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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";95974531]16 packs and a promo card for 5 bucks is a waste of your time?

Plus the top 8 store players every couple months here do a round robin for a booster box.[/QUOTE]
Your payouts are waayyy better than mine, lol.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";95974531]16 packs and a promo card for 5 bucks is a waste of your time?

16 packs for making top 8?
16 packs for making top 8?

Well he said it was a waste of time so I was assuming he got first whenever he went.

It's 16/8/1/1 here(central cali). I think the shop in hayward pays out to top 8 if there's enough people. Like 16/8/4/4/1/1/1/1 or something but like 30+ people show up and it's 10 bucks a person. In san fran it's 8-man pods and top 4 of each get packs. 4/2/1/1 I think or $2 store credit per pack.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";95974531]16 packs and a promo card for 5 bucks is a waste of your time?

Plus the top 8 store players every couple months here do a round robin for a booster box.[/QUOTE]

It's probably more that he's way better than the other people at FNM- he's not going to get better crushing scrubs, and it sucks for them because they are all playing for second place.

I wasn't even talking about DGM being bad for limited. The 10 cluestones sucked the life out of me. The 10 guildgates felt like overkill. The mostly unplayable 10 legends made me cry. The fact that Voice of Resurgance ended up capping the value of the set to the point where on channelfireball the 4th most valuable non foil in the set is a TOKEN is gross.

And the fact that there wasn't a cool dragon in the center of this maze sucked.


Shrug. To me RTR was Shards of Alara lite. Ranking the multicolour blocks, I'd go: Original Ravnica > Invasion > Shards of Alara > Return to Ravnica. Not sure if I rate Invasion above Shards because of design or nostalgia, but I had equally good memories from Invasion and Shards.

The caliber of Invasion block's "at least it's good in limited" cards is obviously a lot worse, but it's MUCH more free form in draft than the cynical gold sets (RTR, Alara).
I made top four with my Selesnya deck at FNM. The other three above me were variants of mono blue and mono black.

Finished playing some pauper... my combo went off and I was able to create infinite mana, infinite tokens.


The fact that Voice of Resurgance ended up capping the value of the set to the point where on channelfireball the 4th most valuable non foil in the set is a TOKEN is gross.

It's the token Voice of Resurgence makes too.
Today in my Magic experience.

"My daughter is taking a nap; my wife is running errands - I can sneak in a cube draft!"
"Hmm, I should do a single-elimination; they run faster."
"Sweet! I got 5-color planeswalkers, with fantastic fixing, Black Lotus, Time Walk, JTMS, etc (seven planeswalkers total)!"
"Damn! I got overrun by the fun-killing mono-red deck!"
"She's still sleeping. I'm going to be greedy and do another one."
"Sweet! A reanimator deck! Loads of reanimation and discard...but damn, not a single fatty other than Emrakul and this lame Angel of Serenity? I guess we'll play this sneak attack and this Corpse Dance and hope to get there."
"Oh, my daughter woke up? And she's bawling her head off because daddy's not coming downstairs. Ugh. I guess my deck isn't very good; I'll just concede match in game one..."

I just knew that I was going to spew value by trying to sneak in these drafts, but I also knew that if I didn't, I wasn't going to get to draft it at all. But in the end, I actually would have done better to not draft it at all... :(

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Shrug. To me RTR was Shards of Alara lite. Ranking the multicolour blocks, I'd go: Original Ravnica > Invasion > Shards of Alara > Return to Ravnica. Not sure if I rate Invasion above Shards because of design or nostalgia, but I had equally good memories from Invasion and Shards.

Eh, I'd probably tie Invasion and RTR at second and put Alara at third. Alara has some great individual cards but the overall design of the block (especially Conflux and Alara Reborn) felt super messy to me. It felt like "old design", and not in a good way.

Alara Reborn in particular had this problem of spectacularly uninteresting three-color cards. Obviously they needed some but this


does not feel UGW.

I applaud them for the experiment. But looking through the Alara Reborn card file right now it is clear that there is not an entire set's worth of multicolor design space, at least not with the time they had to put it together. A lot of them feel like they should be Hybrid cards because they're so clearly effects either/any of the colors can do.


Well, keep in mind, I drafted ALA/ALA/ALA and ALA/ALA/CON the most. When Alara Reborn finally got released, I think we drafted it for a month and a half before the next set arrived.

I mostly agree though. Alara Reborn was average from a limited point of view. Conflux was alright as it enabled five colour strategies and made Esper artifacts really, really good. I remember I won a GP Trial with forcing Esper in the top 8 draft.
For you more experienced players, are prerelease events worth attending? There are some great prizes at the lgs like whole booster box giveaways (and free donuts)


Is there a reason why Pauper Standard isn't an in-client format in MODO? The breadth of PDCMagic.com leads me to believe it's a popular enough format.


