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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim

Concept17 said:
Is there a limit to its range? Would it be useful to snipers?

Yep. I would say it's about the range of your minimap, I'll have to use it some more before I can say if it extends beyond that. Useful for snipers, I would say yes, assuming you're having a problem with people sneaking around and stabbing you in the back. Anyone who is walking/running will set off your sensor, which will give you an audio cue, so you know even if you're staring down your scope. Then you can get a decent chance to defend yourself. Note that the sensor is 800cc, which is certainly no small investment in your kit. It's the same cost as Claymores, as well Motion sensor is a 10 point investment in your skill tree as opposed to 2 for the claymores.

So, again, useful for a sniper? Yes. More useful than claymores? I dunno, I don't snipe, hard for me to say.


Noshino said:
ITS NOT MY FAULT, SOMEONE HAD GOTTEN THE FREAKING APC STUCK INSIDE A HOUSE, Im sorry that it took me about 5 minutes to get it out of there :C

Anyway, nice games with Raven GAF last night, we destroyed Valor, and despite the fact that we lost on SVER Domination, I still got about 500exp for each of the matches :lol

HaHA, I wasn't blaming you. It was a guy outside the clan that was in our squad.


is now taking requests
PedroLumpy said:
Yep. I would say it's about the range of your minimap, I'll have to use it some more before I can say if it extends beyond that. Useful for snipers, I would say yes, assuming you're having a problem with people sneaking around and stabbing you in the back. Anyone who is walking/running will set off your sensor, which will give you an audio cue, so you know even if you're staring down your scope. Then you can get a decent chance to defend yourself. Note that the sensor is 800cc, which is certainly no small investment in your kit. It's the same cost as Claymores, as well Motion sensor is a 10 point investment in your skill tree as opposed to 2 for the claymores.

So, again, useful for a sniper? Yes. More useful than claymores? I dunno, I don't snipe, hard for me to say.

I got the motion-sensor yesterday as well and yea it is awesome. I found it especially useful on defending sabotage, i stood behind the wall where the enemy usually comes from and i could see the rest of my squad just swooping down on the red dots like hawks. And the auido cue makes it even easier. I think it stays active even when i'm bleeding because i keep hearing those beeps up until the point i respawn.

And i think it's more useful than claymores for snipers. Although i guess sniper hunters would be more likely to carry anti detection tools.


Concept17 said:
Is there a limit to its range? Would it be useful to snipers?

Yes, it's incredibly useful for snipers. With that and my PDW, I had a chance against a flank on my sniper position. It has a decent range to it, certainly long enough to be aware of on coming attacks. I'm getting my itch to snipe again I must say. But I'm just interested in hitting 60 for the 2nd time so we can decided what we're going to do.

I think I'm around 100,000/3,000 for respec points though, so I'm safe to play around a bit. Maybe check out the SMG with silencer. Never messed around much with that.


I can't believe veterans aren't eligible for leadership positions, this is a major flaw in the game... having a level 15 Squad Leader who doesn't even know how to FRAGO is such a pain, an incredible frustrating experience for these 5 veterans in the same squad that can't do nothing but vote kick the poor guy.

And don't get me started on these OICs that never use any of their abilities, something must be done, a game relying so much on the command structure can't have this huge amount of clueless scrubs in charge, doesn't make any sense.

also, on Acquisition defend, when your squad is doing fine defending the bunker and all but your team is losing badly on the other side of the map I think it's better to fall all the way back to the Transports garage (half the squad at least, everyone with medic and repair kits) and start repairing mortars, anti-air and stuff, then come back to the bunker. I feel dumb when I lose a game and my bunker is still mint...


andycapps said:
SVER GAF is going to Valor after they switch? That should be interesting. :lol

I can't wait, the "easy mode" bullshit did spread like wildfire across forums and now SVER is full of mediocre players, I prefer being the underdog.


Lince said:
I can't wait, the "easy mode" bullshit did spread like wildfire across forums and now SVER is full of mediocre players, I prefer being the underdog.

I will be joining you... i have some grinding to do now.
Let me know before you switch.


Cagen said:
They were probably just jealous of your incredible awesomeness. It happened to me last night too. I was in a squad with some assholes called FFObsessed, Click and Violater. They all had this [GAF] tag, as did the rest of the squad, it is terribly unsporting.

That was funny. I always assume that I am the one they will do that to :D The team we were playing against was terrible, you were a victim of boredom I think.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Lince said:
also, on Acquisition defend, when your squad is doing fine defending the bunker and all but your team is losing badly on the other side of the map I think it's better to fall all the way back to the Transports garage (half the squad at least, everyone with medic and repair kits) and start repairing mortars, anti-air and stuff, then come back to the bunker. I feel dumb when I lose a game and my bunker is still mint...

