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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|

Play testing my G/W Archangel deck against another deck that I constructed. BW with Desecration Demon, Whip of Erebos, Heliod, Soldier of the Pantheon, Obzedat, Blood Baron, etc...

It's turning into a massively long game with life totals super high up there. It's pretty insane.

My friend that is playing the other deck has Whip of Erebos and Heliod in play, giving everyone life gain and Vigilance. Gift of Orzhova gives some creatures flying too. UGH
It's a bitch to go up against.


So apparently shardless bug is starting to splash red for whipflare since it's a big beating against most creature decks. Hate when top tier decks get tech to make them even better. Despite losing a match today against a T3 whipflare blowout in all 3 games, I did fairly well with my tweaked maverick list. Ended up losing to elves and the red splash bug from above and winning against traditional shardless, painter, and manaless dredge. Probably the highlight for me was starting out G2 against manaless dredge with T1 thoughtseize, T2 2x thoughtseize, T3 thalia, and T4 ooze. Thoughtseize is risky but when it works it's nuts.

I'm also very much convinced that garruk relentless is just better than elspeth. At least in the current bug heavy meta. Also pretty close to just dropping maze of ith from my 75. Almost any deck that runs creatures I'd want to maze also runs wasteland and it prevents having super awkward hands of cradle and maze that I've seen plenty of.
Managed to draft a mono-black deck just now (okay, mostly black - I splashed blue for two Shipwreck Singer, Omenspeaker, and an Ashiok). I even had an Erebos!

Let me tell you something: mono-black is a trap. There's a reason you saw pros passing Gray Merchants early in the draft - I think they were deliberately trying to trap opponents into drafting mono-black. In order to keep up that devotion, you have to play so many terrible cards, and if you don't draw the right half of your deck, you just fold.

More to the point: unless you have the nuts mono-black deck, you're going to lose hard. And you won't know if you're getting the nuts deck until the third pack, and by then it's too late. I got some really, really strong black signals from my right, but nothing came in pack three - it just didn't get opened. I had way too many Fellhide Minotaurs and Fleshmad Steeds - and those just aren't good enough.

I did manage to win match one, thanks to my green opponent never drawing an answer for fliers in games two and three. But match two wasn't even close; I got absolutely wrecked. On the plus side, Ashiok and Erebos paid for the draft, so I got to experiment with that deck build for "free."


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Yea black definitely seems very weak on it's own. It does alright as a secondary utility colour, but by and large blacks creatures are god awful.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I like the R/G devotion. I wonder how much many somebody can make in one turn with Voyaging Satyr/Nykthos/Xenagos

The turn 2 insanity that's possible with turn 1 elvish mystic, turn 2 chain BTE's into Nykthos, into Garruk, trigger garruk minus and put your biggest fatty on the board.

So yea, you can do turn 2 worldspine wurm in Standard. Eat your heart out legacy.
Which one of these cards do you guys think is a better commader? I've never played before so I wanna make a cheap commander deck but I can only afford one deck after buying two modern decks lol

I have both of these dudes already:



[QUOTE="God's Beard!";85849312]Which one of these cards do you guys think is a better commader? I've never played before so I wanna make a cheap commander deck but I can only afford one deck after buying two modern decks lol

I have both of these dudes already:


I like Erebos, even though it's kind of an asshole commander. Lifegain people will hate you, and the fact you can get a huge beater or a mini-Yawgmoth's Bargain could end up being quite bad for your well-being.

Radha is kind of meh, on the other hand. Takes a whole turn to do anything (no built-in haste? For shame) and isn't even that interesting when she "does her thing" (ie: add 1 mana during main phases or 2 for combat tricks or instant-speed abilities, and only when she attacks).

For some reason, Radha reminded me of Fumiko the Lowblood, which is a card I'd love to build a commander deck around. She speeds up combat for the whole table by forcing attacks, and also acts as a deterrent agaist them attacking you, while not being a broken card everyone'll want to deal with immediately (when you attack, having Bushido 500 isn't even that hot). Too bad the one I opened a long, long time ago ended up getting passed after some assholes from an earlier flight were caught bringing their own cards into their sealed pools to abuse the lack of deck-swapping.


