No sleeves. The horror!Watch the entirety of the Pro Tour Chicago 1999 final! Game 1 gets a lot of love, but the end of game 2 is way funnier.
A bait that will only work on MTGO, lol.
He's in a losing position no matter how he plays that straight. The SnT is his best out to a winning position.How do you poop when you have balls that big? I mean, they must be touching the water unless you sling them over your shoulder or something.
Custom art.Kibler vs Finkel in a mtgo cube match has been awesome so far. Finkel won game 1 even after a crazy punt where he Mystical Tutor'ed Timetwister and then accidentally shuffled it away. Going into game 2 now. Also Drew Levin, Efro, Shahar, and Huey are all in the chat, and maybe more that I dont know/are hidden.
Edit: weird, both Solemn Simulacrum and Memory Lapse are showing as different art for each of them. Is this supposed to be a thing?
Modern is so close to being an amazing format. I'm still really bummed about the banning of Seething Song; with Storm and Eggs now gone, the format doesn't have a real "unfair" deck left (other than Twin and Pod, both of which are growing more and more midrangy with each iteration). One of the appeals (to me anyway) of these wider formats is having representatives from different historical archetypes, and missing Storm (or even something Storm-ish) is sad to me.
Modern is so intriguing. If I were to get into it, I'd want to play some sort of comboish build. Either MeliraPod or Urzatron. They just seem fun to play.
Eggs needed to die, but I agree that Seething Song was a bullshit card to ban.
The format has plenty of unfair decks, though! Storm and Living End can both perform in dailies to some extent. Scapeshift is also pretty unfair and uninteractive, and the more focused Twin decks are still showing up.
The problem with Seething Song's ban looking weird was because we didn't have access to the data point they used. Every other ban was expected.based on tournament data. But they looked at the G1 win % for storm on MTGO and did not like what they saw. And given that Storm G2/3 usually were "did you draw your hate?" I can understand the ban.Eggs needed to die, but I agree that Seething Song was a bullshit card to ban.
The format has plenty of unfair decks, though! Storm and Living End can both perform in dailies to some extent. Scapeshift is also pretty unfair and uninteractive, and the more focused Twin decks are still showing up.
Playing Tron in Modern is the definition of not fun, seeing how much nonbasic land hate everyone and their mother seems to run. Living End runs Fulminator Mages main, Rock runs Tectonic Edges main and Fulminator Mages sideboard. Jund runs Fulminator Mages sideboard. Merfolk runs Spreading Seas sideboard. Hate Bears run Leon Arbiter, Aven Mindcensor and Tectonic Edges main. And so on.
Fulminators being so expensive is because of supply issues. I'm honestly quite surprised it didn't end up in Modern Masters; at this point we likely won't see it reprinted until Modern Masters 2 (since Hybrid is considered a "mechanic" that eats up a set's allowed "complexity").
I like how you posted the most expensive (in secondary market pricing) printing of that card. :jnc
Man, Avalanche Riders was all kinds of rad the last time it got reprinted. Yes, I'd like to Momentary Blink and blow up three of your lands, please.
The good old days.
I'm gonna become a Judge in 2014. Wooooo foils!
Rang in the new year last night with a game of commander. Got to drop a Gary for 10 devotion, gaining 30 from my 3 remaining opponents after going to 5 from a sliver swarm coming my way. Good times haha
Damnation along with Supreme Verdict is a lot of sweeper options for Esper Control lol.
Finally completed a set of mutavaults. It jumped up to $35 jeebus. Had to trade so many valuables for it.
you're making me want to build a devotion EDH deck for every god now, gahThey're all so swingy and fun.