I was playing this tonite. I don't usually play Dom or Aqua as I tend to get pissed off to the point I'm ready to hiff my controller at something. However, I went to it as a guy in my group suggested it and I know where you're coming from. Last game I had I ran along and repaired 4 bunkers on my own. I don't mind too much, lay on the top with engineers pocket arc welder in hand, get a few xp's and respect from the bunker turret operators in the process.

What pisses me off though is random games with people with no headsets and you're practically begging from support to help you while you rebuilt a blown up bunker/AA/whatever and no one appears. You get it to about 75% and then die, respawn, run back and someones finished it. This doesn't happen once, it happens all the time to me. Max bunkers I've rebuilt is 1 in a match yet I continuously get over 500 engineering points. This is why I get stressed, I risk my [characters] life to get somewhere to fix things but don't reap the rewards or run across a battlefield telling a downed player I'm coming to revive them and they bleedout just as I get there and then I die. Wouldn't bother me if I revived them and then I died.

It's a whinge, I know, it's just I want Medals and Ribbons to reflect how I play but they just aren't coming. :lol:
This may be the only game where being a sniper actually feels like you are a sniper. It's not like you are sitting semi-hidden in the corner of some small box.

You really have the ability to take a walk and get lost. I feel like I should be packing a sandwich because I'll be sitting in a perch all day. People barely even notice you are causing their numbers to thin out. In something like COD, someone hears the crack of the sniper round and puts a bullet in-between your eyes with an assault riffle from across the map.

When someone does get wise to you, you see them firing and either: 1) take them down, or 2) realize your position is compromised, pop some smoke, and run to a new location.

Most of the time, you get away just fine, heal, and start your reign of terror once again. My K/D in the game is about .5 overall, because I like being in the mix. I went 16 and 2 the second time I went sniper in Sabotage with Valor defending. Ultimately, it showed me that K/D really isn't what this game is about. While being a Sniper feels good, I do miss the feel of the chaos of the front lines.


Great games this morning guys, sorry I had to leave though, I needed to get a few hours of sleep before sleep before school. My headset should arrive either today or tomorrow.
Am Henry on psn btw…:)
I love the motion sensor. One of my loadouts I even use it with the sensor jammer. My k/d ratio is way better when I use this loadout. I feel I can just sneak around and ambush groups of people. I know their exact positions before I even round the corner.


Lince said:
I can't wait, the "easy mode" bullshit did spread like wildfire across forums and now SVER is full of mediocre players, I prefer being the underdog.

I'm saying that that should be fine, but the stereotype is that Valor is a bunch of supposedly racist Americans, and I've heard a lot of the GAFe players aren't fluent in English, so I'm just saying.. that could be interesting. My personal recommendation is Raven, haven't noticed that at all there. I'll probably end up going SVER if/when I finally get to 60 just see how much better "easy mode" is. :lol


Coming from a guy who just did not like the beta for some reason....and who bought the game anyway.....

This is a fabulous game...and Im only a lvl 4 raven pug....


GodofWine said:
Coming from a guy who just did not like the beta for some reason....and who bought the game anyway.....

This is a fabulous game...and Im only a lvl 4 raven pug....

Join RavenGAF if you haven't already!


andycapps said:
I've heard a lot of the GAFe players aren't fluent in English, so I'm just saying...

I'm the only one from GAFe who isn't fluent in English, the rest are from the UK... but I couldn't care less, I'm not ashamed or shy or anything, fuck the haters.


Lince said:
I'm the only one from GAFe who isn't fluent in English, the rest are from the UK... but I couldn't care less, I'm not ashamed or shy or anything, fuck the haters.

Ah ok, we have a lot of UK'ers in Raven as well. Good players, I might add.


Cellbomber said:
I love the motion sensor. One of my loadouts I even use it with the sensor jammer. My k/d ratio is way better when I use this loadout. I feel I can just sneak around and ambush groups of people. I know their exact positions before I even round the corner.

I use the motion sensor + jamming device combo (with the improved stealth skill) for sneaking through the first line of bunkers Metal Gear style and take out the anti-air first :lol


Lince said:
also, on Acquisition defend, when your squad is doing fine defending the bunker and all but your team is losing badly on the other side of the map I think it's better to fall all the way back to the Transports garage (half the squad at least, everyone with medic and repair kits) and start repairing mortars, anti-air and stuff, then come back to the bunker. I feel dumb when I lose a game and my bunker is still mint...

