It breaks standard as well.I'd love to see Wasteland reprinted for standard, but I don't think Modern could handle it
16 Forest
4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
20 lands
4 Arbor Elf
3 Burning-Tree Emissary
1 Craterhoof Behemoth
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Eternal Witness
3 Primeval Titan
3 Strangleroot Geist
2 Wistful Selkie
24 creatures
2 Fertile Ground
4 Garruk Wildspeaker
4 Genesis Wave
1 Primal Command
1 Rude Awakening
4 Utopia Sprawl
16 other spells
1 Acidic Slime
1 Beast Within
1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
3 Damping Matrix
1 Dismember
3 Fracturing Gust
2 Nature's Claim
1 Strangleroot Geist
2 Vexing Shusher
15 sideboard cards
Someone caught this- the new frame bottom IS the PW frame bottom. This has been in the works a long-ass time.
If the cards are machine readable, does that mean there's potentially a way to actually randomize packs but make sure X number of mythics are in a box that doesn't involve tracks? That's worth 1-2 years of ugly card bottoms IMO.
Someone caught this- the new frame bottom IS the PW frame bottom. This has been in the works a long-ass time.
Also, as kirblar mentioned, the extra rarity indicator being white on black could help some colorblind gamers, although the types of colorblindness that would prevent players from reading the normal rarity symbols are incredibly rare.
None of the new changes are terrible on paper, they were just executed poorly. Black on red is very visually striking, and it draws attention from the important parts of the card (art, text) to the fucking copyright info. That isn't a place most players will ever look at for more than three seconds, so why make it stand out so much?
It's good for colorblind people - it's the reason for the additional rarity marker.
Hero, I didn't play you in HS in Arena, did I?
We literally have nothing between us. I think $100 Australian would be my limit but preferably less.
Found time for another Cube draft; this time enough time to do Swiss. I just got to chain Buried Alive (Sheoldred, Griselbrand, Sphinx of the Steel Wind) into Living Death. I don't care what happens next.
EDIT: Damn it! I punted a sure win in game three of match two because I didn't pay attention to what step MODO was on and I cast a Corpse Dance on my opponent's second main instead of his end step. I really need to stop making these stupid punts when I play MODO; I know the user interface is complete shit, but I've been playing long enough to where I shouldn't do stuff like that.
So playing it on his End step would allow it to remain in play during your turn?
I need to learn all of these little intricacies to the steps, and the stack for that matter.
GAF what are some drafting strats? Specifically with theros?
I've drafted a bunch of time and generally finish last. Once I got 3rd but that was a fluke.
Also, you should draft the deathtouch creatures as highly as you would removal spells. It's a little odd, but true. It's the way you don't lose to Ordeals.
I need to learn all of these little intricacies to the steps, and the stack for that matter.
The single best way to do this is to play a few games on Magic Online. It does a pretty good job of breaking down the turn and how priority actually works.
My general advice to players who are new to drafting (but not new to magic) is to just take the best UW Flyers that you see, and take removal to go with it. I think maybe M12 was the last time this wasn't really a valid strategy?
I found the best way to draft is to take my money and then just mail it straight to WotC's office.
Because I fucking suck at drafting. I can handle constructed all day, but I lack all discipline necessary to draft.
Next deck I will likely buy into is Living End, looks like it's about $65. And then I will look into either Affinity or Jund.
You are talking about this deck online yeah? Cause $65 will get you like close to 3 Fulminators in paper. Still kicking myself for not grabbing a playset at £32.
Other than a single cube draft at my LGS I have never drafted before. I have 20 Planeswalker Points on MTGO that I suppose I could spend on Phantom events to get some practice?
I never go to the draft FNM because I feel like I'd be wasting my money.
The other day I saw Urza's block drafts on MODO. That draft was extremely "draft an archetype"and might be worthwhile for you if you can dig up some old-ass strategy articles. It's more expensive than a phantom, but stupid commons like Cloud of Faeries are surprisingly valuable on MODO. (Thanks pauper?)monoblack lol
If drafting at your LGS is unsanctioned (i.e. the winners get to rare and chase uncommon draft) it's a waste of your money unless you could play your way into a friendly group that would give you some personal tutoring.
