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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


sun-drop said:
so for $15 NZ more (thats like $US9) ..you get the officall ps3 headset.

Damn...yeah I guess there wasn't enough pre-hype to do a bundle like that in the U.S. I'm still waiting for my $42 Sony mic. $10-$20 more on top of the game price would have been nicer!
I've seen several games that wasn't online only that received the headset bundle.

MAG deserves this bundle. My only guess if it doesn't get the bundle is they assumed MAG will have the same fanbase as Socom and most people already have the headset.


fwiw - I port scanned my PS3 last night while I was playing - looks like MAG only uses 3 UDP ports (6441, 61635, and 61641). I ran multiple scans throughout the night with the same results - so I do not think it changes. This is on top of Sony's recommended PSN ports (http://playstation.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/241/kw/nat/p/725/r_id/102077). Sony wants you to open TCP 80, 443, 5223, and 10070 - 10080. Also UDP 3478, 3479, 3658, and 10070 for PSN and "their servers" (of which MAG is a 1st party title...so I don't understand the add'l ports required above).

What a freakin' nightmare it is to have a "real" firewall and PS3 console. Probably should just buy a consumer router and set it up in a DMZ so I can allow all traffic.

Starting Nmap 5.10BETA2 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-01-18 22:18 CST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.033s latency).
All 65535 scanned ports on are closed
MAC Address: <edit> (Sony Computer Entertainment,)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 68.91 seconds
sh-3.2# nmap -sU -p 1-65535 -n

Starting Nmap 5.10BETA2 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-01-18 22:20 CST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.023s latency).
Not shown: 65532 closed ports
6441/udp  open|filtered unknown
61635/udp open|filtered unknown
61641/udp open|filtered unknown
MAC Address: <edit> (Sony Computer Entertainment,)


Wes said:
Now we need these bundles to be revealed in the UK!

i will ask at the launch party tomorrow, although i am sure that if they are going to reveal it in the uk they will do so tomorrow.


jorma said:
Well it's not really surprising, there can only be one pmc upholding truth and justice, fighting for peace on earth - and for rich people of all nationalities.

Fixed. ;)


Valor for life. SVER is a bunch of terrorists and Raven are a bunch of nerds who want to look cool on the battlefield.


Im so hyped fro this game, the 29th seems so far away. I was thinking of buying the collectors edition from Shopto, does anyone know if they have sorted their creedit card issues out?

Also what is the best faction to join for english speaking Gaffers? I don't care for Eurogaf because when I was in the Killzone 2 GAFe at launch, the majority of the clan didn't speak fluent english, thus making communication poor.


Arnie said:
Im so hyped fro this game, the 29th seems so far away. I was thinking of buying the collectors edition from Shopto, does anyone know if they have sorted their creedit card issues out?

Also what is the best faction to join for english speaking Gaffers? I don't care for Eurogaf because when I was in the Killzone 2 GAFe at launch, the majority of the clan didn't speak fluent english, thus making communication poor.

All the regular GAFe members speak fluent English. Some, for example Lince, speak it beautifully...


is now taking requests
Arnie said:
Im so hyped fro this game, the 29th seems so far away. I was thinking of buying the collectors edition from Shopto, does anyone know if they have sorted their creedit card issues out?

Also what is the best faction to join for english speaking Gaffers? I don't care for Eurogaf because when I was in the Killzone 2 GAFe at launch, the majority of the clan didn't speak fluent english, thus making communication poor.


I'm thinking Valor will have the least number of people with english as secondary language.
But then again I figure they will have the least number of people period :)
Arnie said:
Im so hyped fro this game, the 29th seems so far away. I was thinking of buying the collectors edition from Shopto, does anyone know if they have sorted their creedit card issues out?

Also what is the best faction to join for english speaking Gaffers? I don't care for Eurogaf because when I was in the Killzone 2 GAFe at launch, the majority of the clan didn't speak fluent english, thus making communication poor.

At his point we really need VALORGaf members. Pretty please.

But then again I figure they will have the least number of people period :)

:lol , I know and I can't believe this. They seem to be a very balanced faction, unlike the other factions.