Ah I remember that game last night and I'll put my hand up as one of the guilty.
I sometimes think " I'm gonna stay here and defend and let the more experienced players go off and get stuff done", forgetting that after 35+ hours I am one of the experienced ones
and should be doing more.
I think it's time you stop being so polite Lince and start barking orders down your mic :lol
i finally made the respec over to the AR tree...and i love the silencer + tier 3 rifle combo...don't like the 4x optical scope that much , and i tend to run with the red dot, so my next respec i'll fine tune a bit more.


Lince said:
I'm the only one from GAFe who isn't fluent in English, the rest are from the UK... but I couldn't care less, I'm not ashamed or shy or anything, fuck the haters.

I just have to crank my headset up to hear you :lol
BattleMonkey said:
Why am I Raven? I could be running around with no shirt and a M60 in Valor.

Cause the Raven briefing dude sounds like he's from South Africa and they have rad accents!

"you know suPEERHB trainieng breeds suPEERHB PERHformance"


Violater said:
I just have to crank my headset up to hear you :lol

sorry but I usually play late at night while my younger sister is sleeping and she has this beautiful way of telling my father how I'm always talking to "strangers" and swearing in English/Spanish, damn little b....


Lince said:
I'm the only one from GAFe who isn't fluent in English, the rest are from the UK... but I couldn't care less, I'm not ashamed or shy or anything, fuck the haters.

Your english is better than most of the Americans I have played with. I have never had a problem understanding anyone from GAFe.


Lince said:
sorry but I usually play late at night while my younger sister is sleeping and she has this beautiful way of telling my father how I'm always talking to "strangers" and swearing in English/Spanish, damn little b....

God only knows what she makes of some of your conversations with FFO :lol


dazed808 said:
God only knows what she makes of some of your conversations with FFO :lol

so true, she was filming our cat playing with a toy-mouse with her new iPhone and I can be heard somewhere in the living-room with this half sweet - half creepy voice saying "yes, you and me, hand in hand, destiny!" to FFO...

back to MAG:

I would like to see a revamp of the Squad Leader abilities, like a menu where you could assign a certain task for each squad member, like hey Cagen stop spawn-camping and go repair the mortar (individual an collective FRAGOs). Same with the Platoon Leaders, they should have at least some basic commands like "Squad X defend/attack this" and "Squad Y help Squad Z".


Lince said:
so true, she was filming our cat playing with a toy-mouse with her new iPhone and I can be heard somewhere in the living-room with this half sweet - half creepy voice saying "yes, you and me, hand in hand, destiny!" to FFO...

back to MAG:

I would like to see a revamp of the Squad Leader abilities, like a menu where you could assign a certain task for each squad member, like hey Cagen stop spawn-camping and go repair the mortar (individual an collective FRAGOs). Same with the Platoon Leaders, they should have at least some basic commands like "Squad X defend/attack this" and "Squad Y help Squad Z".

On second thought, I fully support your decision to go Valor. :D


Right I am coming on for an hour and will be back on an hour after that for most of this eve.

Who is coming on from the SVER force?


andycapps said:
SVER GAF is going to Valor after they switch? That should be interesting. :lol
Yup. I am currently level 44. Soon as as hit 60, I am switching over to Valor. Playing as sver, I've learned many loopholes in the sever sabotage mode. I can't wait to take advantage of it..:D
Lince said:
I would like to see a revamp of the Squad Leader abilities, like a menu where you could assign a certain task for each squad member, like hey Cagen stop spawn-camping and go repair the mortar (individual an collective FRAGOs). Same with the Platoon Leaders, they should have at least some basic commands like "Squad X defend/attack this" and "Squad Y help Squad Z".

In this vein, (please correct me if i'm mistaken) I also wish SLs could request help from other squads if say, they're getting point A overrun and need assistance...since there's not always a competent (or even present) PL around to direct things at the platoon level.


Lince said:
I'll be online later today, hope there's a bunch of you SVER pros there since I can't stand playing with randoms anymore.

you should have seen who I just had to play with, sheesh awful. I will be back on in an hour.
Respeced from the machine gun grinder to a Vippera commando. OMG so much fun. :D

Also, I've been looking at the medal's list and some of those medals are just insanely time consuming. I don't see myself going for the Platinum (with the "Get all the medals" gold trophy being the hardest/most time consuming), unless Zipper supports this game the way it should be supported (Warhawk-like expansions would be great).

Can't wait to see the DLC details... I hope they'll announce that stuff soon. :|


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Had a nice ongoing battle with 3 or 4 engineers on a Valor dom map. They were wanting to repair their AA and Sensor equipment, and I didn't want them to. I love personal sensor jamming, because it really seems like they can't see me. I had to have killed each of them 6 or 7 times. After the first few deaths, I could hear them say "oh shit, that guy again!..."

