Ouch. That's kinda depressing.
The copies drop out of circulation.I don't understand how JTMS can still be valued at $80. Sure, Worldwake had a limited print run, but there can't be that many vintage/legacy decks that he's an automatic four-of. Is it solely due to EDH? There should be a planeswalker restriction in EDH. Shit is getting ridiculous.
I don't understand how JTMS can still be valued at $80. Sure, Worldwake had a limited print run, but there can't be that many vintage/legacy decks that he's an automatic four-of. Is it solely due to EDH? There should be a planeswalker restriction in EDH. Shit is getting ridiculous.
So after seeing Stoneforge jump in price, and Grisselbrand jump, I'm starting to pony up and grab things I think will jump. My big one today was Emrakul. I finished my playset. I think he's too cheap given how often he's played in 2 formats. Anybody else watching any cards for jumps?
The copies drop out of circulation.
Huh? EDH? You can only have one JTMS in an EDH deck and to be fair I don't think he's that good in multiplayer games. Whenever I've played him he's just a big fat target and doesn't get much done (3-5 player games). He's awesome in French rules though.
So EDH players?
I was wondering if they were going to reprint this in this block.
Fuck your God cards. This reprint makes me very happy, though it was kind of a given.
Bleh spoiler season. Drafts are going to be weird. Is this drafting set all Born of the Gods? Because except for bloue, it seems like all the other affinity stuff is pretty terrible for Limited.
I believe the draft format is BTG-THS-THS.
If all goes well I'll be playing in a modern GPT later today. Not used to the format at all and some of my MD is missing but the power level of the cards I'm playing should just give me a free match or two. I'll let you guys know later how I did.
Well blue is typically strong in limited. Are they doing 3 packs Theros, 3 packs BTG for prerelease?
Is the pre-release sealed deck or booster draft?
I assume sealed because I think there are a lot of people that show up for pre-release and I think governing a draft would be tough...
But I've never gone to a pre-release or played in a draft or sealed deck tournament.
If I go this would be my first time and I only go to the constructed format FNM's.
Good luck! What are you playing/missing?
Played BRW midrange and ended up 3-1-1 in swiss, 4th seed in top 8, and went 1-1 for 3rd or 4th out of 23. Great results considering this is the first modern I've ever played and I was misplaying pretty hard at points. I'll have to get a list up for you guys to give feedback on when I'm at my PC later.
My latest pet deck to screw around with in Modern: "Eternal Ruse." It's a riff on Eternal Command, but cheaper (mostly because it doesn't play Goyf) and with a different soft lock. Five mana, Eternal Witness, and Familiar's Ruse. Your opponent can't play any more spells.
It was also my excuse to finally pick up the remaining Scavenging Ooze I needed for a playset.
Also, it follows the unofficial rule that I apparently follow - every deck I ever play in Modern must have red and blue cards in it. Together.
And those filters should be two Flooded Groves and not what they are, but I haven't bothered to buy them yet.
Cool deck. Costs two mana to lock if you have aether vial with three counters and they can't respond to ruse's additional cost. Well they can respond with the witness trigger on the stack I suppose.
My latest pet deck to screw around with in Modern: "Eternal Ruse." It's a riff on Eternal Command, but cheaper (mostly because it doesn't play Goyf) and with a different soft lock. Five mana, Eternal Witness, and Familiar's Ruse. Your opponent can't play any more spells.
It was also my excuse to finally pick up the remaining Scavenging Ooze I needed for a playset.
Also, it follows the unofficial rule that I apparently follow - every deck I ever play in Modern must have red and blue cards in it. Together.
And those filters should be two Flooded Groves and not what they are, but I haven't bothered to buy them yet.
I really like the look of G/R Monsters but it refuses to be good. Makes me sad. I also liked BBDs deck this weekend, but... No placement.Top 8 of the GP: 3 UW Control, 3 Mono Blue, 2 Mono Black.
Dat Diversity
I really hope that BOTG does shake the format up, because it just seems so bad right now.
Oh, and since when did the B&R list announcement get pushed back a week? Why the heck can't they be consistent about when it happens?
Yeah, this Standard is bad.
Oh, and since when did the B&R list announcement get pushed back a week? Why the heck can't they be consistent about when it happens?
Top 8 of the GP: 3 UW Control, 3 Mono Blue, 2 Mono Black.
Dat Diversity
I really hope that BOTG does shake the format up, because it just seems so bad right now.
Well Dark Depths lands won the Legacy final.
Was the only win condition next to punishing fire. Sideboard a Prime Titan.
Had a Tabernacle of Pendrall vale to stall as well as a glacial chasm.
Surgical Extraction out of the board on Loam would have killed it dead, but then you gotta draw it, so, that makes it tough. I like that Lands won, but the last few tournaments should highlight that graveyard hate is needed again.His is more of a combo deck but as you can see in the finals most people concede. Its no fun sitting there for an hour just to die when you have no outs.