I am really starting to believe this is simply USA GAF hate.


Arnie said:
Im so hyped fro this game, the 29th seems so far away. I was thinking of buying the collectors edition from Shopto, does anyone know if they have sorted their creedit card issues out?

Also what is the best faction to join for english speaking Gaffers? I don't care for Eurogaf because when I was in the Killzone 2 GAFe at launch, the majority of the clan didn't speak fluent english, thus making communication poor.

Valor GAF wants YOU!


Woo hoo...officially have a type 2 NAT now. If anyone needs PSN/MAG/etc. network troubleshooting, I'm your guy. I'm a freakin' expert after the last two days. :lol

P.S. S.V.E.R. #1


Neo Member

SVER #3 is now mine.

EDIT : Thanks !


jorma said:
I'm thinking Valor will have the least number of people with english as secondary language.
But then again I figure they will have the least number of people period :)

Raven is generally outnumbered by both factions in the tourney.


Arnie said:
Also what is the best faction to join for english speaking Gaffers? I don't care for Eurogaf because when I was in the Killzone 2 GAFe at launch, the majority of the clan didn't speak fluent english, thus making communication poor.
So far Raven and SVER GAF have a majority of english-speaking players. Excellent communication on both sides in the betas/tourney. I haven't tried Valor, but it sounds the same there. Have a look at the Online PMC thread we've got going. Just pick a PMC based on the timezones of the players.

Actually I should mention that I ran into a lot of foreign players on Raven (not from GAF).


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Lagspike_exe said:
OMG, I was just watching a football game (French league) and a team is wearing a black and red clothes (I can't remember how you say that in English :lol) with Playstation 3/MAG logos. :lol :lol

In the UK: kit or strip
In the US: uniform or jersey
Oh another thing, Lyulf I sent out a long ass announcement last night, like I said I would, to the former members of ValorGAF. I will check the responses tonight. We need to get organized. :D


Arnie said:
Im so hyped fro this game, the 29th seems so far away. I was thinking of buying the collectors edition from Shopto, does anyone know if they have sorted their creedit card issues out?

Also what is the best faction to join for english speaking Gaffers? I don't care for Eurogaf because when I was in the Killzone 2 GAFe at launch, the majority of the clan didn't speak fluent english, thus making communication poor.
I'm not sure who you ended up playing with but as FFO said all the regular/core GAFe members speak English fluently. I am sorry for your poor experience with us.

Mag has split EuroGAF a little anyway, although most of us that will be playing MAG are going SVER, it feels like my baby is slipping away :(. Will we ever build back up to our Killzone 2 status? I'm getting all emotional here, will have to take it out on Raven scum come the 29th.

Lyulf, AJ shut up.


What is the advantage of going Valor? I havent played the game, but from reading this thread it seems like SVER has the map advantage, Raven has the equipment advantage, and I cant find what Valor has.

I think I will buy the game on Tuesday and am trying to pick which faction I want. I used to play Counter-Strike, Quake 2, Tribes, BF1942, BF 2,etc. Im looking for a new fix, been dipping back into CS cause nothing on consoles has really grabbed me in awhile.

Im hoping this game is as good as people are saying.


Cagen said:
I'm not sure who you ended up playing with but as FFO said all the regular/core GAFe members speak English fluently. I am sorry for your poor experience with us.

Mag has split EuroGAF a little anyway, although most of us that will be playing MAG are going SVER, it feels like my baby is slipping away :(. Will we ever build back up to our Killzone 2 status? I'm getting all emotional here, will have to take it out on Raven scum come the 29th.

Lyulf, AJ shut up.

:lol I want to see how many GAFA members will pick this game up. I am going to start recruiting them once I find out who is going to buy MAG.


phinious said:
What is the advantage of going Valor? I havent played the game, but from reading this thread it seems like SVER has the map advantage, Raven has the equipment advantage, and I cant find what Valor has.

Raven has the equipment advantage? Really? If so, I never noticed it.
For the IGN tournament I tried to go the sniper route and I made that sucker just lethal. However, I noticed that in pretty much every Raven map there isn't any really great spots to snipe from that are concealed enough for you to be safe. Valor and Sver on the other hand seem to have a lot of perfect vantage points for taking people out.