Went to a Legacy GPT for DC today, didn't do too hot but my buddy ended up taking it down with Death and Taxes. The deck was nuts, and his three matches in the top 8 weren't even close: dark maverick, R/W stompy blade, and rug delver. Since he didn't have Rishadan Ports (and didn't know that I own 8 of them) he ran Ghost Quarter in their place, which was really good since he played against RUG three times today (so, along with his Wastelands, meant he was functionally playing 8 Strip Mines in many matches). So easy to mess something up or miss a trigger with so much going on though, which makes it impressive that he did this on 3 hours sleep.

So apparently shardless bug is starting to splash red for whipflare since it's a big beating against most creature decks. Hate when top tier decks get tech to make them even better. Despite losing a match today against a T3 whipflare blowout in all 3 games, I did fairly well with my tweaked maverick list. Ended up losing to elves and the red splash bug from above and winning against traditional shardless, painter, and manaless dredge. Probably the highlight for me was starting out G2 against manaless dredge with T1 thoughtseize, T2 2x thoughtseize, T3 thalia, and T4 ooze. Thoughtseize is risky but when it works it's nuts.

I'm also very much convinced that garruk relentless is just better than elspeth. At least in the current bug heavy meta. Also pretty close to just dropping maze of ith from my 75. Almost any deck that runs creatures I'd want to maze also runs wasteland and it prevents having super awkward hands of cradle and maze that I've seen plenty of.

I've seen lists running Whipflare on the Source for a while, but so far hadn't seen it pick up traction despite being really good tech.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";85849312]Which one of these cards do you guys think is a better commader? I've never played before so I wanna make a cheap commander deck but I can only afford one deck after buying two modern decks lol

I have both of these dudes already:

Wait 1 month and buy one of the $30 pre-con Commander decks that are coming out. Previews start Monday.

Went to a Legacy GPT for DC today, didn't do too hot but my buddy ended up taking it down with Death and Taxes. The deck was nuts, and his three matches in the top 8 weren't even close: dark maverick, R/W stompy blade, and rug delver. Since he didn't have Rishadan Ports (and didn't know that I own 8 of them) he ran Ghost Quarter in their place, which was really good since he played against RUG three times today (so, along with his Wastelands, meant he was functionally playing 8 Strip Mines in many matches). So easy to mess something up or miss a trigger with so much going on though, which makes it impressive that he did this on 3 hours sleep.
....Is Ghost Quarter actually good enough nowadays? RU/x Delver is very popular.


makihito built the deck I was talking about when xenagos was revealed... xenagos domri and garruk is insane. Anyway Im kicking myself for passing nykthos so many times in drafts, its worth 10 tix right now and its basically gaea's cradle with this deck.
Wait 1 month and buy one of the $30 pre-con Commander decks that are coming out. Previews start Monday.
Ok, until then I'll just use all my random cards lying around to turn them both into funsies decks.

I like Erebos, even though it's kind of an asshole commander. Lifegain people will hate you, and the fact you can get a huge beater or a mini-Yawgmoth's Bargain could end up being quite bad for your well-being.

Radha is kind of meh, on the other hand. Takes a whole turn to do anything (no built-in haste? For shame) and isn't even that interesting when she "does her thing" (ie: add 1 mana during main phases or 2 for combat tricks or instant-speed abilities, and only when she attacks).

For some reason, Radha reminded me of Fumiko the Lowblood, which is a card I'd love to build a commander deck around. She speeds up combat for the whole table by forcing attacks, and also acts as a deterrent agaist them attacking you, while not being a broken card everyone'll want to deal with immediately (when you attack, having Bushido 500 isn't even that hot). Too bad the one I opened a long, long time ago ended up getting passed after some assholes from an earlier flight were caught bringing their own cards into their sealed pools to abuse the lack of deck-swapping.

