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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


And Patrick Dickmann takes down GP Antwerp with Twin against GR Tron.

Edit: And apparently the next Pro Tour in Valencia in February is Modern? Sweet.
Can I use Grim Return to return a creature to the battlefield that was put there by Consuming Aberration's ability that was triggered by casting Grim Return?
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";87699256]Can I use Grim Return to return a creature to the battlefield that was put there by Consuming Aberration's ability that was triggered by casting Grim Return?[/QUOTE]

After carefully reading each card, I would say no. But I'm not a judge and don't really know.

I think that Grim Return has to resolve before the Aberration's ability happens, therefore the target card in the graveyard must already be chosen.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";87699256]Can I use Grim Return to return a creature to the battlefield that was put there by Consuming Aberration's ability that was triggered by casting Grim Return?[/QUOTE]

The Aberration's ability would go on the stack, resolve, the cards would hit the yard, and then when Grim Return resolved it would look at the graveyard in its current state

I think


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";87699256]Can I use Grim Return to return a creature to the battlefield that was put there by Consuming Aberration's ability that was triggered by casting Grim Return?[/QUOTE]

You always pick targets when you're casting the spell. So when you cast Grim Return you need to pick a target that is already in the graveyard. The Aberration trigger wouldn't have happened yet at that point.

Also, a card going from the library to the graveyard wouldn't even be a valid target for Grim Return since it requires a creature that went from the battlefield to the graveyard.

You could do this with something like Exhume, since it doesn't require a target at any point.
Also, a card going from the library to the graveyard wouldn't even be a valid target for Grim Return since it requires a creature that went from the battlefield to the graveyard.

Ah, you are right. I was correct in my thinking too, but in the end it did not matter because it wouldn't have been a valid target for Grim Return anyway due to the battlefield requirement.

In the new Duels of the Planeswalkers, there's a Liliana deck called "Deadwalkers" that uses Grim Return and a bunch of zombie creatures. Geralf's Messenger is a good one to bring back.


was thinking of dropping a couple hundred to finish building shardless BUG and break into legacy.... figured because I already had agents, strixes, wastelands, 1-2 of each dual, a jace, etc, I'd be fine


1 Force of Will (2 if my full-alt alter isn't legal, which it isn't)
1 Polluted Delta
1 Tropical Island
3 Misty Rainforest (I was one of the idiots who traded for tons after zendikar rotated out, then traded them off for EDH staples immediately before the spike to $30. One for a beat up playmat, two for a single copy of Temporal Manipulation.)
1 Bayou
3 Underground Sea
4 Tarmogoyf
1-2 Verdant Catacombs

2 Ancestral Vision
1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor

and that's just the main

why, legacy
why are you so money

I have all I need for elves, playset of cradles included, except a couple fetches and some uncommons, but shardless looks really fun :(
Heh, I kind of know the feeling. I just lack 4x Dark Confidant and 4x Tarmogoyf to really get into Jund. That's a ton of money just in those eight cards.

I could go Junk and use my 4x Voice of Resurgence but I'd be more tempted to go Jund + White if I went that route.
I've seen a Jund + White deck in action, without the Voice, and it did pretty well.


Heh, I kind of know the feeling. I just lack 4x Dark Confidant and 4x Tarmogoyf to really get into Jund. That's a ton of money just in those eight cards.

I could go Junk and use my 4x Voice of Resurgence but I'd be more tempted to go Jund + White if I went that route.
I've seen a Jund + White deck in action, without the Voice, and it did pretty well.

I just never bit the jund bullet for modern. Played kikipod, melira-pod, then mono blue tron and whatever other jank I felt like, selling cards off as I went. Kind of wishing I was playing deck numba one from the beginning, then I'd have an easy way to segway into legacy.

I still can't figure out why some midrange decks are fun to play and others are grating and boring. I guess cascade, as a mechanic, adds some randomness/fun, but not -that- much.


Won a ~20 person GPT earlier today to get those byes in addition to splitting roughly $200 in prizes with the guy I beat in the finals.

Was on maverick ended up going:
R1: 1-2 UR Delver
R2: bye (lol)
R3: 2-1 Reanimator
R4: 2-0 Shardless
R5: ID

Top 8 6th seed
R1: 2-1 UR Delver (same guy from swiss)
R2: 2-1 Miracles
R3: 2-0 Shardless

Some of the individual games were incredibly close, especially against reanimator and delver (grim lavamancer is really annoying). Pretty happy to just secure the byes to help avoid random fringe decks that we'll definitely be at the GP.


Congrats rCIZZLE! Pretty happy with your list, or thinking of making any changes before the GP?

