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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


You already get Infest for 3 mana, though. Golgari Charm for 2. It's not really efficient unless you're paying a LOT of life.

The decks that want this effect are already playing things like Virtue's Ruin, though, at least I assumed. They don't always have the mana for Golgari Charm, and this is easier to cast and kills a ton more than infest.

At the very least, I think it replaces Infest/Virtue's Ruin.

Life loss is extremely annoying against the sort of lists you'd want this against, though... which is the main issue. I just like that it has the flexibility to replace multiple sideboard cards.


I'm trying to get better at drafting theros, came super close to mono red this time (it was extremely open, nothing else was except someone switching out of blue late in pack 2)

I really am not comfortable with running so many goblin pikers, but keeping your creature count high in this format is extremely difficult. Theros is weird.
Commander sounds great in theory, but unfortunately most games break down into a normal game of UNO.

Why UNO? Well, theoretically, if everyone has their wits about them are looking to just play the game it really wouldn't take too long. In practice, this never happens and people just screw around the whole time.

I understand most commander matches are casual, and that's fine. Your deck can easily reflect that without fapping by yourself in a corner for 15 minutes.


I managed to draft a pretty strong boros deck in Theros tonight. First time drafting that color pair. I had a pretty solid deck, but got completely screwed first round by the luck of the draw. The guy I was playing against got Yoked Ox into Calvary Pegasus into Fabled Hero both games. I had plenty of answers in my deck, but never drew into them. The other two matches I won pretty handily though.


Had the easiest 4-0 at FNM just now with Mono Black Devotion. I know it's supposed to be "competitive casual", though, so I can't say much.

But I did end up trumping Mono Blue in Match 2. Somehow match 3 and 4 were against "sub par" decks which I wish wasn't the case. I kind of just breezed over them instead of running right into something like UWx Control or G/R Monsters.

I ran something really close to this mono black deck that Top 8'd the PT.

However, I made it in a bit of a hurry and had no sideboard. Had a ratchet bomb in main board cause I couldn't find a 4th Doom Blade. Also I'm kind of "meh" on running 4 Underworld Connections so I had 2 Shadowborn Demons in the deck and also 23 lands cause I honestly don't really like running the extra 2 swamps (technically 1 swamp and 1 mutavault cause I don't have a 4th Mutavault).

The shadowborn demons were actually really useful and I loved drawing into them. They're pretty much spot removal for and have a silly little combo with the whip.
haven't played in a long while (except for sealed), so I wanted to update my deck for gameday tomorrow. I can't find it.

It had
4x liliana of the veil
8-12x shocklands
8x buddy lands
1x old chandra

and lesser things like desecration demon, assemble the legion, high priest, I dunno what else

might throw together a bunch of cheap deathtouch creatures to face the hydra deck, but this really killing my urge to play standard magic
haven't played in a long while (except for sealed), so I wanted to update my deck for gameday tomorrow. I can't find it.

It had
4x liliana of the veil
8-12x shocklands
8x buddy lands
1x old chandra

and lesser things like desecration demon, assemble the legion, high priest, I dunno what else

might throw together a bunch of cheap deathtouch creatures to face the hydra deck, but this really killing my urge to play standard magic

Ouch, that's a lot of value to just lose like that. I hope that you find them.


Black devotion deck is hella fun, went 4-0 on a daily standard. Also just built a scapeshift deck, freaking wierd deck. it's basically u wanna flood then scapeshift.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I am so happy that Ruric Thar is seeing real play, finally.

Oh, and Fleecemane is about to jump in price due to SCG. Buy now...
I just witnessed a play set go for $28 shipped. ($7 per card)
I'd grab a set but I feel that my deck is just so good without them!
Ah well, may as well get in on them?


I had my first game day today. I played with the Theros event deck and was able to beat the hydra on hard mode.

I had lots of fun playing and meeting new people. I am really loving this game and the community around it.
I had my first game day today. I played with the Theros event deck and was able to beat the hydra on hard mode.

I had lots of fun playing and meeting new people. I am really loving this game and the community around it.

Nice! I'm same as you. Planning on going to my first tomorrow to play with the event deck.


I finally took my Izzet deck out for a spin, and boy it performed well! I went 3-1, making it to the Top 4 but losing there to a White/Green auras deck with tokens and populate (I made a HUGE mistake of not killing his Fleecemane Lion while he was tapped out and ended up getting owned when the only 3-damage removal card I had met his Rootborn Defenses). The deck performs great, even if it's kind of weak to pinpoint removal itself (kill my 'snipes and pyromancers, and the deck's power goes down drastically), and my sideboard cards did relatively well against aggro decks (which was all I ever fought). I also got complimented on the deck a lot, and enjoyed some awesome games where my creatures generated some sick card advantage while my opponents struggled to find answers to them.

