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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


Ken Nagle's resume: Worldwake, RTR, BTG

Tom LaPille's resume: M12, DKA, BTG.

I really hope people don't blame Ken here. He's a big commander guy and its absolutely ok that hes designing cards for it. The developer sets final power level.

Tom LaPille is shit. Ugh.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";98111933]Eye Gouge is my new favorite card of the set.

Also, I'm so happy to see all you constructed guys throwing fits. Draft is my favorite format and this set looks like so much fun to draft with.[/QUOTE]
You can have both - see: Innistrad


I just realized that Tribute isn't a trigger. It's an "as enters the battlefield." It means you don't have to announce it, right? Are we in line for a new tournament "gotcha?"

I don't think you can intentionally rush and/or not say anything to make your opponent not make a choice. Since you control it you should be required to mention it. Missing something that isn't a trigger is typically a Game Rules Violation on the controller.
I don't think you can intentionally rush and/or not say anything to make your opponent not make a choice. Since you control it you should be required to mention it. Missing something that isn't a trigger is typically a Game Rules Violation on the controller.

What I see is a player putting their Tribute card on the table and saying "okay?" Then the opponent goes "uh, sure?" And then the "gotcha."


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";98111933]Also, I'm so happy to see all you constructed guys throwing fits. Draft is my favorite format and this set looks like so much fun to draft with.[/QUOTE]

and to think i gave you input on your dimir milling deck

<3 Karakand

You can have both - see: Innistrad

Well it's hard to match the most popular set ever.

We'll have to see how it actually plays, but I kinda think that it's actually going to make the limited format worse. Exchanging Tribute for Monstrous is not good, in my opinion, especially when Heroic is still around, and Inspired really wants you to be aggressively attacking.

I don't think it's gonna be an issue with BNG/THS/THS, if at all. We'll have to wait and see for the full common list to come out. I have a lot of faith that's it's gonna be a fun draft.

Plus, all the expensive theros cards are gonna drop even further with no break like gatecrash ^_^


I'm a limited player and this set seems to draft like shit. No heroic blowouts, no minotaurs, no gorgons, shitty monsters, shitty bestows. Basically Theros lite.


What I see is a player putting their Tribute card on the table and saying "okay?" Then the opponent goes "uh, sure?" And then the "gotcha."

I don't think that would fly with any judges. Saying "okay?" after casting a spell is generally accepted to mean "does this resolve?" and not, "are you making some choice during the resolution of this spell?"

And doing anything like that on purpose, which you'd clearly be doing if you don't ask them for a choice and then do whichever side of the choice is advantageous to you because they "forgot", would be rapidly approaching cheating and a DQ.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
I'm a limited player and this set seems to draft like shit. No heroic blowouts, no minotaurs, no gorgons, shitty monsters, shitty bestows. Basically Theros lite.

Remember that draft is going to be BTG THS THS. So you're only splashing a bit of BNG in with your regular THS draft.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";98113538]Order of format enjoyment:

  1. Two-Headed Sealed
  2. Draft
  3. Modern
  4. Standard
  5. Commander
  6. Sealed

Exactly this.

I'm going to try getting into legacy soon. Kind of wondering how much I'll like it.


I think I would rather play the MLP CCG they sell now than play 2 Headed Giant anything. My least favorite format by far, replacing the old Core Set drafts (8E for example) they used to have exclusively on MODO.

Considering how awful this set is, i'm worried the Scrylands are going to hit insane prices due to the lack of any other chase cards for constructed play.


I got the Monday after the pre release off so I could maybe go play 2 headed giant on sunday evening for the first time, I probably still will but I'm not that excited about playing with many of these cards.

Glad I put my money into Modern. Going to get 4 Geists and a Thundermaw Hellkite on Friday to increase my options some more. Next on my list is Vendilion Cliques. After that I'm not sure whether to for Twin or a fringe Tribal Flames deck. It looks pretty fun, very explosive with turn 2 Geist / Steppe Lynx / Snapcaster -> Tribal Flames.


