They used to. It caused serious issues in casual play where cards didn't work the same way in a real game as they did when you were reading them. (Same reason the creature type update they did was a trainwreck.)To what? Have they ever done that in Magic?
Would it be better designed if it had protection from all other opponents? Makes it better in EDH and irrelevant in the format that it's breaking
On a meta-level it does. Combo's good matchups (non-U "fair" decks) are getting pushed out by TNN.but combo doesn't care about tnn
It's 2014. I'm going to pick my top 10 new Magic Cards from 2013 and put them in a list! Don't rank "the best" cards just to rank the best, rank your favorites, for whatever reasons.
Q: Is a black Day of Judgment printable from a color pie standpoint? Everybody would love a Damnation reprint but I'm guessing it's unlikely to happen because of the regeneration clause...
Mark Rosewater:
Black is more than allowed to kill lots of creatures.
You sacrifice it, it's your permananet, so you gain the life.
Unless it already has +1/+1 counters it doesn't seem like a very good idea. Since you'd need to somehow survive three attacks from the creature getting progressively stronger where the creature also isn't dying in combat.But while it's building up though, whenever they attack they keep getting more counters though, right? So it's not really a smart idea to enchant an enemy's creature with Ordeal of Heliod, is it?
If you put this card in your cube you are a bad person.M14 new player draft and someone cracked Jace, Memory Adept. -_- -_- -_-
M14 new player draft and someone cracked Jace, Memory Adept. -_- -_- -_-
They kept it in due to Dimir. Tamiyo I is a perfect core set card.The core set desperately needs a new blue planeswalker this summer. I know Jace is super popular, but I would actually like to see them take another crack at Tamiyo.
He was willing to trade a Voice of Resurgence for my Archangel, but I already have a play set that I use and was planning on buying the Resto and Path with cash off ebay anyway. So this saves me some money.
Where on earth do you find people who don't obsessively google card prices before trading? I'm jealous.
Cycling is a 1, bring back Astral Slide.
Nostalgia set being a 5, should be a 1 too.
Where on earth do you find people who don't obsessively google card prices before trading? I'm jealous.
I don't try to take advantage during trades (at least no more than ten or twenty percent when I can) but it's really obnoxious to even make fair trades around here. Everyone has smartphones, and nobody wants trades to be more than $1 off in either direction -- finding filler and endlessly googling price sources can take -forever-. Drives me crazy.
Still, damn good deal for you. You'd still be on the better side of that trade if you gave him two archangels.
If you put this card in your cube you are a bad person.
Astral Slide
Sounds like a personal lubricant.
agahins asked:
can Maro be reprinted in a core set?
It can. (Hint, hint.)
Hint Hint = they've reprinted it in a core set before.![]()
The only thing I enjoyed from 2013 were the M14 drafts lol.
They should have just done RtR -> GC -> DM instead of the other way around. I don't know why they're stubborn about that. Happened with a few limited blocks now.
That would have made the set draft really oddly, with players being pushed into a guild from RTR harder than GTC. Of course, on the other side, the mana fixing in DGM would be able to be drafted correctly.
You mean like the original Ravnica block, one of the finest limited formats ever designed?
You mean like the original Ravnica block, one of the finest limited formats ever designed?
You mean like the original Ravnica block, one of the finest limited formats ever designed?
Theros is the set that finally made me stop buying cards, I disliked it so much. So, 2013 was pretty much the worst year in MtG for me since I cam back. Love the mono-colors matter, but hate literally everything else, especially the flavor, which I feel they failed at.
Born and Journey may change my mind, but outside of my initial buy of Theros, I haven't even had the slightest urge to go back. I've even really stopped playing (though that has to do with MTGO shitting the bed so epically, yet another mark against 2013) for the time being.
Your forgetting two things:
1) Certain tri-color combos were MUCH better than other due to how the packs worked out and which packs had which guilds. As such, some tricolor combos meant you could get cards in every pack and in others you couldn't. Not to say that all tricolor combos were equal on full RTR block but the differences between them was smaller due to block layout and I think that's a good thing. Also, as hard as it was, you could draft two color decks in full Return to Ravnica block. That was almost impossible in classic Ravnica block. I think making RTR not just draft like classic Ravnica block is a commendable goal and something they were correct in aiming for. It's just that the execution was off but hey, they are human.
2) Part of the reason RGD was a good limited multicolor format was that the mana-fixing was ACTUALLY GOOD! Relative to the color requirements of the cards in the format, classic Ravnica had the best fixing of any multicolor format! In RTR block Keystones are uncommon, Cluestones are near unplayable and Gates are so beneath Karoos it isn't even funny. Maro has recently said on his blog that he recognizes that they've been lowballing mana-fixing in multicolor limited environments. Let's hope they put those lessons to good use when it comes time for them to make Bizzarro-Alara.
Theros is the set that finally made me stop buying cards, I disliked it so much. So, 2013 was pretty much the worst year in MtG for me since I cam back. Love the mono-colors matter, but hate literally everything else, especially the flavor, which I feel they failed at.
Born and Journey may change my mind, but outside of my initial buy of Theros, I haven't even had the slightest urge to go back. I've even really stopped playing (though that has to do with MTGO shitting the bed so epically, yet another mark against 2013) for the time being.
I sort of love the jankiness of Standard right now though.