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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


Tribute not being paid on this guy seems far more likely than on say, the tribute phoenix. With this guy you can just take a hit one turn and then block it with a Smiter or Frostburn Weird. Or just Verdict it.

If your gonna verdict it, why give them the free haste 4 damage :p ?


If your gonna verdict it, why give them the free haste 4 damage :p ?

Right. Yes. Duh. Strike that part, leave the part about various relevant blockers.

Maybe I was just comparing it against the Phoenix where if you don't tribute they just get it back when you Verdict.


My problem with Tribute is that so far, all the spoiled cards are brain dead obvious choices to pay the tribute.

Where as these Scry if played as a sorcery cards are all interesting choices. Does the surprise value make up for the lack of Scry? Fun skill-testers


at least these two options are more comparable and the guy comes down a turn earlier than supreme verdict, whereas with the phoenix, i can't fathom a situation where the opponent doesn't want to pay tribute. Mono black doesn't care about a 5/5 flyer and neither does control.
I wish the Phoenix natively had haste. But still, it's biggest problem is that it has to compete with Chandra, Purphoros, and Fanatic at 4 cmc slot. If only Koth were around, I feel there are enough quality midrange red creatures to give Big Red a go.


Actually, he compares favorably to Ghor-Clan Rampager. He costs 1 mana less for the same stats (4/4 Trample), but is missing the Bloodrush upside.
I really like how flavorful the conditional hexproof clause is. He's lurking in the depths until he jumps and strikes. I really enjoy good top-down design like that.


T1: Rakdos Cackler
T2: Ash Zealot
T3: Boros Reckoner
T4: Mogis, God of Slaughter
T5: Profit.
After a little thought I wouldn't mind setting up this:

T1: Rakdos Cackler
T2: Spike Jester
T3: Hammer of Purphoros
T4: Mogis, God of Slaugher
T5: Profit.

Five damage T2, on T3 you might hold back so the devotion stacks up right, and on T4 you're swinging with a 7/5. Fill up on Ash Zealots, Reckoners, Shred-Freaks, Cacklers and whatever else to maintain or revive that devotion for another turn or two. Mogis looks real appealing when he's borrowing that Hammer. If you go first and avoid removal by turn 4 that's 17-22 points of damage before a Supreme Verdict even has a chance to drop. Not even counting the 2 they may be pinged on their T4 upkeep. That's a lot of what-if's but I still like it.


I really like how flavorful the conditional hexproof clause is. He's lurking in the depths until he jumps and strikes. I really enjoy good top-down design like that.

I had to do a double take on its second ability. "So if you block with one creature, he's unblockable, what?"



Haha that Kraken is awesome.

Bought a couple packs of Theros the other day. Karma caught up with me, and I got both Hundred Handed One and Akroan Horse. That's what I get for putting them on my top 10 list haha
I like the kraken. It would be nice if it was a little less beefy and the cmc was SLIGHTLY lower, but with all the kiora's follower hype, U/G ramping probably won't be bad at all.
I was actually playing Rakdos right before Theros came out, so I probably have the relevant cards to make it work once Mogis, etc. release.

My play set of Underworld Cerberus needs a home anyway. ;)

Playing Rakdos Cackler on T1, then Spike Jester on T2 and swinging for five damage never got old. :)

On the other hand, I also have a complete G/W deck running and it looks like that is going to become tier 1.

Standard suddenly got a whole lot more interesting to me.


What's the proper way to cast an instant so it's not counterable?

Picked up a Liliana of the Veil for $35 today and Birthing Pods for $6 each.
I was happy to support a local small business and just as happy to get a good deal on cards.
What drawbacks? They're just giant vanilla creatures, some of which are cheaper than the would usually be.

Fanatic of Xenagos. 1RG, 4/4
As ~ enters the battlefield, an opponent may choose to have it enter with a -1/-1 counter on it. If they do, it gains +1/+1 and haste until end of turn.

Same card (essentially). It's a 3cc 4/4 with a drawback. It's all in the phrasing; they've just rewritten it so that it sounds good.

The Adder

Your opponent can pick which form it takes depending on which he can answer.

True. Although that's assuming they generally have an answer ready that applies to not paying the tribute, but doesn't apply to having payed. I haven't really seen one yet that puts you in that situation, except maybe Fanatic of Xenagos.

Fanatic of Xenagos. 1RG, 4/4
As ~ enters the battlefield, an opponent may choose to have it enter with a -1/-1 counter on it. If they do, it gains +1/+1 and haste until end of turn.

Same card (essentially). It's a 3cc 4/4 with a drawback. It's all in the phrasing; they've just rewritten it so that it sounds good.

So Fanatic is a big creature (not really giant at 4/4) for cheap or a below average costing 3/3 that is a 4/4 for with haste one turn. I can see, as I said, that being a drawback, but that doesn't really seem to apply to the other Tribute creatures we've seen. (Pharagax Giant is just an expensive vanilla 3/3 creature, but it's common for a reason.)


