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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


It'd only be 9.

She seems alright. Agro decks will love the +1 for getting blockers out of the way (and hate the 4 mana cost) and control decks will mildly enjoy the 0... oh who am I kidding she isn't going in a control deck.


Some other cards spoiled:


Why does this have to be 5 mana, it'd be so good otherwise. At least it turns Chandra's +1 into a searing spear. Does nice things with Ral Zaraks -2 as well.

Blur red pw could be a deck


The wait for a good Chandra seems to be never ending.

God I hate this card. +1: Doesn't protect herself, 0: Draw half a card, -7: Will never happen in 99% of games

I'm so angry right now.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
What's the best way to get a card deck together; through singles or packs?

Are old duel decks like the Knights vs Dragon one impossible to find now?

Depends on what you're trying to do. If you just want to play with friends, grab a fat pack and build a couple out of what you have. Or yeah, get the more recent duel decks. For FNM or competitive play, pick an archetype and build it. IE, take a pro deck, pick up the cards for it and go to town.

EDIT: Shock isn't going to be the only playable burn spell in M14, right? Spear reprint, please?
I think I like that Chandra in a UWR control deck with Geist of St. Traft. You can falter your opponent's blockers to give Geist good attacks, plus get card advantage off of the Chandra if you don't need to hit the opponent? I think this could actually be very very good.


What's the best way to get a card deck together; through singles or packs?

Are old duel decks like the Knights vs Dragon one impossible to find now?

If you have a deck idea in mind, buy singles. Buying packs is only a good idea if you enjoy the thrill or are drafting. For example, there are only 9 cards in DGM that are worth 3.99 or more- and with 46 Rares/Mythics in the set, your odds of breaking even are very low on opening boosters.


Depends on what you're trying to do. If you just want to play with friends, grab a fat pack and build a couple out of what you have. Or yeah, get the more recent duel decks. For FNM or competitive play, pick an archetype and build it. IE, take a pro deck, pick up the cards for it and go to town.

EDIT: Shock isn't going to be the only playable burn spell in M14, right? Spear reprint, please?

If you have a deck idea in mind, buy singles. Buying packs is only a good idea if you enjoy the thrill or are drafting. For example, there are only 9 cards in DGM that are worth 3.99 or more- and with 46 Rares/Mythics in the set, your odds of breaking even are very low on opening boosters.

I want to make something like this for super casual play. It's a year old though but I don't know the game well enough to change and create a deck on my own. Kind of want to own a deck just to own one (and because I like the art of some of the knights like KOG and Sigiled Pally ).

I'm open to other fun deck ideas; I just gravitate towards white human/angels/knights because that's what I played in DOTP 2013 and 2014.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I look forward to the eventual kitchen table legacy hydra deck.


I know its been gone over already, but I just cannot get over how utterly awful the new slivers are. I don't get why they think taking one of Magic's most iconic and unique races and turning them into the dull alien looking creatures we now see is a good thing.

Sometimes it is possible to focus group something too far, and whilst I think New World Order is a great thing I think this change is needless and a negative for the game


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'm personally looking forward to saving a bunch of money with not buying any of these awful M14 cards.

Thanks Wizards.


The new Chandra is just complete trash. Her +1 ability is just so pitiful for coming out for four mana and her 0 ability is shit in a color that has no library manipulation. Her ultimate seems like an even worse lottery than Ral Zarek.

Super disappointed in this card and the design team for this and at MaRo for hyping her up months ago.


So, how does Strionic Resonator work with cards like Elite Arcanist? You exile a second instant, but do you get to copy it with Arcanist's activated ability?
New Chandra is going to be good for RDW. Mono-red will gladly pay 4 mana for a 1-sided Howling Mine, which is essentially what her 2nd ability does.


So, how does Strionic Resonator work with cards like Elite Arcanist? You exile a second instant, but do you get to copy it with Arcanist's activated ability?

I think you would just pick one of the two exiled cards to copy when the ability resolves.


Yeah this set is really not great so far.

And for those of you discussing Searing Spear, isn't Shock confirmed to fill that slot already?


Oh my, that hydra looks like the perfect cuve topper for my soon-to-be UG deck! It's also sick with Exava, since it'd be a hasty, trampling 8/8 out of nowhere.

The Resonator sound awesome as well. Perhaps it'll end up like Sundial of the Infinite, but I think it has the potential to be so much more, mostly since ETB abilities have gotten stronger over the years.

I'm still waiting for my Scavenging Oozes, which will be great additions to the UG deck (Shambleshark's kind of not that good for an aggro deck, sadly), and I guess I'll be retiring my BUG flash/control deck for now... maybe I'll try out one of those Nivix Cyclops decks, but I'll have to make it RUG since I don't have any Boros Charms or the lands to support it. I think the RUG version is quite inferior to the WRU one, since Boros Charm's double strike is way better than Simic Charm's +3/+3, and its other modes are very relevant as well. I'll try the deck out and see whether it's worth running, or if I should just go straight to running the UG aggro deck.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I really don't like how most of the creatures you guys are showing have three abilities on the card.