Well, I'm happy with it enough that I don't want to make drastic changes but there are definitely cards I really want in my 60. Here's what I played today:

3x Deathrite Shaman
2x Noble Hierarch
4x Mother of Runes
1x Scryb Ranger
1x Scavenging Ooze
1x Qasali Pridemage
1x Gaddock Teeg
2x Stoneforge Mystic
3x Thalia
4x Knight of the Reliquary
1x Master of the Wild Hunt
1x Sigarda

1x Batterskull
1x Jitte

4x Swords to Plowshares
2x Abrupt Decay
4x Green Sun's Zenith
1x Sylvan Library

2x Savannah
3x Bayou
4x Windswept Heath
3x Misty Rainforest
4x Wasteland
2x Horizon Canopy
1x Plains
1x Forest
1x Karakas
1x Cradle
1x Dryad Arbor

2x Ethersworn Canonist
4x Thoughtseize
1x Linvala
2x Zealous Persecution
1x Gaddock Teeg
1x Sylvan Safekeeper
1x Garruk Relentless
1x Bojuka Bog
1x Qasali Pridemage
1x Scavenging Ooze

MB feels great except for DRS sometimes being useless in the early game when I can't find a land. SB feels pretty solid right now. Bog isn't as necessary with DRS and Ooze and might get replaced by a Faerie Macabre to address decks the former is sometimes too slow against. Also recently cut Maze of Ith from my 75 since the upside just didn't feel worth the downside.

Any thoughts on it?

No one going to the GP has a spare set of Sneak/Shows do they? :p

I actually just traded mine off to a buddy. The deck, while obviously very good, was just miserable to play. Plus it attracts a lot of hate vibes from opponents lol.


The deck looks fantastic. I've seen Sunnyveil (David Doberne) stream it a lot and messed around with it a bit in person, the deck can pull a lot of shenanigans. I agree with removing the Maze, it's never felt great to me in this style of deck even if it's sometimes good. Not sure on the Bog though, I'm not a fan of Macabra not being able to be searched up even though the Bog is slower. How has the Linvala been for you? Don't see it often in Legacy, but it seems amazing in stuff like the mirror.


The deck looks fantastic. I've seen Sunnyveil (David Doberne) stream it a lot and messed around with it a bit in person, the deck can pull a lot of shenanigans. I agree with removing the Maze, it's never felt great to me in this style of deck even if it's sometimes good. Not sure on the Bog though, I'm not a fan of Macabra not being able to be searched up even though the Bog is slower. How has the Linvala been for you? Don't see it often in Legacy, but it seems amazing in stuff like the mirror.

Ya I've been in Sunyveil's stream a lot over the past month or two. The primarily legacy streamers are really some of the best in terms of talking through their decisions and engaging the chat. Even though Miracles is sometimes painfully boring, Joe Lossett has really taught me a lot about that deck. Obviously Sunyveil has too with Master being, as far as I know, his discovery.

As far as grave hate goes, I probably should accept that some decks will get unbeatable draws and hope DRS and Ooze can get me there.

Linvala is there just to try a more permanent solution than Zealous Persecution against the mirror, D&T, and Elves. Really hasn't impressed me too much since WW is awkward, it comes out late, and can't be GSZ'd


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";87742033]Anybody else going to the SCG Open in Oakland?[/QUOTE]
I might try to go for day 2. Not sure what I would play, but would like to play in a Legacy event of that size, so...


I'm a pretty casual player who's just now getting into attempting some proper deckbuilding with some actual synergy and thought behind what cards I toss in, but I could really use some help figuring out what cards would fit well in what I've built so far. My base is just a couple of booster boxes, Theros and RTR, and I've managed to cobble together some fun deck fundamentals, but I'm lacking in cards that really synergize well and I don't know what else I could replace them with. I know several of my cards don't really fit in, but I didn't have anything much better to put in there...

Here's my favorite of the ones I managed to put together, a G/W populate deck:


The only thing I know I want is a few more Growing Ranks, and replacing a couple of basic lands with more Temple Gardens can't hurt. Beyond that, though, I need help!

(By the way, on the subject of Magic and assholes from the other page, I have a crappy story... When I bought my first few packs at the ripe old age of 10, the 25 year old cashier talked me into trading away the THREE dual lands that I opened. He told me the Grizzly Bear or whatever was way better. Who does that to a little kid? I still want to find and slap that fucker!)


(By the way, on the subject of Magic and assholes from the other page, I have a crappy story... When I bought my first few packs at the ripe old age of 10, the 25 year old cashier talked me into trading away the THREE dual lands that I opened. He told me the Grizzly Bear or whatever was way better. Who does that to a little kid? I still want to find and slap that fucker!)

Oh god that's so awful.

On your deck: (Note, this is assuming you just have random recent cards to play with and aren't trying to be Standard legal, since you have that Conqueror's Pledge.)

- You probably want the full set of Call of the Conclaves. It's kind of the base level thing that gets your tokens going. This would also increase your number of token makers, which isn't super high.
- You definitely want more than 20 lands if you're playing expensive stuff like Armada Wurm and want to have mana to dump into Vitu Ghazi Guildmage. Going up to 24 would probably be a good idea. Also I probably wouldn't play Unknown Shores. It can be a super awkward card.
- Risen Sanctuary is just kind of a big dumb beater. A more "on theme" seven drop could be Trostani's Summoner, which gets you a nice mess of tokens to play with.
- Some form of removal would be a good idea, just to deal with troublesome creatures and things. Selesnya Charm can kill big creatures, make you a token or act as a pump spell. Maybe change a few of the Common Bonds into that. Oblivion Ring is the classic white choice for this.