Like we guessed, Steam Augury was often quite nice card draw, since 90% of the time I was drawing at least two burn spells and had the ability to put, say, Mizzium Mortars and the land I needed to cast it on the same pile, which wouldn't have been possible with Fact or Fiction, and I could then feel free to group the three remaining cards on the other pile, which often consisted of either two burn spells or a creature and a burn spell, plus a land. Opportunity was okay, but the difference between one costing four and ther other costing six meant Augury often replenished my hand well enough and considerably faster, even if Opportunity was better in the long game (unless Spellheart Chimera was involved); I often ended up siding Opportunity (either one or both copies) out on games two and three against aggro decks, replacing them with more burn or weirds, and the 1 damage scry 1 card for R often ended up getting sided out as well, since most decks didn't have many 1-toughness creatures, so I could turn them into Negates for a more reactive approach or Flames of the Firebrand to give me some versatility for handling both smaller and larger threats.

The singleton Chandra's Phoenix did pull its weight the two times I drew it. It's amazing how I can feed it to Izzet Charm's draw-discard effect to get some nice card advantage, so I'm probably going to look for one or two extra copies for the deck.


If someone has the following cards in MTGO and doesn't need them I can trade them off: 1 Nightveil Specter, 3 Underworld Connections and Lifebane Zombies.

I have things like Stomping Grounds, Sylvan Caryatid, Boon Satyr and Arbor Colossuses for trade. Add: zoukka to buddies (and why not just for playing).


Unexpectedly Absent and the Merfolk are are cards where I wonder "WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA"

Merfolk is painfully uninteractive and bad design, but Unexpectedly Absent is great, it can work as so many things, pseudo bounce, removal, after a brainstorm with a Delver of secrets down to screw its trigger, as a anti-removal spell on one of your permanent etc... but the best thing is that it cost WW, meaning it's not as easy to splash, finally. WotC understood that it really should print some cards that encourage you to go mono or dual color instead of all those super-splashable bombs we've seen over the latest years.


Mono b devotion is fun to play, but doesn't seem to match well against control.
Sadly, people are just going to play control even though it's consistently under performing. I like the move to splash green, but it may need its temple to make the mana work effectively.


Sadly, people are just going to play control even though it's consistently under performing. I like the move to splash green, but it may need its temple to make the mana work effectively.

Yeah I played this UW control that had Urban Evolution and Plasm Capture. After sideboard, his deck was mono counterspells into aetherling. A very frustrating matchup.

GW seems like an autowin for B devotion.


Yeah I played this UW control that had Urban Evolution and Plasm Capture. After sideboard, his deck was mono counterspells into aetherling. A very frustrating matchup.

GW seems like an autowin for B devotion.
B devotion is a lot like what I was trying to make work with BUG, but it can actually close games.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I do not believe in the power of Esper. It has so many tools but the deck just seems to be missing something to tie it all together.
I haven't played enough to give any good analysis. The mass removal, recurring creatures with whip and merchants just deal pain I guess :)

Okay. :)
I've been having my friend run my Black / White deck to play test against quite a bit. So I know what it's like to go up against Black removal and the whip.

It's pretty insane when B/W has Heliod in play granting Vigilance and the Whip of Erebos in play granting Lifelink. In that scenario he can attack and defend, both, gaining life, all with the same creatures. That kind of sucks. And Soldier of the Pantheon can be a problem for me.

But my Voice of Resurgence (and Witchstalker) forces him to play removal on his own turn.

It's pretty much over if I have Trostani, Archangel of Thune, and either the Voice of Resurgence Token or the Advent of the Wurm Token in play.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";86753485]Lifebane Zombie gonna eat you[/QUOTE]

Yup, he's a card. So is Sin Collector and Thoughtseize.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
BW and mono b don't really care about voices, so that's already GW greatest asset down the drain. Then they can pick apart your hand or go toe to toe with desecration demon.they can race with all their life gain and replenish their hands with read the bones and underworld connections. The only advantage GW has over the black decks are irs creatures and black laughs at creatures.

Which deck do you guys think it's best positioned again mono blue?
I've been watching some Vintage gameplay coverage, a format I've never seen before. It's interesting... at times it goes very fast, and the Lotus cards among others that allow you to dump your hand turn one is pretty insane. It also seems like a lot of land destruction and just other shenanigans I'm not used to playing Standard.

Here are a couple of videos for example.

BUG vs. Powered Goblins

Affinity vs. Terra Nova Shops
BW and mono b don't really care about voices, so that's already GW greatest asset down the drain. Then they can pick apart your hand or go toe to toe with desecration demon.they can race with all their life gain and replenish their hands with read the bones and underworld connections. The only advantage GW has over the black decks are irs creatures and black laughs at creatures.

My experience is that the Voices force their instant speed stuff to become Sorcery speed. And the Voices allow something to sacc for the Demon if necessary, and if Trostani is in play, she populates tokens to have infinite creatures and life gain. The Voice tokens are very powerful because they grow. If nothing else, they become bait for removal. I'm used to having my Voice cards exiled.

The version I play has an intense combo that if not broken with removal or forcing a discard allows for a lot of big creatures and a lot of life gain.

I don't play the version that was seen at the Pro Tour, btw.
Despite BW getting mana screwed out of the last two games in the Open there, I really love that deck.

I do too, actually. I already owned a lot of the cards but I bought the remainder to be able to recreate it. Though I still don't have an Elspeth or Hero's Downfall. :(

My friend that doesn't have a lot of tournament level cards loves playing it whenever I have him over to play Magic. He throws his own Heliod into it which isn't bad, as well as Glare of Heresy.
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