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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


When basically asked the same question, Maro said this:

Is supposed to be now? Because in the past it was a white effect, and blue has seen non-color protection 3 times against 15 or so of white. Again, dumb answers or downright lies from this dude who's managing to make magic more and more uninteractive with uncounterable, untargetable stuffs, no LD, less powerful countermagic. It's all about who stick the bigger creature first and then attack. The depth of strategy. My god.
Well, who am I to argue then.

No, feel free to argue. He may even be interested in your opinion. Though he'll most likely say something to the effect of "most of the feedback I have received has been very positive".

As for my opinion, I do see how it's a nut card and probably shouldn't have been printed like that.


Is supposed to be now? Because in the past it was a white effect, and blue has seen non-color protection 3 times against 15 or so of white. Again, dumb answers or downright lies from this dude who's managing to make magic more and more uninteractive with uncounterable, untargetable stuffs, no LD, less powerful countermagic. It's all about who stick the bigger creature first and then attack. The depth of strategy. My god.
Mark doesn't work on the design teams for supplemental products. This creature's also aimed square at Legacy, where most aggressive decks are blue-based.
Mark doesn't work on the design teams for supplemental products. This creature's also aimed square at Legacy, where most aggressive decks are blue-based.

I need to really look up what all of the formats are specifically.
I was under the incorrect assumption that Legacy and Vintage used specifically older cards, as their names almost imply.

I read this article on Vintage today which was basically the first time I had bothered to read anything about it. I was surprised at the discussion of newer cards.


EDIT: Now I know...

Wikipedia said:
The Vintage format, formerly known as Type 1, allows cards from all sets that are legal for constructed play (known as an "Eternal" format). Vintage maintains a small banned list and a larger restricted list. Unlike in the other formats, the DCI does not ban cards in Vintage for power level reasons. Rather, banned cards in Vintage are those that involve ante, manual dexterity (e.g. – Chaos Orb), or subgames (e.g. – Shahrazad). Cards that raise power level concerns are instead restricted to one per deck. Vintage is currently the only format in which cards are restricted. Because of the expense in acquiring the old cards to play competitive Vintage, many Vintage tournaments are unsanctioned and permit players to use a certain number of proxy cards. These are treated as stand-ins of existing cards and are not normally permitted in tournaments sanctioned by the DCI.

Legacy is another "Eternal" constructed format. It also allows cards from all legal sets, but unlike Vintage, it maintains only a banned list, and cards are banned in Legacy for power level reasons. The format evolved from Type 1.5, which allowed cards from all sets and maintained a banned list corresponding to Vintage: all cards banned or restricted in the old Type 1 were banned in Type 1.5. The modern Legacy format began in 2004, as the DCI separated Legacy's banned list from Vintage and banned many new cards to reduce the power level of the format.[6]
Wizards has supported the format with Grand Prix events and the release of preconstructed Legacy decks on Magic Online in November 2010. The first Legacy Grand Prix was Grand Prix Philadelphia in 2005.

Modern is the newest constructed format. Modern was created by Wizards of the Coast in the Spring of 2011 as a response to the increasing popularity of the Legacy format, which although popular proved difficult to access due to the high price of staple cards.[10] Wizards of the Coast is unable to reprint some of these cards due to the Reserved List, a list of cards Wizards promised never to reprint in order to protect card prices. Therefore, Modern was designed as a new format that would exclude all cards on the Reserved List, allowing the format to be cheaper than Legacy.
Modern allows cards from the 8th Edition core set and all expansion printed afterwards. The 8th Edition core set was when Magic cards began to be printed in modern card frames, and this is where the name for the format is derived. Wizards believed this cutoff would have the advantage of giving a visual cue as to which cards are legal in the Modern format.
The format maintains its own banned list. Cards are banned on the basis of their power level, as in all constructed formats outside Vintage. The first official tournament to be held using the format was Pro Tour Philadelphia in September 2011. The first Grand Prix to use the format was Grand Prix Lincoln in February 2012.
That new card is heaps of dumb, but for most decks vendilion clique is still better at the cost it is asking.

Merfolk might play it, and probably should. Makes it easier to close out games with little fear of overextending. Much better finisher tha Coralhelm now that abrupt decay exists.


