(By the way, on the subject of Magic and assholes from the other page, I have a crappy story... When I bought my first few packs at the ripe old age of 10, the 25 year old cashier talked me into trading away the THREE dual lands that I opened. He told me the Grizzly Bear or whatever was way better. Who does that to a little kid? I still want to find and slap that fucker!)
Oh god that's so awful.
On your deck: (Note, this is assuming you just have random recent cards to play with and aren't trying to be Standard legal, since you have that Conqueror's Pledge.)
- You probably want the full set of Call of the Conclaves. It's kind of the base level thing that gets your tokens going. This would also increase your number of token makers, which isn't super high.
- You definitely want more than 20 lands if you're playing expensive stuff like Armada Wurm and want to have mana to dump into Vitu Ghazi Guildmage. Going up to 24 would probably be a good idea. Also I probably wouldn't play Unknown Shores. It can be a super awkward card.
- Risen Sanctuary is just kind of a big dumb beater. A more "on theme" seven drop could be Trostani's Summoner, which gets you a nice mess of tokens to play with.
- Some form of removal would be a good idea, just to deal with troublesome creatures and things. Selesnya Charm can kill big creatures, make you a token or act as a pump spell. Maybe change a few of the Common Bonds into that. Oblivion Ring is the classic white choice for this.
Cards I'd think about cutting:
- Heroes' Reunion - Pure life gain isn't ever that great. It's just going to prolong the game and not actually help you win. Incidental lifegain on already acceptable cards, like a Centaur Healer, is more what you want.
- Druid's Deliverance - Kind of similar to the lifegain spell, a Fog is just going to let you live another turn. This one could generate you some advantage from the Populate but in the end you'd probably just want another card. I at least wouldn't play the full four of them.
I guess everything except the O-ring was standard legal anyway.