For you more experienced players, are prerelease events worth attending? There are some great prizes at the lgs like whole booster box giveaways (and free donuts)

I go to every one of them. It's a great environment to learn the new cards and rules and hand out with friends. For the cards in particular for me, since as much as I look at spoilers I dont really memorize new cards until I start seeing them in person.

Watching the SCG stream, 4 Delver decks in the top 8 :lol

I'm so glad they put the Jund Depths up on stream. It looks like a blast to try out.
I go to every one of them. It's a great environment to learn the new cards and rules and hand out with friends. For the cards in particular for me, since as much as I look at spoilers I dont really memorize new cards until I start seeing them in person.

I'm so glad they put the Jund Depths up on stream. It looks like a blast to try out.

Good to hear, I'll attend at least one of them for sure


For you more experienced players, are prerelease events worth attending? There are some great prizes at the lgs like whole booster box giveaways (and free donuts)

Pre-releases are awesome. You get so many new players attends and it brings out everyone at the same time. You got some players that studied the spoilers but with no one truly having experience with building the new set, it's like an even playing field. Prizes are typically good. The sooner the prerelease (Friday midnight), the better the payout, at least at my lgs. They tend to give the most early and whatever is left by Sundays prerelease.


At first look, it doesn't look good. All that extra stuff at the bottom kinda looks fake

Also, the designed by line is stupid.

EDIT: More announcements:

M15 tagline is "Hunt Bigger Game", has Garruk as the lead Image.
Also, references new "Clash Packs", with more details to come in the future. My guess is it's a re-working of the Booster Battle packs, as they are not listed.


That Stamp will probably make the next mistake like Jace a lot harder to counterfit, at the very least.

Also, stolen from Twitter, but "Modern 2" will probably be a thing at some point.
Hey all,
I've recently been playing a fair bit of Hearthstone and while having heaps of fun I'm finding my interest is waning. Magic is obviously a bit more involved and is actually a physical object so I thought I'd try build a cube to add it to my board game collection.

Based on what I've read a cube made from a deck builder's toolkit may be enough to get started but may not have enough cards to play a one colour deck of each type.

I'm open for suggestions to add to a DBT to make a nice range of cards and have enough to build a one colour deck if we feel like it. I doubt my friends will buy their own cards so I'm just trying to make one set we can treat like it's own boardgame when the mood strikes.

Cheers for any and all help :)


That new frame is fucking awful. Like, why bother?

Hey all,
I've recently been playing a fair bit of Hearthstone and while having heaps of fun I'm finding my interest is waning. Magic is obviously a bit more involved and is actually a physical object so I thought I'd try build a cube to add it to my board game collection.

Based on what I've read a cube made from a deck builder's toolkit may be enough to get started but may not have enough cards to play a one colour deck of each type.

I'm open for suggestions to add to a DBT to make a nice range of cards and have enough to build a one colour deck if we feel like it. I doubt my friends will buy their own cards so I'm just trying to make one set we can treat like it's own boardgame when the mood strikes.

Cheers for any and all help :)

A deckbuilder's toolkit is nice for a collection but I'm not sure how many cards you will be able to use from it. Remember Cube is a singleton format so any duplicates aren't put in. They can be functionally the same but they must have been a different card. I.e. Savannah Lions and Elite Vanguard.

My suggestion is to do some research, this is a great thread for beginning a new Cube.


Cubing is my favorite way to enjoy Magic and I have been playing since Revised. It's fun, skill-intensive and always different. I think every group should have a Cube. Once you get past the initial investment it's not that much to keep up with.

If you have any questions let me know. I've been maintaining a cube for 4 years.
Read the article. The card info on the lower left is machine-readable to eliminate printing errors like packs with cards from the wrong set or packs with the wrong rarity distribution.

That's cool, but I guess I'd prefer if the frame just went to flush with the bottom of the text box and just had a straight line in towards the text boxes left and right borders -- the curve in looks like the text box is overflowing.


I think the curve at the bottom is pretty awful looking, but other than that these changes don't bother me. I actually love that reading collector's numbers will be so much easier.
That new frame is fucking awful. Like, why bother?

A deckbuilder's toolkit is nice for a collection but I'm not sure how many cards you will be able to use from it. Remember Cube is a singleton format so any duplicates aren't put in. They can be functionally the same but they must have been a different card. I.e. Savannah Lions and Elite Vanguard.

My suggestion is to do some research, this is a great thread for beginning a new Cube.