No, feel free to argue. He may even be interested in your opinion. Though he'll most likely say something to the effect of "most of the feedback I have received has been very positive".

Yeah I don't think it's worth it.

As much as I like Modern, it still feels like you're riding your older brother's bike with training wheels on it.

It's a weird format in which land denial and counterspells had to be neutered because players don't like them but Thoughtseize is perfectly acceptable!


It's a weird format in which land denial and counterspells had to be neutered because players don't like them but Thoughtseize is perfectly acceptable!
I think that's more a side effect of the way cards are added to modern (by going through standard). I'm not sure what a legacy LD deck looks like (other than Sinkhole, Wasteland and Strip Mine), but Modern has a fair number of 3-drop LD cards. With the ubiquity of fetches, cards like Shadow of Doubt, Trickbind and Squelch can basically act as LD in most games.

That said, I'd love for them to come up with a way to add cards to modern that are acceptable there without having to go through standard.


I'm not sure what a legacy LD deck looks like (other than Sinkhole, Wasteland and Strip Mine), but Modern has a fair number of 3-drop LD cards.

It looks like Wasteland and Stifle.

EDIT: Eh, you said LD decks I read LD cards. I don't think LD decks exist in Legacy, I'm no expert.



Kinda don't like this being another card that every EDH deck would be stupid not to run.


I have been playing Dragons Maze recently and I am wondering if the player can play a gate and a land in the same turn.

Does anybody know the right answer? I couldn't find the right info on the Magic website.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No. Gates count as Lands. Anything with "Land" in the middle box for types count as Lands.


After farming so many boosters with theros, I think black is definitely the most powerful color. Gain life, card advantage, removal, interrupts. It's just so complete.
Strip mine is banned from legacy

I would imagine a heavy LD type deck in legacy would run wasteland, probably stifle, sink hole, and probably hymn. it's one of the few discard spells that can hit lands

i would think cards like thalia might be good as well as artifacts that increase the cost of cheap, inexpensive spells to stall the game.

you can essentially get the same type of effect with just running crucible of worlds or life from the loam and playing wasteland every turn


Strip mine is banned from legacy

I would imagine a heavy LD type deck in legacy would run wasteland, probably stifle, sink hole, and probably hymn. it's one of the few discard spells that can hit lands

i would think cards like thalia might be good as well as artifacts that increase the cost of cheap, inexpensive spells to stall the game.

you can essentially get the same type of effect with just running crucible of worlds or life from the loam and playing wasteland every turn
I've been quietly designing that exact deck slowly over the last few weeks.

God damn you lol


lol you just can't play strip mine

you could also toss in rishadan ports, if you have them.

knight of the reliquary helps fetch out wastelands too
No no, I know Strip Mine is banned. The skeleton you said is the one I landed on though. I get a hard on thinking about Snapcaster-Sinkhole and how mad my opponent would get. Was considering Chalice of the Void to lock the board up after doing the dirty stuff.
No no, I know Strip Mine is banned. The skeleton you said is the one I landed on though. I get a hard on thinking about Snapcaster-Sinkhole and how mad my opponent would get. Was considering Chalice of the Void to lock the board up after doing the dirty stuff.

chalice completely shuts off certain decks so that's definitely good.

i'd make it either BUG or UWB, personally

playing green gives you a quick clock (tarmo) and access to life from the loam

white would give you thalia and cheap removal, but swords might be hurt by your chalice plan

have a LD style deck would make cards like spell pierce and daze almost like hard counters

Kinda don't like this being another card that every EDH deck would be stupid not to run.

As a player that plays almost 100% EDH, I have to agree. It's much more interesting as a deckbuilder (to me anyway) to have to figure out what are the best cards for my deck are, instead of having them obviously lampshaded for me. This seems to be my major issue with Commander products in general. I've had a Grixis colored punisher deck for a while now that runs Sedris as the boss, since the selection of Grixis commanders was limited. Now there's Nekusar, which hooks so tightly into my deck's themes, that I'm convinced that someone at Wizards was also running essentially the same deck, and wanted an on-theme general. Makes it almost too easy, and it doesn't make me feel good. It'll also be much harder to surprise people if the commander explicitly states the point of the deck before a spell is even cast.
I'd be pissed. I'm jealous you have 3 though

i won the playset in a tournament

i was upset. i don't know exactly who to be pissed at, so yea.