Yeah, Erebos is super cool.
Yeah, that deck he is running was what I thought Nyx and Xen would see play in.

Just allows you to mana accelerate insanely quickly.

And then drop a big fatty one turn and then next turn make it even bigger with ease.


Yep time for a break from MTGO once again.

Mana - screw in every round, 2 opponents had fullhouse decks too so didn't matter. First one played hammer into Polukranos into Polis Crusher in one round. Second opponent played Fleecemane Lion into Boon Satyr into Spear of Heliod.

Skill games.


I've seen lists running Whipflare on the Source for a while, but so far hadn't seen it pick up traction despite being really good tech.

Ya I knew it existed as an option especially since I saw some streamer use it in his deck but definitely didn't expect to see it appear in paper until a list placed with it in a bigger tournament. Eventually someone will and it'll be a staple of the deck. In 2 of the 3 games that I got whipflared on turn 3 I was going to play Master of the Wild Hunt on the following turn which is the nuts against bug.

And I agree that D&T is pretty rough. It's one of the reasons that I switched my engineered plagues to zealous persecutions since it's a completely 1 sided wrath.
Does anyone know of an official product (deck or set) that is sealed in clear plastic?
Sort of like shrink wrap... I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself correctly.
Found three "packs/decks" sealed like this, from a garage sale... the top visible land shows that it is from Avacyn Restored, Innistrad, and Magic 2013. I didn't think that they were an intro-deck... but maybe?

I didn't want to buy them not knowing what they were. The Avacyn Restored is a taller stack than the other two, which are the same height.

Any clue?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Mono U devotion is highly uninteractive for a blue deck.
intro decks, event decks, fat pack lands, starter kit lands

I think they're just packs of lands. most things start with a non-land card

Ah, thank you. I appreciate it. Sounds like nothing that I need.

And actually, the Innistrad pack had a Ghoulcallers' Bell on top. The other two had lands.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think this was unavoidable with Theros because of the power levels of INN and RTR but I hope they bring back spells for the next block.

Even the no-creatures Esper control shell is boring as fuck. It's just mindless stalling into Revelation so you can do it all over again.
It's interesting that the speculation was that the God stuff would just be for casuals. Yet here we can see Erebos and especially Thassa were used in the top 8.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";85889677]Since Commander is a casual format can I use an unhinged card as my commander? :3


If your group is cool with it anything goes


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";85889677]Since Commander is a casual format can I use an unhinged card as my commander? :3


if your playgroup is cool, sure. Most people would probably turn up their nose if you grab actual combos, though, so YMMV.

sidenote: skylasher might become a thing in standard sideboards. Imma pick up a few.
if your playgroup is cool, sure. Most people would probably turn up their nose if you grab actual combos, though, so YMMV.

Even if it's literally the combo in his flavor text with a junk diver replacing the second myr retriever?


edit: oh man I wish I had a Zedruu the Greathearted to make a commander deck with, that card is even more hilarious and it's actually legal lol


Radha is one of the better R/G generals, which isn't saying much because Gruul has fucking awful generals. Stonebrow is the best one I guess, though Ulasht isn't bad either if you can build around it. Borgy Number Two doesn't seem terrible either with Life Loam shenanigans.

Mono black has many, many better options. So I guess it depends what colour(s) you want to have fun and go to town with.
Speaking of Gruul, I was really expecting Makihito Mihara to win that top 8. I really thought Gruul was the best in standard, wasn't expecting mono-blue to win at all.

I don't really follow Standard, though. Just guesses based on drafting a lot.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";85898110]Speaking of Gruul, I was really expecting Makihito Mihara to win that top 8. I really thought Gruul was the best in standard, wasn't expecting mono-blue to win at all.

I don't really follow Standard, though. Just guesses based on drafting a lot.[/QUOTE]
The G/x ramp decks have the problem of being easy to disrupt, since they're going all-in on a few select cards.


Ah, thank you. I appreciate it. Sounds like nothing that I need.