On a side note snipers as a whole seem totally worthless. You get almost no XP since your not getting any squad leader bonus and your not helping complete any objectives so the only reason I can see anyone going that route is when they get sick of dying every 10 seconds.
BruceLeeRoy said:
For the IGN tournament I tried to go the sniper route and I made that sucker just lethal. However, I noticed that in pretty much every Raven map there isn't any really great spots to snipe from that are concealed enough for you to be safe. Valor and Sver on the other hand seem to have a lot of perfect vantage points for taking people out.

On a side note snipers as a whole seem totally worthless. You get almost no XP since your not getting any squad leader bonus and your not helping complete any objectives so the only reason I can see anyone going that route is when they get sick of dying every 10 seconds.
Yea, no shit. Raven screwed again. We will persist.


venison crêpe
Kowak said:
i will ask at the launch party tomorrow, although i am sure that if they are going to reveal it in the uk they will do so tomorrow.

Well one can only hope it is indeed tommorow! Make sure to pester them and find out.


Thanks for the replies guys.
Cagen said:
I'm not sure who you ended up playing with but as FFO said all the regular/core GAFe members speak English fluently. I am sorry for your poor experience with us.

Mag has split EuroGAF a little anyway, although most of us that will be playing MAG are going SVER, it feels like my baby is slipping away :(. Will we ever build back up to our Killzone 2 status? I'm getting all emotional here, will have to take it out on Raven scum come the 29th.

Lyulf, AJ shut up.
Ok I will probably end up going SVER or Valor. I have no intention of becoming one of those hi-tech Raven scum.

My experience with KZ2 was around launch. I remember joining games with my mic and people were rarely speaking, all I would here is some baby crying in the background or some distant static.

FFO you are on my friends list so I'll try and hit you guys up when the game launches. You are UK, where are you buying the game from? I don't know whether to risk a Shopto order because I'm guaranteed to get the game early (got my KZ2 early) or to just pick it up from retail on release.


BruceLeeRoy said:
For the IGN tournament I tried to go the sniper route and I made that sucker just lethal. However, I noticed that in pretty much every Raven map there isn't any really great spots to snipe from that are concealed enough for you to be safe. Valor and Sver on the other hand seem to have a lot of perfect vantage points for taking people out.

I know of several decent spots in Darien Network - and one in Syr (but it's usually bombarded by SVER within a minute after you headshot someone). Haven't played Copper enough to really get a handle on good locations.

On a side note snipers as a whole seem totally worthless. You get almost no XP since your not getting any squad leader bonus and your not helping complete any objectives so the only reason I can see anyone going that route is when they get sick of dying every 10 seconds.

The second highest EXP score I've ever achieved was as a sniper on Darien Network. I got nearly 300. Had to kill a LOT of people to get that much though, but I got Frago bonuses throughout. But yes, generally you'll get more running a Med Kit and Assault loadout.


Vinci said:
Raven has the equipment advantage? Really? If so, I never noticed it.

Yeah, the guns clearly have different attributes, but most it's cosmetic.

EDIT: Except for SVERs motherfucking Machine-Sniping-Full-Automatic-While-Moving-LMG.



theBishop said:
Yeah, the guns clearly have different attributes, but most it's cosmetic.

What I had heard... and mind you, I can't recall when I heard this, but... in a prior Beta, there was a clear difference in power between the factions' weapons, but after much complaining by SVER players the difference was diminished.

Again, I might be wrong. If I am, someone please correct me.


BruceLeeRoy said:
On a side note snipers as a whole seem totally worthless. You get almost no XP since your not getting any squad leader bonus and your not helping complete any objectives so the only reason I can see anyone going that route is when they get sick of dying every 10 seconds.

As an offensive tactic, they're useful for thinning the herd. On SVER's Sabotage map for example, snipers can make it easier to assault A/B. But more importantly is anti-sniping when the opposing team is doing a lot of damage. Sometimes you get 3 snipers that can take out your whole squad over and over. At this point, you sort of have to snipe before you can move forward.
phinious said:
What is the advantage of going Valor? I havent played the game, but from reading this thread it seems like SVER has the map advantage, Raven has the equipment advantage, and I cant find what Valor has.