3 seems to be the number for most legacy decks so it's not a huge deal

i'm actually more upset right now I don't know what happened to my 4th counterbalance as my miracles deck might want to go back up to 4 of them.
Just 3-0d an 8-4 with another UR "all-in-oh-please-be-good-to-me-dealer." This was the (awesome) final attack for lethal:

I lost game one, then won game two of the final match. Off of a mulligan to 6. Where I kept a one-lander with Akroan Crusader and Dragon Mantle. His life total was at 8 when he untapped on turn 4 (thanks in part to his own Blood-Toll Harpy).


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Just 3-0d an 8-4 with another UR "all-in-oh-please-be-good-to-me-dealer." This was the (awesome) final attack for lethal:

I lost game one, then won game two of the final match. Off of a mulligan to 6. Where I kept a one-lander with Akroan Crusader and Dragon Mantle. His life total was at 8 when he untapped on turn 4 (thanks in part to his own Blood-Toll Harpy).

Is this an official Magic game you are playing or some derivative online? Cost to play? Wouldn't mind playtesting decks with another real person before I play against my buddies in our vintage strange-rules tournament.
They simplify the card text for resolution's sakes, then, I presume?

When the cards are in play, the text is shrunk down. When you expand them, you get the full text.

And sadly Vintage isn't available online; at least, not really. They have something called "Classic," which approximates Vintage, but a lot of the really powerful old cards haven't been released on MTGO yet.
if you want to play vintage online, the best I could recommend is magic workstation (if that's allowed)

but the players are somewhat sub-par and man, do they suck with the rules at times


Fork 'em, Sparky!
oh, that's too bad. I guess I will continue to use the other sites mtgdeckbuilder to playtest with cards I don't have yet. I just wish they had head-to-head modes for built decks :p
sort of off topic, but not ...

came home to a flooded basement last friday. we had 10" of rain in 24 hours. my basement had about 4" water in some spots. my deck back happened to be sitting in a pool of water


thankfully, my legacy decks were at the top of the bag away from the water. my bag with binders in it was drenched, but somehow only 2 cards got wet (the m13 mythic enchant creature that is white and 4 mana, angelic something or other)

super lucked-out on my part lol


Moral of the story: put your boxes full of ancient Magic cards in the attic, not the basement!

So next week is GP Antwerp. Anyone been playing Modern and if so what should I play? Midrange, control or combo?
Moral of the story: put your boxes full of cards in the attic, not the basement!

So next week is GP Antwerp. Anyone been playing Modern and if so what should I play? Midrange, control or combo?

my wife insists on putting them down there. they were right next to a table they could have easily been placed on.

you can believe they won't be going in the basement any longer


After farming so many boosters with theros, I think black is definitely the most powerful color. Gain life, card advantage, removal, interrupts. It's just so complete.

I still prefer blue, but black is a great supporting color. This past Tuesday, I drafted a pretty sick U/B deck that consisted of cheap, evasive fliers back up with good ground bodies, a few kill cards and counters. I was fortunate enough to get the full value of Stymied Hopes, catching opponents every time they fully tapped out. Feels good man.

I mentioned it before but I love Shipwreck Singer. I got to draft 3 of them and was in lala land. They did work every time. I pulled it in every match, sometimes getting two on the board, and once getting all 3 of them on the board lol. I also had 2 Returned Phalanx for cheap defensive and forced them to attack into them with Shipwreck. Such a great combo.

1 Vaporkin
2 Returned Phalanx
1 Omenspeaker
3 Shipwreck Singer
1 Nimbus Naiad
2 Blood-Toll Harpy
1 Agent of Fates
1 Insatiable Harpy
1 Returned Centaur
1 Nighthowler
1 Prescient Chimera
1 Benthic Giant

1 Annul
1 Aqueous Form
1 Boon of Erebos
1 Parika's Cure
1 Stymied Hopes
1 Dissolve
1 Sip of Hemlock

9 Island
8 Swamps
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