In my days we used InQuest. My magic cards bring all the boys to the yard, and they're like, you got charizard?
Scrye was what the real playground hustlers were reading.
In my days we used InQuest. My magic cards bring all the boys to the yard, and they're like, you got charizard?
Hey all,
I've recently been playing a fair bit of Hearthstone and while having heaps of fun I'm finding my interest is waning. Magic is obviously a bit more involved and is actually a physical object so I thought I'd try build a cube to add it to my board game collection.
Based on what I've read a cube made from a deck builder's toolkit may be enough to get started but may not have enough cards to play a one colour deck of each type.
I'm open for suggestions to add to a DBT to make a nice range of cards and have enough to build a one colour deck if we feel like it. I doubt my friends will buy their own cards so I'm just trying to make one set we can treat like it's own boardgame when the mood strikes.
Cheers for any and all help![]()
Modern Event Decks? Interesting development.......
4 fetchlands.
4 marsh flats huehuehuehuehuehuehuehe
4 fetchlands.
4 marsh flats huehuehuehuehuehuehuehe
Yeah I think the've locked themselves into five plansewalkers a block, so for Large-Large-Small they'll probably (almost) always do 3-1-1
On the topic of returning mechanics I interested in how they are going to do a new spin on bestow. I'd like to see something like breaking the symmetry between the creature and the enchantment buff so you could do stuff like negative bestoways you can toss on an opponent creature.
But I think Maro might have said they won't do that. Or that might have been just in Theros.
My guess for the modern first event deck would be something simple and monocolored like merfolk. It follows their previous criteria for event decks: can win at FNM, unplayable at higher level events, probably won't be expensive enough for scalpers to buy every copy, will still be a good value for someone new to the format.
Once a $75 precon passes the $150 mark on tcgplayer (or the $250 mark on starcity), it will become impossible to buy in stores. I think these will be (mostly) practical, although I'm still hopeful that one will have at least a single blue fetch in it.
On the other hand, how much are the people at WoTC freaking out about counterfeits? They could easily use the next year or two to milk the fuck out of their reprintable modern and legacy staples, which means these event decks could be stacked.
My guess for the modern first event deck would be something simple and monocolored like merfolk. It follows their previous criteria for event decks: can win at FNM, unplayable at higher level events, probably won't be expensive enough for scalpers to buy every copy, will still be a good value for someone new to the format.
Once a $75 precon passes the $150 mark on tcgplayer (or the $250 mark on starcity), it will become impossible to buy in stores. I think these will be (mostly) practical, although I'm still hopeful that one will have at least a single blue fetch in it.
On the other hand, how much are the people at WoTC freaking out about counterfeits? They could easily use the next year or two to milk the fuck out of their reprintable modern and legacy staples, which means these event decks could be stacked.
Will be interesting to find out.
Now I'm hyped
Bestow ended up being pretty awesome, and everyone likes licids. Would like to see what other design space is there.
Merfolk? Well, I'm curious to see what the build includes. It needs Mutavault, Cavern of Souls, and Aether Vial to be worthwhile as a deck. I wonder how many of each they'd put in. Maybe they sneak Remand in?
All the top lists in Standard right now seem really straight forward and boring to me right now, I hope the new set will shake it up enough.
Would be great if Tymaret becomes playable between the Rakdos god and some other support.
Would really like to see this. Tymaret is such a fantastic card, it's a real shame that he hasn't seen any play yet.
I just realized they can do three-color lists really easily (but jankily) in precons: just toss in reflecting pools and vivid lands. Bam, you have an FNM-ready manabase.
Melira-pod would end up being a generic pod list, likely with a color cut (manabase is $$$), but it's also very possible. I imagine Melira herself will be cut though? WoTC doesn't like putting combos in precons, but this might be an exception.
All the top lists in Standard right now seem really straight forward and boring to me right now, I hope the new set will shake it up enough.
Would be great if Tymaret becomes playable between the Rakdos god and some other support.
I'm going to try a couple in the side of Rakdos aggro tomorrow I think because I don't know what I'm doing. Seems like he could be breakable eventually with Xathrid Necromancer but it's definitely a few cards short.
Scars Fastlands would also fit the deck. The other thing is it isn't hard to make Melira Pod without any Mythics, but almost impossible to make Affinity without it (Mox Opal is mandatory). They probably will put at least 30 rares in this deck for the price point, but probably no Mythics, or if they do, just 1 or 2 one-ofs.
If they did this as a functional Pod deck, minus Melira, I wonder if enough people would buy her to put in to cause a jump in price. I doubt it. I also think it would be incredibly stupid of them to put a Pod deck together for Modern without her or Kiki Jiki.
Edit: Also, whoa, when did Karn spike?
So with Gatecrash, it was another big set, so limited was all GTC. With BotG being a small set, will we be splitting BotG/Theros packs in drafts/sealed?
I've been heavily arguing for this one. It does nothing but enable stupid T2/T3 nutdraws from decks like Living End or Goryo's Breach. (I also think DRS and Splinter Twin are both cards the format would be better off without.)Why would they think of banning Simian Spirit Guide? I'm honestly curious about the reasoning for this one.
I have recently started getting back into Magic (after a decade+ break) and have around 6-700 cards.
Is there any value in me buying 2014 core set pack or am I better off just buying booster packs.
What are you trying to do with Magic?
Play Constructed tournaments? Just buy the singles you need directly. Could start with the an event deck if you want something to build off.
Play casually? An intro deck would be fine probably to start with. Or buy boosters to draft with your friends.
Why would they think of banning Simian Spirit Guide? I'm honestly curious about the reasoning for this one.
I've been heavily arguing for this one. It does nothing but enable stupid T2/T3 nutdraws from decks like Living End or Goryo's Breach. (I also think DRS and Splinter Twin are both cards the format would be better off without.)