One of them kept spawning with this sweet machinegun. I'm sure they liked dying by it.


ibu said:
you should have seen who I just had to play with, sheesh awful. I will be back on in an hour.

I can only imagine, lots of new SVER recruits joining the allegedly strongest faction, most of them can't aim without auto-aim, can't drive the APCs, can't/don't use a headset, never follow the FRAGOs issued by squad leaders and may God help you if they are handed squad leadership (they'll be wasting our bombers/UAVs over and over and over again not bothering about the enemy anti-air being online).... but sure they can run in the open or lay prone behind a rock looking for a fast or cheap kill, MW2 has damaged the casual FPS community forever.


Lince said:
I can only imagine, lots of new SVER recruits joining the allegedly stronger faction, most of them can't aim without auto-aim, can't drive the APCs, can't/don't use a headset, never follow the FRAGOs issued by squad leaders and may God help you if they are handed squad leadership (they'll be wasting our bombers/UAVs over and over and over again not bothering about the enemy anti-air being online).... but sure they can run in the open or lay prone behind a rock looking for a fast or cheap kill, MW2 has damaged the casual FPS community forever.

I think it's that way in most games, I've seen that in most pub games on Raven. I agree with what you said in a previous post that it's frustrating to get a horrible squad commander who is issuing dumb orders, not calling in airstrikes, or not issuing orders at all. I usually try to votekick them, but it's hard to get people to do it as well as it's not very simple and I don't think most of them know how. Also, if they're coming from MW2, they're probably not used to votekicks.

Had my first awesome game as a squad commander yesterday, funny thing was that it was with pubs. Got lucky and had 2-3 other guys with mics and we were all communicating. Was raining down fire from above and we were causing havoc for the other side (SVER I believe). We ended up taking quite a few objectives, but unfortunately the rest of our side seemed pretty clueless and we ended up losing anyway. But hey, I got almost 500 XP which is very good for me. Most of my games yesterday I was in the 200 range. And yeah, I know I'm not as good as some of you guys but when you're not SC or PC it makes it a bit more challenging to get those points. That and dumb SC's not issuing frago's.



if you're sure you want to roll with SVER GAF just give me your PSN id and I'll send you a clan invite today.


andycapps said:
That and dumb SC's ...

It is almost a foregone conclusion that you will get a dumb or silent SC in a game with randoms. Yesterday I had one that wanted everyone to let the other side have A&B in Sab so that he could snipe the paratroopers. Another one wouldn't frago the AA because he was in the turret and wanted extra points.
This isn't some kind of new thing that MW has caused. In any team based game fps players always act like idiots. In the Battlefield series you always had the stupid lone wolf mentality which caused so much problems.
I don't think this game is for me. I had some fun times but for the most part, the experience has been average. When I play Battlefield I feel like I'm making a difference. Not so much with MAG. I know I'm smart and doing my part but its not the most rewarding to me. I feel like I'm a easily replacable part where in other games, I feel like I make a difference.
Hey Lince, I am known as "SirButterstick"

The worst handle the world, but a name that causes anger and racial slurs when the kiddies realize they've been killed by the hands a "SirButterstick" many times. It's psyops.


KoruptData said:
I don't think this game is for me. I had some fun times but for the most part, the experience has been average. When I play Battlefield I feel like I'm making a difference. Not so much with MAG. I know I'm smart and doing my part but its not the most rewarding to me. I feel like I'm a easily replacable part where in other games, I feel like I make a difference.

Seriously? :/
uraldix said:
It is almost a foregone conclusion that you will get a dumb or silent SC in a game with randoms. Yesterday I had one that wanted everyone to let the other side have A&B in Sab so that he could snipe the paratroopers. Another one wouldn't frago the AA because he was in the turret and wanted extra points.

Yeah, that MW/MW2 TDM mentality is definitely an issue in this game. Personally, i had an epiphany this weekend that K/D ratio doesn't matter, and the point of this game is objectives. The only reason you carry a weapon is to take care of the enemy when they try to prevent you from getting to said objectives...basically made the game much more enjoyable after that.
So yeah, I'm still getting my feet wet with how to play the game, but SVER GAF has been teaching me. Also while I do have a headset, I'm just normally quiet so I apologize for that. Thanks to all who have allowed me into the groups to play.

But everything is starting to click with me. In the last games I played with the group, I was running back and repairing the AA guns everytime somebody snuck past us and blew it up. So I've started to get more comfortable with the role I want to play, which is not necessarily being a killing machine, but truly doing support.

Though I must admit, leaving claymore mines for people laying charges is satisfying :D
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