I see 8-4 and Swiss being the two options to join. Isn't that how they determine pairing or something? And how long should I expect these last?
Heroic won't make a reappearance in Born of the Gods, I'm quite certain of that.
Heroic won't make a reappearance in Born of the Gods, I'm quite certain of that.
Black should never have the ability to remove enchantments, even it's own.[/QUOTEk]
Fair enough.
Is it? I thought the mechanics were limited to the set they show up in. I mean there are exceptions (like RTR guilds and double-faced in INN) but those aren't usually the norm.
I assume the Gods and Enchantment hybrids are the recurring element of Theros, not Heroic.
I drafted over the weekend for Theros and chose B/U revolving around counters and Nimbus Naiad with Disciple of Phenax and Gray Merchant to finish games after getting down some black cards. Went 2-1. My only loss was to a Selesnya deck that got big shit out fast. I couldn't stop it. Also, doe anyone have any good base decklists for Mono Black. I just pulled a Whip of Erebos from a booster and I think I want to revise my shitty mono black into something as decent as my Esper.
If you are playing to learn, and don't expect to be competitive choose Swiss. You get 3 matches even if you lose, and the level of competition is lighter (you win a pack for each match you win). 8-4 is a single elimination tourney where first place gets 8 packs and second place gets 4. If you are new to drafting, that'd probably mean you are eliminated your first match and win nothingIf you go Swiss, expect it to take 3ish hours.
Is it? I thought the mechanics were limited to the set they show up in. I mean there are exceptions (like RTR guilds and double-faced in INN) but those aren't usually the norm.
I assume the Gods and Enchantment hybrids are the recurring element of Theros, not Heroic.
About my LGS and their drafts, I do believe they register your DCI number, at least I know that they do for constructed play. I've heard of at least one individual that drafts but almost always takes the rares he comes across, regardless of the colors he is drafting.
I'm pretty lucky because I do most of my drafting at work, and we've cultivated an environment of not rare drafting. I was in a draft once where Sphinx's Revelation almost wheeled (6th pick... it was 3rd pack) because that's how far it went before someone needed it for their draft deck. I REALLY wanted one for my cube, but I had some compelling pick for whatever colors I was drafting (if I had to guess, probably I was in black and saw a Stab Wound).
I also have passed an offcolor Planeswalker (m13 Liliana when I was building Izzet colors). I won that draft though, so I guess it was the right call.
It is totally fine on a Black Green card though.Black should never have the ability to remove enchantments, even it's own.
It is totally fine on a Black Green card though.
I'm pretty lucky because I do most of my drafting at work, and we've cultivated an environment of not rare drafting. I was in a draft once where Sphinx's Revelation almost wheeled (6th pick... it was 3rd pack) because that's how far it went before someone needed it for their draft deck. I REALLY wanted one for my cube, but I had some compelling pick for whatever colors I was drafting (if I had to guess, probably I was in black and saw a Stab Wound).
I also have passed an offcolor Planeswalker (m13 Liliana when I was building Izzet colors). I won that draft though, so I guess it was the right call.
About my LGS and their drafts, I do believe they register your DCI number, at least I know that they do for constructed play. I've heard of at least one individual that drafts but almost always takes the rares he comes across, regardless of the colors he is drafting.
Here's a situation. You're playing Punishing Jund and playing against 12 Post. You have 4 lands, a Scavenging Ooze and a Bloodbraid in play, the opponent only has a few lands but none are Cloudposts. You duress and see Ponder, Brainstorm, and a few junk lands. Do you take the Ponder or Brainstorm? I took Ponder, but I'm not sure of it. Now the real question: he's got no action, you have a Red Elemental Blast, Deathrite, Tarmogoyf, and one or two unneeded things. If you drop both he's at lethal next turn. Do you:
A: Do nothing, keep 3 lands and the REB in hand free and pass the turn.
B: Drop either DRS or Goyf, keep REB up and pass.
C: Drop both, since it's lethal. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?
Well I'll tell you what the worst thing that could happen is, because I went for option C. He draws for his turn, Brainstorms, and plays Show and Tells Emrakul into play. Lesson learned here: if your thought process starts with "fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?", dont fucking do it.