I just want simple one-two abilities with flavor text and 1/1-7/7 creatures. Is that so much to ask for, Wizards? Can you please stop buffing things to where playing older sets is pointless in "all-cards" formats because of power creep? D:
At 4 mana I'd rather slam a hell rider down and call it game.

That's really the biggest strike against her. Hellrider is such a proactive card, and that's becoming increasingly rare in Red these days.

EDIT: New Hydra seems like a good target for that Savage Summoning spell.
Hey. I need some ideas for my sideboard. My friend is letting me use his cards to make a Modern deck, and this is my main deck:

4 Delver of Secrets
4 grim lavamancer
4 snap caster Mage
4 Geist of st traft

4 lightning bolt
4 remand
4 mana leak
2 path to exile
3 lightning helix
4 magma jet

23 land

All I know I want in my board is Aven Mindcensor. Beyond that it's wide open.

The current meta game is a little small, and includes Zoo, Scapeshift, and Mono white life gain.

If you have any main deck suggestions, I'm willing to hear those too. Thanks!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Hey, with this kind of talk we'll just get more hexproof stuff. No one wants that.

Well, I'm already playing the part of the Typical Magic Fan and being upset about the lack of usable burn in M14 before the set is fully spoiled. Why not go full artard?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Need a new hydra that says "Remove a +1/+1 counter from THIS. Regenerate target creature with a +1/+1 counter."
I've been trying to get Voices online since Day 1. I wish you the very best of luck.

I opened one the other day, and just sold 3 thundermaws for enough to get a second + some change as I don't expect to play it again before it rotates and I don't think I'd get more than the 22 each i got for it.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I opened one the other day, and just sold 3 thundermaws for enough to get a second + some change as I don't expect to play it again before it rotates and I don't think I'd get more than the 22 each i got for it.

I did the same thing in paper to get my Voices, but with Huntmasters instead of Thundermaws. I like my Thundermaws too much. In fact, should anybody have 2 more for trade...

I'm holding out a tiny bit of hope that Theros will be kind to burn. A tiny bit.

I hope so. I mean, 2 damage instant is neat, but there are way too many X/3 creatures and above sticking around post rotation for Shock to be the answer.
Zendikar block had some amazing burn spells. I'm hoping Shock and Doom Blade's return is a signal that R&D is willing to let us kill creatures again. Electrickery and Mizzium Mortars just seem so difficult for me to fully embrace.


Zendikar block had some amazing burn spells. I'm hoping Shock and Doom Blade's return is a signal that R&D is willing to let us kill creatures again. Electrickery and Mizzium Mortars just seem so difficult for me to fully embrace.

Though they can't hit players, Mortars and Electrickery seem better than Shock no? Or at least their ceiling is higher (i.e. when they are good they are MUCH better). I'm concerned about Pillar of Flame leaving though. That's like the only card in the format that helps keep Voice of Resurgence in check :(


What's the best way to get a card deck together; through singles or packs?

Are old duel decks like the Knights vs Dragon one impossible to find now?

If you're casually starting out with friends, a fat pack is a great way to start. All of my friends and I got one and just trade cards among each other. Some intro or event decks contains a good base to build from. Ebay is a good place to find cheap playsets of cards. Talk to people at your lgs. I bet there's someone with a crap load of cards they are looking to give away, or maybe sell it to you for cheap.

None of those new cards really stand out except Kalonian Hydra, Strionic Resonator, and Manaweft Silver. Hydra looks scary in a G/R deck, Strionic may have a place on U/W/R and Manaweft Silver will mana fix greatly.

As a now U/W/R player, Predator Ooze scares me. That thing is going to be a nightmare to deal with unless I can draw an Azorious Charm or Dentention Sphere/O-Ring.



I don't know when this was revealed, but I'm a fan. Especially while M13 and Innistrad dual lands are in Standard, played early this card could really grind a few gears.


I just imagined another magical xmas land scenario where you Domri +1 into a -3 fat Garruk play.



I don't know when this was revealed, but I'm a fan. Especially while M13 and Innistrad dual lands are in Standard, played early this card could really grind a few gears.

I like this card.



I don't know when this was revealed, but I'm a fan. Especially while M13 and Innistrad dual lands are in Standard, played early this card could really grind a few gears.
I suspect this card's going to be good for about 4-5 months and then have its balls cut off. :p


Am I crazy for wanting to sell off almost all my ISD block stuff online and play only block? Maybe keep like Bant Hexproof.

Depends what cards, I wouldn't sell any Modern staples like Snapcaster, Lilliana, Geist of St Traft, Restoration Angel etc

I don't know when this was revealed, but I'm a fan. Especially while M13 and Innistrad dual lands are in Standard, played early this card could really grind a few gears.

It's been revealed for some time. I'm not a huge fan; it's like a Manabarbs that takes no skill to use correctly.
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