Almost time for a new thread no?
Why did I think it was 300 pages. WhoopsStill another 5k posts to go.
Why did I think it was 300 pages. Whoops
What Blood Moon does to Pod is just... Unfair. That feature match was just brutal.
What was strike one?
Remand your mana dork, oh you've missed your land drop that's sad, Blood Moon was hilarious.
There a video of this match online somewhere?
Is twitch just fucked at the moment?
Notice no Thoughtseize deck in T8Soooooooo.... did the DRS ban shake up the format enough to change the top 8? Obviously there is no Jund.
3 Twin decks (all pretty different though)
1 pod
1 affinity
1 storm
1 blue moon
No Zoo in T8!
Brimaz is not a card I'd want to get rid of. When the set goes OOP he's going to be annoying to find. You can ditch the 4th Ephara though, you'll never need more than 3.
Notice no Thoughtseize deck in T8
I mostly just collect, but I'm slightly puzzled why Brimaz appears to be the only clearly super good card in the set.
Its not that, but it's the most flashy card, and one of the few good cards at Rare in the set. There are tons of good cards- Bile Blight, Searing Blood, Kioras Follower,Thassa's Rebuff, Drown in Sorrow, Fanatic of Xenagos. However, they are all uncommon! It makes them feel less "special".
Zoo should play a buncha hate bears instead of loading up on efficient creatures and burn. You can't race storm, outnumber living end or beat pod.
I think the issue is a lot of people bought into the midrange zoo decks due to being afraid of Anger of the Gods, and as a result wound up losing to control decks stabilizing (they are well equipped to handle midrange threats and have nearly infinite card advantage w/ snapcaster and resto angel), losing to combo because they were too slow, and still getting 2 or 3 for 1'd to Anger of the Gods when it did show up.
Should have just played more boros charm if that is what they were worried about instead of mana dorks and knight of the reliquary.
People kept tapping out and getting killed because Storm would lay an electromancer and go nuts. It has to have one of its 8 permanents in play to go off unless its going for Warrens.Finally catching up on the last couple of matches from Day Two. The Pardee/Dickmann match was insane.
Also, it really is incredible to see just how much Jund was keeping the "bad" combo decks down. Even though I still don't necessarily agree with it, I understand why they banned Seething Song alongside Bloodbraid Elf. if the BBE ban had actually killed Jund the way that the DRS ban did, it's possible that Storm would have turned into the best deck in the format. And I'm amazed to see how well it did in the tournament regardless.
Finally catching up on the last couple of matches from Day Two. The Pardee/Dickmann match was insane.
Also, it really is incredible to see just how much Jund was keeping the "bad" combo decks down. Even though I still don't necessarily agree with it, I understand why they banned Seething Song alongside Bloodbraid Elf. if the BBE ban had actually killed Jund the way that the DRS ban did, it's possible that Storm would have turned into the best deck in the format. And I'm amazed to see how well it did in the tournament regardless.
That was great. I loved seeing the Batterskull in action.
Did you see his Hello Kitty Germ Token he almost got to play? That and the pink sleeves are interesting choices.
I was amused as well. That being said, he's 36-6-1 in professional-level Modern tournaments over the past year. So he's pretty much entitled to whatever sleeves and tokens he wants.
Thinking further on it though, I'm curious if it's to throw off opponents such as using mismatched lands, white borders, etc. or is it really just his style. I suppose that I don't really care that much about it, but like you said, amusing.
That judge is so hot..
I like this news. Why the forecast?G/R Monsters stuff is going to explode. Xenagos (PW version) looks most likely to jump from its current near-low.
It's all over the gigantic St. Louis SCG open. 5 made T8.I like this news. Why the forecast?
It's all over the gigantic St. Louis SCG open. 5 made T8.
Yeah, I picked up 3 this morning. Elspeth's the only major card I still need.Guess it's a good thing I just bought my playset. I like that card a lot.