And actually, the Innistrad pack had a Ghoulcallers' Bell on top. The other two had lands.
These could have also been the packs from the Deckbuilder's kits, which is what it sounds like if it has a Ghoulcaller's Bell showing.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";85890220]Even if it's literally the combo in his flavor text with a junk diver replacing the second myr retriever?


edit: oh man I wish I had a Zedruu the Greathearted to make a commander deck with, that card is even more hilarious and it's actually legal lol[/QUOTE]
Zedruu is pretty cheap, he was unpopular and his deck only sold due to Chaos Warp and Flusterstorm. The deck was alright, but I felt it had to be changed quite a bit to work well. Still a fun Commander though.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Jesus, I couldn't win for shit today until I just got fed up and copied the mono-blue decks running around.

Esper? Fail.
U/W? Fail.
B/G? Fail.

Just not my night to do anything.


Last Legacy SGC was absurdly heavy on combo it seems. That all-spells! list should've scooped to so many things, but i guess it dodged hard matchup all day long.
Last Legacy SGC was absurdly heavy on combo it seems. That all-spells! list should've scooped to so many things, but i guess it dodged hard matchup all day long.

No one is playing gravehate or miracles on the SCG circuit. It's all tempo garbage and they just put a huge pile of counterspells in their board and hope for the best.

Format's too fast and blue is ruining everything again. There is not an honest aggro deck left in the format.

edit: This isn't just this tournament. Ever since the blue decks started jamming Deathrite Shamans into everything the format has been warping around it. You play stuff like "oops no spells!" and reanimator with petals/rituals when you know your fundamental turn needs to be 1 or 2 or the deathrite decks are going to get the best of you.


No one is playing gravehate or miracles on the SCG circuit. It's all tempo garbage and they just put a huge pile of counterspells in their board and hope for the best.

Format's too fast and blue is ruining everything again. There is not an honest aggro deck left in the format.

edit: This isn't just this tournament. Ever since the blue decks started jamming Deathrite Shamans into everything the format has been warping around it. You play stuff like "oops no spells!" and reanimator with petals/rituals when you know your fundamental turn needs to be 1 or 2 or the deathrite decks are going to get the best of you.

I disagree, chalice based decks like Loam shit on all kind of combo, and Death and taxes still has a decent matchup against those.
Pure aggro has been dead for a long, long time, even Goblin always had Tempo/mana denial elements. What would you consider as aggro? We're delving into semantics here. The core point is that you have to run answers in your deck or you're not going anywhere, and rightly so i'd say. If pure aggro run no answer cards, then you'll never get pure aggro in any format anymore. Red sligh days are long gone.

The only real issue i see with the format is the fact that we've got a lot of different kinds of combo decks, which can make hard for people to run the right kind of answers (SnT require extremely specialized hate pieces). And even then, combo don't really place a lot. So i don't think that's actually an issue.

I mean, look at the september list of most successful decks: http://www.thecouncil.es/tcdecks/metagame.php?format=Legacy&fecha=2013-9
1- RUG delver
2- shardless BUG
3- Miracle
4- D&T
5- Sneak Attack

This month we have too little data to say, but i'm pretty sure we won't get many combo decks placing high. People have just to start playing more FoW maindecks again instead of the sideboard and lot of that combo will disappear.
I disagree, chalice based decks like Loam shit on all kind of combo, and Death and taxes still has a decent matchup against those.
Pure aggro has been dead for a long, long time, even Goblin always had Tempo/mana denial elements. What would you consider as aggro? We're delving into semantics here. The core point is that you have to run answers in your deck or you're not going anywhere, and rightly so i'd say. If pure aggro run no answer cards, then you'll never get pure aggro in any format anymore. Red sligh days are long gone.

Actually anything combo is a complete dog to loam based strats. I am a very experienced Loam player and know this. You have to have the chalice in hand and quickly deployed to get anywhere, and your deck has such as shit clock that they can easily find for an answer and kill you if they are TES, or just kill you through it unless they are a complete glass cannon deck. Loam w/ chalice of the void is the metagame foil to tempo decks, not combo.

