC, and all the battles need to be competitive for both organized groups as well as a mix of groups + randoms.
There are road vehicles, but they're not all that efficient to drive/kill people in.TacticalFox88 said:So, are there any pilotable vehicles in the game? Cause I surely hope not, this would be Warhawk on insane steroids.
TacticalFox88 said:So, are there any pilotable vehicles in the game? Cause I surely hope not, this would be Warhawk on insane steroids.
Ok cool. I may pick this up tomorrow. Is leveling up fun or is it more of a grind? That's one of the things that I hated in MW2.Lagspike_exe said:Noup. You can't pilot the airplane or the helicopter.
chubigans said:There are road vehicles, but they're not all that efficient to drive/kill people in.
TacticalFox88 said:Ok cool. I may pick this up tomorrow. Is leveling up fun or is it more of a grind? That's one of the things that I hated in MW2.
Can't you enter Veteran mode but stay with SVER and then make it to 60 again before switching to Valor? I imagine that might be a good idea if you want that Veteran # under your name. You'd be in Valor with a Veteran rank of 2 after many of us switch.Click said:I'm already lvl 60, so I could start my "Veteran Mode."
Keep all my stats and stuff, as well as 10% more XP after every match.
But I like playing with SVER GAF, so I'll probably wait until everyone is 60 too.
Then I want to switch to Valor or something because Raven GAF is too packed as it is.
theBishop said:Is it Raven goodies? I will happily trade SVER goodies for Raven.
Wes said:Question to Valor/SVER?
Have you ever lost attacking Raven on Domination?
Violater said:Bumped from PSN again, fix this fucking shit Zipper
Loudninja said:Dont know if its them got bumped from Uncharted 2 just now.
Click said:BTW, I was thinking of coordinating with Raven GAF to set up a match or something.
2 leaders queuing up at the same time, with XMB's chat room to serve as a means of communication. You can also do this with multiple parties within the same faction.
Hopefully, Zipper will patch in a function that automatically pits you against an opposing team leader's team. Just search for their name and press a "Face Them" tab in their Player Card or something.
TheFallen said:Can't you enter Veteran mode but stay with SVER and then make it to 60 again before switching to Valor? I imagine that might be a good idea if you want that Veteran # under your name. You'd be in Valor with a Veteran rank of 2 after many of us switch.
oneHeero said:Click if ur willing to wait a lil for us to hit 60 ill grind it out. But I'm damn curious to see if sver gaffers could make a difference in raven if we roll w a ton of us.
gluv65 said:I'm in valor and I was just on a squad filled with Japanese and these guys were handling their business. They were speaking their language on their mics and I couldn't understand a damn thing, so I was just following the pulsating frago and we won. We all had mics and I couldn't understand a fucking thing, is this a weakness or strenght? worldwide servers that is?
Wes said:Question to Valor/SVER?
Have you ever lost attacking Raven on Domination?