So, I've been thinking about how I could go around to tweaking my izzet deck to play on FNMs, and this is my updated list for now:

Lands (23)
2 Mutavault
4 Steam Vents
4 Izzet Guildgate
13 Mountain

3 Frostburn Weird
3 Young Pyromancer
3 Guttersnipe
3 Spellheart Chimera
1 Chandra's Phoenix
1 Boros Reckoner
2 Purphoros, God of the Forge

Spells (21)
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Izzet Charm
2 Turn//Burn
1 Hammer of Purphoros
2 Steam Augury

2 Pithing Needle
2 Electrickery
2 Ratchet Bomb
2 Gainsay
1 Negate
1 Cyclonic Rift
1 Mindsparker
1 Turn//Burn
3 Syncopate

Since the deck barely requires any blue mana to run, I decided to remove all islands and play more red-based cards. I'm not exactly sure how good Purphoros is going to be, but I think it has great synergy with Young Pyromancer, and has the possibility of becoming a creature (I'll probably need more Phoenixes and/or Reckoners, though). The Hammer's an experimental card, since on paper it works well with the god as well as my Pyromancer's tokens, while giving me some late-game reach and making Spellheart Chimeras quite deadly out of nowhere.

I ended up cutting a Chimera and a Guttersnipe for more defensive spells to help the deck survive against aggro decks, and added Mutavaults after realizing how well they worked on most match-ups. After cutting Opportunity to lower my curve and allow the deck to function with no Islands, I also went down to 23 lands (from 24).

I've devoted many sideboard slots to fare better against control decks, but I fear that by heavily leaning towards creature-centric match-ups in my main-deck, the deck's chances against control on game one might be wholly unacceptable.

The mono-black match-up seems like it could be a real issue for the deck, with Thoughtseize picking apart my relevant cards and their spot removal taking care of my few relevant creatures, as well as them siding in Shrivel to wipe my elemental tokens along with the Pyromancer...


As with any tempo vs. control matchup, momentum is key. While the hammer gives you more fuel in the late game, it doesn't really accomplish much if it doesn't enable a sick t4, like say Master of Waves for three with t2 Frostburn Weird. As such, I'd advocate Chandra's Phoenix and drop the Chimeras as well to have a better game against control. You should also minimize the amount of dead cards vs. control.

Mizzium Mortars is the definition of a dead card as it accomplishes nothing except in the very rare case of clearing the way of Elspeth tokens. I don't think the mortars are needed maindeck. The only thing you want to hit that has four toughness is Blood Baron, which I don't think warrants four maindeck. It clears the board, but I think the bad outweighs the good.

I think with Young Pyromancer, you need some cheap spells to abuse it. Shock is good against aggro decks as it lets you get rid of a bear at end of turn and disrupt their momentum. If you worry about aggro decks, Boros Reckoner is an excellent sideboard card against aggro. I'd rather have a decent game one plan against control and aggro, than focus on one of them. You can shore up the matchups with the sideboard.


I'm expecting great things from Born of the Gods because Worldwake, New Phyrexia and Return to Ravnica knocked it out of the park but who the fuck thought "Tribute"was a good replacement for Monsterous? Talk about a huge step backwards - from a mechanic that helped smooth out mana and floods in Limited + Constructed to some silly punisher mechanic? Yuck!
I'm expecting great things from Born of the Gods because Worldwake, New Phyrexia and Return to Ravnica knocked it out of the park but who the fuck thought "Tribute"was a good replacement for Monsterous? Talk about a huge step backwards - from a mechanic that helped smooth out mana and floods in Limited + Constructed to some silly punisher mechanic? Yuck!

I could not agree more. I'm incredibly disappointed; getting rid of Monstrosity was, in my opinion, a terrible decision.

Fortunately, for the Limited format anyway, you're still opening Theros packs.


I'm expecting great things from Born of the Gods because Worldwake, New Phyrexia and Return to Ravnica knocked it out of the park but who the fuck thought "Tribute"was a good replacement for Monsterous? Talk about a huge step backwards - from a mechanic that helped smooth out mana and floods in Limited + Constructed to some silly punisher mechanic? Yuck!
The problem is that the lead developer brought us M12 and DKA.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder

I look forward to seeing Travis Woo come up with some ridiculous deck involving this guy. Too bad he and all his abilities are too expensive to see any serious play.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";97168040]Champion of Souls reanimates Worldspine Wurm! Yay!


You could actually do it, you'd have to trigger champion while the Wurm's reshuffle trigger is on the stack.
Can I sacrifice drainpipe vermin for the ability cost then pay B when he dies to discard worldspine wurm and reanimate him?
I look forward to seeing Travis Woo come up with some ridiculous deck involving this guy. Too bad he and all his abilities are too expensive to see any serious play.

You could actually do it, you'd have to trigger champion while the Wurm's reshuffle trigger is on the stack.

I know it works, I'm just sad that he sucks.
Something like this?

4 Elvish Mystic
4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Grisly Salvage
4 Thoughtseize
4 Worldspine Wurm
4 Scavenging Ooze
4 Golgari Charm
4 Champion of Stray Souls
2 Abrupt Decay
2 Hero's Downfall

4 Overgrown Tomb
4 Mutavault
2 Golgari Guildgate
6 Swamp
8 Forest
2 Temple of Silence
2 Temple of Abandon
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