It's 2014. I'm going to pick my top 10
new Magic Cards from 2013 and put them in a list! Don't rank "the best" cards just to rank the best, rank your favorites, for whatever reasons.
We gotta do something until spoiler season starts!
I apparently like creatures.
10. (tie) Hundred-Handed One / Akroan Horse
These cards are the pinnacle of hilariously amazing design to me. The perfect flavor is sublime and application of Akroan Horse is something I never thought I'd see. HHO's awesomely creative use of the Monstrous mechanic is great, and while it's almost entirely unplayable in any format other than EDH as a fringe inclusion, I love it. The design on these is amazing! (Haunted Plate Mail could have also gone with these, no lie, that card is also amazing design)
9. Aetherling
Just a fantastic finisher in the right deck. I love that it's a call back to the former best-creature-of-all-time. Just a fantastic late game card.
8. Advent of the Wurm
A 5/5 for four is already up my alley. Instant speed and Populate/Parallel Live shenanigans put it over the top for me. I love, love, LOVE surprising people with it as a blocker.
7. Assemble the Legion
Give me all the tokens. Give them to me. And I will make you pay. It's a threat that needs answering if the game is going to go long. And it's a lot of fun in a slap-dash token build.
6. Blood Baron of Viskopa
Say what you will, the card is an absolute beast. It's an evasive, powerful threat in fun colors. Awesome card.
5. Boros Charm
No card has gotten me out of more jams over 2013 than Boros Charm. Making my creatures indestructible has been an defense in so many games, it's not even funny. But I also love attacking into a situation where my opponent thinks they have better blocks than me, and I just decimate their lines. They really should see that coming.
4. Boros Reckoner
A beefier, better Mogg Maniac that shits all over Spitemare's memory. Creature creep is bad, but sometimes, it's just too fun to ignore.
3. Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Just a really cool commander, that rewards you for multiple castings in a really creative manner. I appreciate the attention to detail Wizards is taking with the Commander sets, despite it not being a "real" format.
2. Progenitor Mimic
Landing this, plus Acidic Slime was just too much fun all year long.
1. Gideon, Champion of Justice
Just kidding! This card is absolutely terrible, and I have never seen it get used to any success. Ever!
1. Voice of Resurgence
No card I own caused more headaches for my opponents than this one. It was almost never a dead draw. And it always lived up to the hype. It feels cliche to put it here, and I probably had more FUN with Prog Mimic, but man, Voice did real work for me this year.