surefire1982 said:
i have a question regarding weapons.
does anyone here actually like the t2/t3 assault rifles? i switched out from that and into the LMG tree since i found i just wasn't hitting hard enough.
is the t3 LMG worth it over the t1 LMG?
also, has anyone tried the 4x optical scope, foregrip and t1 marksman rifle? is that any good?
I had the 3rd tier LMG (Raven) and ditched it.
My observations regarding 3rd tier LMG (keep in mind some people swear by 3rd tier so it depends who you talk to)--
Hits HARD at close to medium range.
Less accurate than 1st tier LMG at range (this is in my opinion)
Slightly less shots per second
Takes out turrets and APC's alot quicker than 1st tier
Heavy as hell ... basically kiss goodbye to all your attachment and gear goodies
Costs a whopping 5 skill pts for minimal advantages over regular LMG
Basically the way I see it, the 1st tier LMG is realllly good right now (my guess is that it will eventually be nerfed), and does NOT cost you 5 skill pts. Ride the 1st tier LMG gravy train until the inevitable nerf. then figure out where to go from there.
The advantages of the 3rd tier LMG are minimal when compared to 1st.