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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


The blue deck seems like a correct meta call so far. Esper seems like it'd ruin the day though with almost every staple being a beating to mono blue.


Slow player just got called by a judge on stream.
At the local level judges are miserable about this because they're generally terrible players themselves and thus have absolutely no capability of judging a board state when players actually need time to analyze it.
I'm guessing most people figured Supreme Verdict wouldn't show up. Because I don't know how any of these decks can beat that card
Verdict doesn't do jack against G/W or RDW.


Also, super strange to see WOTC using a comic book to reprint Legacy cards


They've done this with IDW a few times now. They get some cool art through this too.



I almost pulled e trigger on Master of Waves last night when it was less than 8 bucks, when the rumors started to hit.

I had fifteen in my cart at $3 each


Never wait on blatantly good cards, I guess. (But a day 1 deck making a card spike is more than a little silly.)


What I'm sleeving up:

Judge's Familiar x 4
Frostborn Weird x 4
Nightveil Specter x 4
Thassa, God of the Sea x 2
Master of Waves x 4
Clone x 3

Swansong x 4
Mizzium Skin x 2
Dissolve x 4

Claustrophobia x 4

Civic Saber x 2

Mutavault x 2
Island x 21

Works on early blue devotion into Master of Waves on turn 5 with swan song and mizzium for protection. Saber on curve to pressure if no Masters in site.

I was ahead of the curve!!
People were practically throwing 2 Master of Waves and an Ashiok on release day, so I ended up with 4 Master of Waves and now I have 4 Ashiok too, which I'm pretty stoked about.


Oh man, someone just commented in the PT stream:

"did anyone else notice that BDM sounds just like Badger from Breaking Bad?"

Now I can't unhear it.


you have a lot of unplayables in your deck for being 'ahead of the curve'

It was a play on the popularity of the deck at the Pro Tour. I was saying I was ahead of the curve by quoting my post from a week or two back. Did you watch Sam Black? The creature package is there, we disagree on the defense. But as I mentioned, I have since switched out skins for cyclonic rifts. I would love to continue to the conversation. =D


keep in mind for speculators:

pro tour price spikes, historically speaking, mean nothing in the long term. I'm only pissed at myself for not buying those Wavves because I would've been able to pawn them off now for ~15-20 each while the mtgsalvation/reddit community is drooling all over them, making myself a few hundred bucks with little to no effort. While there's a chance the card will become a standard staple and increase even more in price, that really has yet to be determined. It's only day 1, and this price jump is pure speculation. There's no testing or data behind it, at least none the public has access to.

wolfir silverheart was selling for 12 euros on the floor at PT avacyn restored, and a jump ensued in "the real world" because people are too dumb to realize that block constructed isn't standard.

dungeon geist was in the ~$5 range on tcgplayer after pro tour dark ascension

I think some day 1 deck at PT RTR is what caused nivmagus elemental to jump to a fuckload, then we all know what happened.

do not buy any cards until you see them performing on day 2, unless you plan to make a speculation buy and dump them immediately. Most of the price changes you see will be by, well, the less intelligent portion of the speculator market.

tl;dr version, because if you didn't read this you probably aren't the type to unload spec buys in time:

everyone is watching the PT to know what to play. people will be going to FNM tonight and sleeving these decks up. PTs always have this effect on the format.

people making purchases today aren't speculating. they just want to play what the pros are


everyone is watching the PT to know what to play. people will be going to FNM tonight and sleeving these decks up. PTs always have this effect on the format.

people making purchases today aren't speculating. they just want to play what the pros are

then they realize the cards they're buying from day 1 lists aren't performing, sell them to the store, and the cycle begins anew.

It's still speculation if they're buying decks to "play what the pros are playing" without knowing the lists are good yet. It happens every single pro tour. Just a warning.

(also, master of wavves' price spike is 90+% speculation, 10% "oh fuck I want to play this so I better buy now")


Everywhere I look in salvation and reddit is full of people bragging about picking up master of waves cheap. Financial geniuses everywhere.


I'd splash black for doom blades, ashiok, far // away to rebuy masters and thoughtseize/duress in the board to beat supreme verdict

master of waves is the new snapcaster I tells ya.
like, wouldn't you have to dump all your MOWs today in order to brag?

people that had a ton of frost titans before they jumped bragged, but then they held onto them when they weren't worth anything anymore


Isn't insider trading wonderful? /rolleyes The people bragging about this are asshats of the highest degree.

To be fair, the people bragging about this are doing it on quietspeculation.


Very few people on QS have any idea what they're talking about. The gods had bigger speculation threads than any other mythics, just like every other forum. But fuck, those idiots sure know how to raise prices of random cards for no reason.


I mean, I got a playset of Masters last night after Joe Spanier accidentally tweeted a pick of the Mono-U deck. I had been hearing rumblings from people, but since I didn't know anyone testing on the 2 teams (cough SCG) that went with the deck, I didn't pull the trigger until then.


Now I wish I had bought that Ebay auction for MoWs that I was looking at yesterday not as a speculation pick, but because I'd like to play it at some point. I'd look like the coolest kid.


Now I wish I had bought that Ebay auction for MoWs that I was looking at yesterday not as a speculation pick, but because I'd like to play it at some point. I'd look like the coolest kid.

I only had 15 in my cart because it's a pet card, something that I knew would perform at FNM but I'd never take to a major event until a better player 'broke' it.

Now I have to wait a few months to buy it.
going to check out this vintage event tomorrow. are there any established decks that use a base like RUG delver, UR delver, or U/W blade/miracles that I could convert into a vintage deck with 10 or so proxies?

never played vintage before


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I have a Master of Waves I drafted. Sell????

I actually had a plan for a devotion deck so I was going to keep it but if this is a temporary spec price I should dump now and rebuy it right?


I love magic for the fact that people were so quick to call the meta game only a week or two into the new rotation. It is way too early to say what is the definitive meta and I'm glad when new decks pops up and do extremely well.


I have a Master of Waves I drafted. Sell????

I actually had a plan for a devotion deck so I was going to keep it but if this is a temporary spec price I should dump now and rebuy it right?

1-day ebay auction starting at 0.01, if you have the feedback for it. That way, if the price spikes even more day 2, you're covered.

If it doesn't spike at all, people will bid anyway, and you're covered.


I love magic for the fact that people were so quick to call the meta game only a week or two into the new rotation. It is way too early to say what is the definitive meta and I'm glad when new decks pops up and do extremely well.

In general, the Standard PT is going to do more to define the meta than anything. I actually think that SCG should not run standard opens before the PT, because any player qualified or testing isn't going to be able to play their deck.
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