Wrong, wrong. You are listening to the hype. (doesn't matter)
Valor and Raven are rather balanced with an actual small advantage going to Valor.
Vinci said:
The second highest EXP score I've ever achieved was as a sniper on Darien Network. I got nearly 300. Had to kill a LOT of people to get that much though, but I got Frago bonuses throughout. But yes, generally you'll get more running a Med Kit and Assault loadout.

Damn Vinci that's fantastic. I can never break 150-170 when I am sniping.

theBishop said:
As an offensive tactic, they're useful for thinning the herd. On SVER's Sabotage map for example, snipers can make it easier to assault A/B. But more importantly is anti-sniping when the opposing team is doing a lot of damage. Sometimes you get 3 snipers that can take out your whole squad over and over. At this point, you sort of have to snipe before you can move forward.

Yeah that's pretty much the only time Ill go the sniper class is if I get taken out by a sniper.


venison crêpe
The stats on all the guns are the same for each faction going by the block/stat thing on the weapon select thing, last I checked.


Vinci said:
What I had heard... and mind you, I can't recall when I heard this, but... in a prior Beta, there was a clear difference in power between the factions' weapons, but after much complaining by SVER players the difference was diminished.

Again, I might be wrong. If I am, someone please correct me.

It's like slowly turning up a thermostat one degree at a time. As someone who's been playing since the first beta, I don't have a good feel for what has changed because I've been living through it. If the art, muzzle flash and sound have improved, that's probably enough to convince me the gun is more powerful.


theBishop said:
As an offensive tactic, they're useful for thinning the herd. On SVER's Sabotage map for example, snipers can make it easier to assault A/B. But more importantly is anti-sniping when the opposing team is doing a lot of damage. Sometimes you get 3 snipers that can take out your whole squad over and over. At this point, you sort of have to snipe before you can move forward.

^ This is the only reason I go sniper anymore. Case-by-case scenarios. If it's needed, I'll do it. Generally speaking though, one problem Raven has is TOO many damn snipers - and sadly not good ones (myself included).

BruceLeeRoy said:
Damn Vinci that's fantastic. I can never break 150-170 when I am sniping.

I typically don't. Hell, I get far less (~100 or so). But yeah - that one match, the stars aligned and people just kept going down.

Yeah that's pretty much the only time Ill go the sniper class is if I get taken out by a sniper.

I only go sniper if I can see that the squads are not making any progress on Objectives. If all the blue dots are outside the objective areas - then some shit is afoot. Sometimes it's snipers, sometimes it's SVER rape guns - whatever - but I'll only go sniper at this point due to an obvious lack of movement, 'cause that means we're being pinned down, and effectively.

Otherwise, you're honestly more useful in the thick of things with a Med Kit and some AP Mines.
Vinci said:
^ This is the only reason I go sniper anymore. Case-by-case scenarios. If it's needed, I'll do it. Generally speaking though, one problem Raven has is TOO many damn snipers - and sadly not good ones (myself included).

Obviously you are dang good if your dropping enough guys to get 300xp.

Your right though we were doing the SVER sabotage map and by some miracle(SVER probably was playing with their feet or something) we secured sites A and B immediately so we had 18:00 min to secure C. Despite that huge advantage we could never get it because about half our damn team was sitting back at the paratroop location sniping people. I have never been so frustrated.

One thing though is that once you get the final Sniper Rifle things take a dramatic turn as far as how well you can do. Unlike the two shots that are necessary to drop someone you can take "most" guys out with one shot.


BruceLeeRoy said:
On a side note snipers as a whole seem totally worthless. You get almost no XP since your not getting any squad leader bonus and your not helping complete any objectives so the only reason I can see anyone going that route is when they get sick of dying every 10 seconds.
Yea, it sort of sucks to be a sniper from what I've seen. Watching some of the snipers (J-Rzez on SVER being an example) you'll notice they can rack up the kills like crazy and usually go 15-0 or better, but they don't get much experience. I suppose their contribution is picking off enemies that would generally take alternate routes that the we don't see. That and they can be quite helpful if they have a mic to inform teammates of movement.