My least favorite format by far, replacing the old Core Set drafts (8E for example) they used to have exclusively on MODO.

8E draft was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal bad dude, idk.

Onslaught block ---> 8th Edition was a limited season so bad I don't even think a hardened draft lover can sincerely say they enjoyed it / would have enjoyed it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

Okay this is just dumb


So who's ready for another Jace the Mind Sculptor situation with two or so cards that people will want out of all the rares and mythic rares?


So who's ready for another Jace the Mind Sculptor situation with two or so cards that people will want out of all the rares and mythic rares?
Luckily I don't think I'd be caught dead playing a deck that wants Brimaz. Also, Standard PTQ season is basically over for me now.
I just realized how good Gild is in the same deck as Nightveil Specter.

Geez, mono-black is getting all the toys. All those people calling for mono-black to be a deck again sure got their wish with this block.


I just realized how good Gild is in the same deck as Nightveil Specter.

Geez, mono-black is getting all the toys. All those people calling for mono-black to be a deck again sure got their wish with this block.

They finally reprint Cabal Coffers (basically!), and the deck is playable again. Who knew?


Be ready for tons of interactions.

But fun as hell.

What deck you playing?

I kind of want to proxy up a bunch of decks this weekend and playtest a bit with Grakl.

I'm interested in Shardless BUG, TES, Jund Depths, and Elves..... I'm not sure if any have been positioned well recently, though. I definitely do not want to play delver -- did enough of that when he was in Standard.

The only thing I'm close to building IRL is Elves -- all I need are spare fetches, an extra bayou, and a couple of the uncommons.
Hah. The wide beta is such a mess. Bro, do you even test?

Earlier today we released our first major deployment that addresses many of our stability issues. As we mentioned yesterday, players should see a drastically reduced number of crashes throughout their sessions going forward. While stability will be better, we have found a few issues relating to gameplay that we wanted to make sure you’re aware of.

First, we just deployed a new version of the Wide Beta that fixes an issue some players were seeing with deck submissions in limited events. Players will be asked to update the next time they log on, but the update shouldn’t interrupt sessions in progress.

Second, there are a couple of issues with selecting cards certain zones. A card or ability lets you select cards from a Temporary Zone (such as when using Genesis Wave) you need to select the highlight on the card (not the card itself) to register the selection. Clicking other areas of the card does not have an effect. Alternatively, you can use right click and select “Choose this”.

Similarly, when you need to choose the order in which triggered abilities go to the stack, you must click the title bar of the trigger you want to send to the stack, not the art or the frame. Again, you can also use a right-click to bring up the ability’s context menu and select it that way.

We don’t have an ETA for a fix yet, but we’ll update this post when I know more.
Shardles BUG and Elves are typically the best placing out of those decks mentioned.

Love Shardless BUG. SO fun. But nothing like Elves dropping a Craterhoof Behemoth as your opponent stare at you with hate.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Elves are fuuuuuun.

Nothing better than Magic solitaire.


Am I the only person who likes this set a lot?

Stuff like Brimaz and Xenagos might make the rest of the set look like crap, and I know it's bad for the secondary market to have weird power level imbalances like that, but still....

Art direction is top notch, most cards are oozing with flavor, there's a couple legacy playables tossed in, and a lot of the uncommons and rares promote interaction. The commons and uncommons have a lot of alternate casting costs in Bestow, and there's tons of activated abilities... Sets like this, where nearly every card forces you to make decisions, tend to reward skilled play.

It's true that most of the set seems unplayable, but I feel like the bar for standard-playable creatures is going to be moving lower in the next few years. WoTC is still figuring out how to balance creatures with spells, and it would make sense to scale back the former now that we've been getting eternal-playable dudes in every set for ~2 years.

Shardles BUG and Elves are typically the best placing out of those decks mentioned.

Love Shardless BUG. SO fun. But nothing like Elves dropping a Craterhoof Behemoth as your opponent stare at you with hate.

