Concept17 said:Is there a limit to its range? Would it be useful to snipers?
Yep. I would say it's about the range of your minimap, I'll have to use it some more before I can say if it extends beyond that. Useful for snipers, I would say yes, assuming you're having a problem with people sneaking around and stabbing you in the back. Anyone who is walking/running will set off your sensor, which will give you an audio cue, so you know even if you're staring down your scope. Then you can get a decent chance to defend yourself. Note that the sensor is 800cc, which is certainly no small investment in your kit. It's the same cost as Claymores, as well Motion sensor is a 10 point investment in your skill tree as opposed to 2 for the claymores.
So, again, useful for a sniper? Yes. More useful than claymores? I dunno, I don't snipe, hard for me to say.