On one hand it's nice there's less snipers in MAG compared to other shooters. On the other, they're not rewarded enough for actually doing good work. Still, I can't think of any way to balance it.


TheFatOne said:
:lol I want to see how many GAFA members will pick this game up. I am going to start recruiting them once I find out who is going to buy MAG.

So a while a go you said we should all be one clan and now we're near launch you're trying to split us all up. Once again I thank you for ruining MAG :lol


Vinci said:
The second highest EXP score I've ever achieved was as a sniper on Darien Network. I got nearly 300. Had to kill a LOT of people to get that much though, but I got Frago bonuses throughout. But yes, generally you'll get more running a Med Kit and Assault loadout.

thats impressive, i cant think of any decent plays to snipe on raven sabotage. Valor have some pretty decent places, the top of their towers and in the church tower, plus C is sweet. Raven c is absolutely shit, you cant get any good vantage points while still defending, and if you try to snipe on the second level you will get done by the grenades they throw coming towards it.

I personall;y dont like sniping, i dont have the patience or skill for it. i like to try and muck it about with assault rifle and med kit. although snipers do have an important part to play.


is now taking requests
Starting to play as a sniper is a sure way to get left behind as the others level up. If i'm going sniper again (probably wont since there are so many on Raven) it will not be until at least level 20 after a respec so i can get all the good stuff at once.

I'm getting poison gas asap though. I reckon i'll get a lot of easy kills as people go for the "coughing killer" trophy :p


FFObsessed said:
So a while a go you said we should all be one clan and now we're near launch you're trying to split us all up. Once again I thank you for ruining MAG :lol

Not really people want to be in specific PMC's. Eventually you know what is going to happen. There will be like 10-20 people who actually play regularly. At that point we should all join one clan. It's going to be impossible in the beginning to get everyone to join one clan. After about a month we could do it once we figure out who is going to keep playing this game.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Obviously you are dang good if your dropping enough guys to get 300xp.

Yeah. Finished the match and I leveled twice, I think? And no, I swear... I am not generally that good. What happened in that match was this: The other side became predictable in their attack pattern on Objective A. I noticed and switched to sniper, and found a nice nest somewhere to cover where they amassed their incursion groups - and simply picked them apart. The major benefit was, that was apparently the only strategy they had 'cause they kept coming back. Rinse, repeat.

So not only was I shooting especially well that match, but the other side was being remarkably stubborn and stupid. They never got close to taking A again. Hell, they couldn't even take B. They weren't even clever enough to send someone to take me out, like many other people do. Friggin' lemmings.

Your right though we were doing the SVER sabotage map and by some miracle(SVER probably was playing with their feet or something) we secured sites A and B immediately so we had 18:00 min to secure C. Despite that huge advantage we could never get it because about half our damn team was sitting back at the paratroop location sniping people. I have never been so frustrated.

Good god, Syr. I hate Syr. Here's how it works: You can either take A and B really, really fast, or you won't take them at all. Ever. Once they've had time to set up shop, it's pretty much a done deal. C is easier, in my experience. Still a bitch though.

Kowak said:
thats impressive, i cant think of any decent plays to snipe on raven sabotage. Valor have some pretty decent places, the top of their towers and in the church tower, plus C is sweet. Raven c is absolutely shit, you cant get any good vantage points while still defending, and if you try to snipe on the second level you will get done by the grenades they throw coming towards it.

Darien has two spots that I especially like, while the rest are just sort of decent. If they keep going for the roof on A, there's a hill overlooking A not too far from the Raven spawn. They can shoot you there, so it's best to clear them out with headshots and not just fire like a madman. Draw too much attention that way. The other benefit of it is that they tend to hide behind some of the perimeter walls as they approach A - and if you throw a frag as far as you can it often lands behind the wall and kills a couple.

Best place to hold the enemy down as a Raven sniper is Darien A. Darien C? Yeah, it's fucking worthless. Better hope you got a shit-ton of mines.
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