Cards I'd think about cutting:

- Heroes' Reunion - Pure life gain isn't ever that great. It's just going to prolong the game and not actually help you win. Incidental lifegain on already acceptable cards, like a Centaur Healer, is more what you want.
- Druid's Deliverance - Kind of similar to the lifegain spell, a Fog is just going to let you live another turn. This one could generate you some advantage from the Populate but in the end you'd probably just want another card. I at least wouldn't play the full four of them.

I guess everything except the O-ring was standard legal anyway.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
A little late to the douchebag players conversation but oh well. I havebt experienced much to my face although I have witnessed a lot if it done to other players. The only incident that happened directly to me involved a guy who was known for being a piece of shit. Hotheaded, arrogant, a cheater, and a suspected thief. We were playing our first and only match up and for the first several turns he kept trying to cast spells he couldn't afford. The fourth time he did this I told him it was the last time I was going to tolerate his bullshit. He started ranting and raving but started playing normally. A minute later he begins sliding his feet under the table so they are right next to mine and tells me to watch my feet and stop trying to feel him up. Then he begins calling me a faggot and other lovely slurs that make no sense. At this point I've lost patience and I admittedly have a bad temper myself so I lean forward and very queitly tell him in my best creepy serial killer voice that if he doesn't stand up and drop the match right now I am going to drag him outside by his neck and beat him unconscious. He dropped his match and left. Later when I asked around about him I found out he was a meth head who had been banned from every other shop in the area for cheating and being suspected of stealing people's backpacks. The only reason he was allowed at that store is because they owner had been losing business to a new shop in the area and he was desperate for customers.

I did have a friend almost get into a fist fight with a player in a wheel chair. Which was both hilarious and horrifying. To be fair the kid in the chair was being reply fucking obnoxious. Kept going on and on incorrectly about a rule in an incredibly arrogant and condescending way, while my friend calmly tried to explain why he was wrong. Finally after a good five minutes straight of this my friend lost his patience and made a fake motion like he was going to flip the table. The wheelchair kid told him if he did it again he was going to kick his ass. So my friend went ahead and flipped the table for real. Kid wheeled over halfway to him screaming obscenities and then thought better of it and wheeled away. Not my friends finest moment to be sure but I laughed my ass off.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I still laugh all the time about my friend and Mr wheel chair. Mainly over those few seconds after the kid told my friend he would kick his ass if he did it again. The image of my friend pausing and silently staring calmly at the kid for a moment and then flipping the table without breaking eye contact or saying another word puts me in stitches every time.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Lol Well the double edged sword of having nothing but small hobby shops to play at meant that there usually was no real judge, just an owner who would make judgement calls when he could. Which was nice when you didn't want to deal with kids screaming for a judge every five seconds. But annoying when you wanted to address a situation without resorting to bouncing someone's head of the sidewalk.
Anyone see that Tarmogoyf playmat they are giving out for Eternal weekend pre registers?



Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Man, some of the digital art (that looks so good on the cards), looks awful when blown up to the size of a playmat.


I know I'm going against the heavily unfavorable opinion here but Thoughtseize makes me wish Mental Misstep was standards playable lol. Mono-black Devotion is proving to be way stronger than I have imagined.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Anyone see that Tarmogoyf playmat they are giving out for Eternal weekend pre registers?
I find something amusing about the fact that the art makes him look huge and ferocious, but if you cast Tarmogoyf on the second turn he could feasibly get beaten up by a Llanowar Elf.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I know I'm going against the heavily unfavorable opinion here but Thoughtseize makes me wish Mental Misstep was standards playable lol. Mono-black Devotion is proving to be way stronger than I have imagined.

2 years of having your hand ganked turn 1 in standard is going to get real old real quick.
Anyone see that Tarmogoyf playmat they are giving out for Eternal weekend pre registers?



Coincidentally, that full card art is my desktop background right now. I too noticed how different it was when blown full up as compared to what the art looks like on the tiny card.

I need a play set of Tarmogoyf but I've already spent hundreds of dollars on cards this month... gotta wait.


I'm probably going to go to the Vintage championships to watch- it's a 20 minute ride on Patco and a 5 minute walk to the tournament site.

I wish the Modern Masters side drafts weren't as expensive as they are (50 dollars, with Theros prize packs), or at least prized out with MM.


How much do you think those playmats will go for? I live outside of Philly, not sure if it's worth a trip in though.


How much do you think those playmats will go for? I live outside of Philly, not sure if it's worth a trip in though.

If they are going to be worth more than 40, I might just register for the tournament and drop before the first round.

Also, they just added IPA drafts and Time Spiral drafts for 30 bucks. IPA might seal the deal.
How much do you think those playmats will go for? I live outside of Philly, not sure if it's worth a trip in though.

The registration alone costs $40. I would expect them to fetch more than that on eBay.
How much did those Game Day Champion play mats go for? Like $70?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";87891643]70 for a playmat? Why[/QUOTE]

The same reason an Alpha Black Lotus costs 8 times as much as an Unlimited Black Lotus despite being functionally identical.

"ooh, shiny"
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