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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|

I love my local meta. We have certain players playing top tier decks like G/R monsters, mono black, mono blue, U/W/x, but we have several that have their own brews and it just works. Last night, we got G/W enchantment, U/B mill, W/R aggro, and one of my favorites is a B/G graveyard decks our top 2 players pilot. It gets enough creatures in the graveyard to get Shadowborn Demon not have to sac a creature, it pumps Nighthowler, it makes Nemesis of Mortals much cheaper to cast. Fun deck to play against.

I took our past two FNM with my R/W burn deck. I think it can go toe-to-toe with the T1 decks tbh. The first match reminds me how fun mtg can be. He won the roll and dropped T1 Favored Hoplite. I T1 Mountain and passed. He T1 Ordeals and swings with a 3/4. Already outside my burns. I take it and play Ash Zealot on my turn, attack and pass. Next turn he drops Ajani, minus to give flying and double strike, attacks and gets another counter and sacs Ordeal to gain 10 life. Life total is 9 - 28. A turn later, we were 4 - 34. I thought about scooping but I'm glad I didn't. The fun of my deck came around. I had a Chandra's Phoenix and several burns in hand. My Ash Zealot attacked when open, and I used the Phoenix to constantly chump his eventual 23/23 Favored Hoplite and recycled it back to my hand every turn. I eventually came back with just 4 life sitting there for several turns as I chip away at his life total. Feels good man!


I played against R/W burn first round with my Esper control yesterday, a really scary 2-0 for me. If it weren't for me sideboarding in Blind Obedience and the Blood Barons, it would have been almost impossible.

I wound up losing to my girlfriend in the last round, she plays Golgari which is basically invincible against control. Everything's pro-blue and can't be countered, and she golgari charms against supreme verdict. Abrupt decay vs Detention Sphere and Ashiok. -_-

I usually play draft though, I have a 75% win ratio for the last dozen or so drafts, never going below top 3. But I play standard when I go with my cousins and girlfriend as a kind of get-together.


Wait is it really Kirblar? Damn I was ready to root for Kibler, he's my favourite player, but I will definitely root for Kirblar instead.


While I love how quick Andrew Shrout is playing the storm deck (just quick, effective, way faster than the average), but am being stricken with physical pain by his choice of Faithless Looting over Desperate Ravings :/


Why does SCG have chat disabled? I'm flicking between this and a DOTA2 tournament and the dumb chat does make it more entertaining.


I've been playing drafts most Fridays for almost six weeks now, and I finally won one last night. It was only a pool of 16 players, but I ultimately went 4-0 with 8 wins 1 loss. Two of us went 3-0 both of us 6-1 so we had a final round to determine first place.

We were playing Theros/Born of the Gods and I drafted blue splashing for red. Had tons of counters/removal for low mana (Dissolve, 3x Nullify, 2x Magma Jet, Lightning Strike, etc) to control the board until I could drop Precient Chimeras, a Spellheart Chimera, a Benthic Giant or a Sealock Monster. Flitterstep Eidolon and Nimbus Naiad were always cast for Bestow for further evasion. Bident of Thassa was my first pull, the reason I ran blue and I never drew it in nine games.

I've only a half dozen drafts and even less Standard FNM play under my belt but I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of things. It felt good to place higher than third or fourth, and I felt all but a game or two were very competitive.

It's the opposite in drafts for me. I've been doing pretty terribly lately and need to bounce back. I havent figured out BTT yet.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";103620086]Ordeals?

I played against R/W burn first round with my Esper control yesterday, a really scary 2-0 for me. If it weren't for me sideboarding in Blind Obedience and the Blood Barons, it would have been almost impossible.

I wound up losing to my girlfriend in the last round, she plays Golgari which is basically invincible against control. Everything's pro-blue and can't be countered, and she golgari charms against supreme verdict. Abrupt decay vs Detention Sphere and Ashiok. -_-

I usually play draft though, I have a 75% win ratio for the last dozen or so drafts, never going below top 3. But I play standard when I go with my cousins and girlfriend as a kind of get-together.[/QUOTE]

I edited my previous post. I meant to say T2 Ordeal of Heliod.

Yeah, Blood Baron and Stormbreath Dragon can be a problem against my deck. Fortunately, I was already so far ahead, had a Skullcrack, or had a Satyr Firedancer and a 4 dmg spell to redirect the dmg to the prowhite creatures. I have one Wear/Tear in the sb for enchantments but I haven't had enough problems to include one more in the sb. If my local meta shifts to more enchantments, I may put two.

It's pretty crazy though. Another store I went to had such a different meta. 90% of the players played U/W/x.