Cubing is my favorite way to enjoy Magic and I have been playing since Revised. It's fun, skill-intensive and always different. I think every group should have a Cube. Once you get past the initial investment it's not that much to keep up with.

If you have any questions let me know. I've been maintaining a cube for 4 years.

I'm starting from having no cards whatsoever so I'm a bit hesitant to start putting together a list of 300+ cards when I don't really have perspective on what's good.

What would you suggest as a starting point for cards? I've seen commander decks (which are singleton too right?) in store but a couple of those would be significantly more pricey than a single pack of DBT.


Cube is essentially creating your own limited format. Like Arena drafting, but you're developing your own set. You draft the cards, select the 22-23 non-land ones you want to play, add lands, and viola, you have a cube!

What I actually might suggest here is going with a RTR Block Common or Common/Uncommon Cube to start. Only commons gets you to 262 cards. Commons and uncommons gets you to 472. I'm not sure how well it would actually play, but it's a relatively easy way to just throw something together that you can replay. (I would, however, double or triple up on the guildgate quantity to provide the format adequate mana-fixing.)



But the best thing to come out of the printing of Modern Masters is huge growth in the participation in the Modern format. Entries in Modern events more than tripled in 2013 compared to 2012, making it easily our #2 Constructed format behind Standard. And the best part is that nearly all of this growth came at the store level—we offered the same suite of one Pro Tour, one round of PTQs, and seven Grand Prix in the format in both 2012 and 2013, and while attendance at those events was up year-over-year, the growth there didn't approach doubling, let alone tripling. I'm not sure if it was the Modern Masters product specifically, or that its release merely cemented the idea that we were serious about promoting the format, or just that as more people gave it a try they found they liked it, but the growth was tremendous—a great sign for potential future Modern Masters–like products in the future!​

Nice growth.

Magic's latest core set was headlined by something that did not fare as well as we'd hoped—the return of the popular Sliver creature type. We revamped them in a couple of ways from how you last saw them in Time Spiral block, most notably by having their rules text affect only the Slivers on your side of the table, as well as a creative reboot that made them look more humanoid. Each change was met with some degree of suspicion and dislike from a segment of our veteran players. I will say that while the game play change is exactly in line with what we've been doing with tribal cards over the past several years—a change I believe in strongly—I wish we could have found a creative solution that would have updated them beyond the wriggly little spike-faces of yore but would have been more widely embraced as an improvement.​

RIP gorilla and bird-man with dreadlocks slivers, you will be mourned little.

Making the bottom of each card black to accommodate this information was not an easy decision, and may be the most disconcerting part of this frame update, but it was done with the best of intentions.​

lol, never change Aaron. This smells like the black and white mana symbols in the text box you tried to force through with the 8th Edition update.


I'm starting from having no cards whatsoever so I'm a bit hesitant to start putting together a list of 300+ cards when I don't really have perspective on what's good.

What would you suggest as a starting point for cards? I've seen commander decks (which are singleton too right?) in store but a couple of those would be significantly more pricey than a single pack of DBT.

Honestly the best way to build it is to just buy individual cards. The beauty of cube is that rarity only goes so far. Different colors require different types of cards to enable deck archetypes to be built. Like red for the most part is small but efficient creatures and burn cards. You could probably build the red section of 50 cards for probably 50 bucks, even less if you tried.

You are correct with Commander also being a singleton format. While I do think there a lot of great Cube-worthy cards and staples the 30 dollar MSRP is pretty expensive and you'd still need to fit in a lot. A deck builders kit or two might not be a bad start.

You say you don't have any cards at all, do any of your friends? You'd be astounded by cards that are junk status in constructed but are good in Cube and stuff most people would probably part with happily.

I guess a better question to start off with is what kind of budget do you want to work with? Keep in mind proxying cards is completely fine since it's just for fun.


Following what kirblar said a common/uncommon cube would still be a fun cube and very affordable. In fact I would recommend RTR block since it has a lot of gold cards and mana fixing. If you wanted to take it a step further I would look into adding Innistrad cards as well.


For you more experienced players, are prerelease events worth attending? There are some great prizes at the lgs like whole booster box giveaways (and free donuts)

Prereleases are fantastic. Big turnouts meaning good prizes for high placers and tons of people to trade with. Overhyped, expensive cards are very easy to offload for things you need or just stable cards in general. Plus playing with the actual cards as soon as they're available is the best part. Usually I get to 2 of them per set which is what I'm expecting to do this time.


So each card will now have a machine-readable section at the bottom of the card. One that could theoretically be read by slotting the card into some sort of card reader device.

Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?
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