I consider aggro decks like Zoo or Affinity, decks that just want to beat down and kill on turn 4 or 5 at the latest while playing a minimum of disruptive elements. They have been suffering ever since the printing of Batterskull and are a good two turns slower than the format's combo decks.They have basically no good matchups between non-blue based attrition, stoneforge based control,and fast combo.

There is already a format without aggro decks, that is vintage,and it is the most inbred metagame imaginable.I feel like Legacy is worse for not having a valid beatdown deck in the format to prey on decks that durdle too much and/or punish players who keep poor hands with consistent performance.

The only real issue i see with the format is the fact that we've got a lot of different kinds of combo decks, which can make hard for people to run the right kind of answers (SnT require extremely specialized hate pieces). And even then, combo don't really place a lot. So i don't think that's actually an issue.

I mean, look at the september list of most successful decks: http://www.thecouncil.es/tcdecks/metagame.php?format=Legacy&fecha=2013-9
1- RUG delver
2- shardless BUG
3- Miracle
4- D&T
5- Sneak Attack

This month we have too little data to say, but i'm pretty sure we won't get many combo decks placing high. People have just to start playing more FoW maindecks again instead of the sideboard and lot of that combo will disappear.

It's not a matter of placing or card frequency in the top decks in the format. The issue is more subtle in that the format is just too fast and has had its fundamental turn brought down by an average of a turn or so over the last year.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";85889677]Since Commander is a casual format can I use an unhinged card as my commander? [/QUOTE]

Silver border cards are technically illegal even in casual. Definitely ask the other players before the start of the game. If they do allow it and you win expect the following week to be a shit show. There are game breaking silver cards.


Actually anything combo is a complete dog to loam based strats. I am a very experienced Loam player and know this. You have to have the chalice in hand and quickly deployed to get anywhere, and your deck has such as shit clock that they can easily find for an answer and kill you if they are TES, or just kill you through it unless they are a complete glass cannon deck. Loam w/ chalice of the void is the metagame foil to tempo decks, not combo.

I consider aggro decks like Zoo or Affinity, decks that just want to beat down and kill on turn 4 or 5 at the latest while playing a minimum of disruptive elements. They have been suffering ever since the printing of Batterskull and are a good two turns slower than the format's combo decks.They have basically no good matchups between non-blue based attrition, stoneforge based control,and fast combo.

There is already a format without aggro decks, that is vintage,and it is the most inbred metagame imaginable.I feel like Legacy is worse for not having a valid beatdown deck in the format to prey on decks that durdle too much and/or punish players who keep poor hands with consistent performance.

It's not a matter of placing or card frequency in the top decks in the format. The issue is more subtle in that the format is just too fast and has had its fundamental turn brought down by an average of a turn or so over the last year.

I don't see how the fundamental turn was brought down, unless you mean SnT, and even then i've got my doubts (Grizzly).
Recent printing made midrange rise, so they shouldn't be responsible of a faster format (DRS, Decay, Shardless agent, Baleful Strix). Before that we had Thalia that made D&T a real deck, and Terminus+Entreat the Angels that made Control viable again. Recent Legend rule change made Elves! good. Also i really don't see how you can compare legacy to vintage, where basically you play shop, dredge, or a deck with 15 hate pieces for those decks in the main and 15 more in the side.


Silver border cards are technically illegal even in casual. Definitely ask the other players before the start of the game. If they do allow it and you win expect the following week to be a shit show. There are game breaking silver cards.

Even more so, Johnny, Combo Player is the very kind of card I'd say will get you hated on right from the start, since getting repeatable instant-speed Diabolic Tutors gives you a huge edge on casual commander games (it's probably too slow for more competitive groups, though).

I wonder how Richard Garfield, PHd would work in Commander... I guess you'd be able to play mental magic, but only within blue cards (your commander's color). It'd probably be interesting, if a bit confusing.
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