The reigning world champion folks

Wasn't Shahar Shenhar world champ?
My buddy Eddie Caudill made the trip from Phoenix and is at 5-0 right now. Just took out Conley Woods and gets to play Joe Demestrio now. How many rounds get played today?
While I love how quick Andrew Shrout is playing the storm deck (just quick, effective, way faster than the average), but am being stricken with physical pain by his choice of Faithless Looting over Desperate Ravings :/

I remember having vehement arguments about that card on MTGSalvation. It's so wrong to play Looting (so, so wrong), but the Looting lies to you. It hides its downside from you while Ravings flaunts its downside. It makes it very difficult to properly evaluate the difference between the two. And to be fair, the difference really is just a matter of a few percentage points. The fact that Looting is so cheap and can be cast in both modes off of your excess red mana does count for something. But it's still so, so very wrong to play it.

Shrout also basically just plays flowchart Storm. You'll note the Pantheon players are constantly evaluating board state. Shrout says "this deck is powerful, I have a flowchart for playing it, and that's going to get me there most of the time." His article on SCG where he said that Storm was the best deck in the format and that the deck was basically stupid easy to play was so painful. I agree that the deck's entry level is way lower than, say, Legacy Storm. But the margins for Storm in Modern are really, really tight. His approach to the deck is unnecessarily self-sabotaging.

CVM's beard. I haven't seen him on a video in awhile.

You should watch SCG's weekly Vs videos. BBD and CVM provide interesting commentary, and watching two players play live against each other while talking through their decisions is really fascinating. I wish more sites did features like that; there's something about seeing it in paper vs MTGO that makes it more interesting to me.
You should watch SCG's weekly Vs videos. BBD and CVM provide interesting commentary, and watching two players play live against each other while talking through their decisions is really fascinating. I wish more sites did features like that; there's something about seeing it in paper vs MTGO that makes it more interesting to me.

I used to watch them, and I did enjoy them. I haven't been that into Standard this block and I think that's what they mostly play.
Melira Pod



I could nearly build that Melira Pod decklist but I don't have any Noble Hiearchs. and damn they are expensive.

It's clearly worse but Avacyn's Pilgrim isn't too bad as a budget alternative.

It definitely seems like one of the hardest decks to play though. Knowing how many mistakes I make in choosing lines already, I'd hate to think what I'd do with pod.

Someone is offering 4 Future Sight Tarmogoyfs for £330, don't know whether to bite.
It's clearly worse but Avacyn's Pilgrim isn't too bad as a budget alternative.

It definitely seems like one of the hardest decks to play though. Knowing how many mistakes I make in choosing lines already, I'd hate to think what I'd do with pod.

Someone is offering 4 Future Sight Tarmogoyfs for £330, don't know whether to bite.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Melira Pod looks like it would take some thinking and a lot of practice.


You should watch SCG's weekly Vs videos. BBD and CVM provide interesting commentary, and watching two players play live against each other while talking through their decisions is really fascinating. I wish more sites did features like that; there's something about seeing it in paper vs MTGO that makes it more interesting to me.

Channelfireball recently did a vs video but the commentary was boring and the editing was terrible. BBD and CVM have great chemistry and the vs vids are fun to watch.


Ended up not doing too great. Finished at 5-4, playing out the last couple rounds just to get more games in. Surprised at the lack of zoo at least from games near me.
Hmm... I wonder if the format is slow enough to allow Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts in the sideboard as a control player.

Seems pretty good against R/G monsters and AEtherling.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";103677728]Hmm... I wonder if the format is slow enough to allow Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts in the sideboard as a control player.

Seems pretty good against R/G monsters and AEtherling.[/QUOTE]

It does nothing to Aetherling, and it's waay too slow against Monsters.


just drafted a fun one-time gimmick deck in theros block.

Somehow got passed a total of four nullify in pack 1, so I just went with it.

Then, in pack 2, I noticed blue was severely underdrafted.... which got me two Dissolve.

Then someone passed me Prohpet of Kruphix.

Last couple picks I started seeing Mnemonic Walls (normally bad but incredible in this one deck that'll never happen again!) and, oddly enough, a Voyage's End.

Little awkward on the curve and I wish I got more fat, but this looks like it's gonna be so much fun:


edit: turns out you need board presence before you start countering things! Whowouldathunkit. I should've taken Omenspeaker instead of my first Dissolve to try to establish some board presence, the Dissolve was far more likely to wheel in that draft.

I also probably should've taken a Pheres-Band Centaurs at some point. The fat I ended up with isn't the best at establishing board presence. If someone has, say, a 6/6 flier out -- which is pretty easy to sneak through counterspells if you're a heroic deck -- I'm basically toast.
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