Good to know that BUG is still doing well. I'll proxy up both.

... Still going to try to learn to play TES though. Statistics: The Deck.
So can someone help me understand why "Promo Gaea's Cradle" is listed at $19 at every MTGO dealer on the planet, but nobody sells them, and the Urza's Saga Gaea's Cradle is $70?

I've seen this behavior with promos before; it's a promo that for some reason is inexplicably leagues cheaper than the regular version, but nobody actually sells it. I don't get it.
How many of the original Gaia's Cradle are there compared to the promo GC?

That is why.

TBH a lot of legacy combo decks if not interrupted become single player decks.

My favorite deck to play is smallpox TBH.


Elves are fuuuuuun.

Nothing better than Magic solitaire.

Nothing better than engineered plague genocide.

Speaking of legacy I think I'll register the folliwing 75 at the upcoming GP.

4 underground sea
4 polluted delta
4 misty rainforest
1 verdant catacombs
1 tropical island
1 bayou
2 creeping tar pit
2 mishra's factory
2 island
1 swamp

4 deathrite shaman
4 snapcaster mage
2 true-name nemesis

3 jace the mind sculptor
2 liliana of the veil

4 brainstorm
4 force of will
2 spell snare
2 counterspell
3 dismember
1 go for the throat
4 hymn to tourach
2 thoughtseize
1 inquisition of kozilek

4 leyline of the void
4 ghastly demise
2 spell pierce
2 engineered plague
1 darkblast
1 true-name nemesis
1 umezawa's jitte


So can someone help me understand why "Promo Gaea's Cradle" is listed at $19 at every MTGO dealer on the planet, but nobody sells them, and the Urza's Saga Gaea's Cradle is $70?

I've seen this behavior with promos before; it's a promo that for some reason is inexplicably leagues cheaper than the regular version, but nobody actually sells it. I don't get it.

Are they constantly buying more copies and reselling them, or have they been out of them forever? There's not a lot of incentive to update pricing on items you never have on hand.
Okay, but if nobody has them in stock (ever!), then they're clearly just as in demand. So why don't they fetch a price somewhat on par with the "real" ones?

Because a large portion of magic players have promo copies. Promo copies are typical easier to get than old copies. Hence low demand which drops the price of the promos.

Only reason.
Because a large portion of magic players have promo copies. Promo copies are typical easier to get than old copies. Hence low demand which drops the price of the promos.

Only reason.

It's odd; trying to actually get a hold of them through a dealer is essentially impossible because they never have any. I guess you have to actually try the classifieds or something?


These are at least cool effects:

Isn't exile normally a white thing?



Both look pretty fun. Courser seems constructed playable.
Agree that Courser seems constructed playable. At least give Eidolon lifelink or something!

TONS of new spoilers up on mythicspoiler:


Gonna link the interesting stuff:

Weird card. You want to attack with it but you have to tap to build it up. Fine for limited but not constructed worthy at all.
Does Kruphix's ability count as your land drop for the turn, or is it a separate thing?

It's like the card Future Sight, but you only get to touch the lands. So if you have a land on top, you basically snap play it. Very good with Scry.

So in short, yes it counts as your land drop.

Oh wow, this is awesomely weird. I mean, its not really playable probably, but its awesome and weird

It slots right into my favorite type of draft deck. Keep them off balance, drop this guy on turn 5, and they squirm because they don't have anything better. As soon as they play something better than it, I get it instead.

It's kinda like a pre-emptive Switcheroo. That card was really fun to play with (although in that set, you were abusing it with Archaeomancer).

New spoiler I think?

I think I'll try some Zendikar drafts!

>round 1 opponent has a turn 3 JTMS

fuckin' seriously?

Haha. I've never tried ZZW, but I intend to give it a couple of goes. The packs all go for over 4 tickets at each vendor, so it seems like decent value. Although I expect I'll be doing a lot of losing.
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