"God's Beard!"
I love my local meta. We have certain players playing top tier decks like G/R monsters, mono black, mono blue, U/W/x, but we have several that have their own brews and it just works. Last night, we got G/W enchantment, U/B mill, W/R aggro, and one of my favorites is a B/G graveyard decks our top 2 players pilot. It gets enough creatures in the graveyard to get Shadowborn Demon not have to sac a creature, it pumps Nighthowler, it makes Nemesis of Mortals much cheaper to cast. Fun deck to play against.
I took our past two FNM with my R/W burn deck. I think it can go toe-to-toe with the T1 decks tbh. The first match reminds me how fun mtg can be. He won the roll and dropped T1 Favored Hoplite. I T1 Mountain and passed. He T1 Ordeals and swings with a 3/4. Already outside my burns. I take it and play Ash Zealot on my turn, attack and pass. Next turn he drops Ajani, minus to give flying and double strike, attacks and gets another counter and sacs Ordeal to gain 10 life. Life total is 9 - 28. A turn later, we were 4 - 34. I thought about scooping but I'm glad I didn't. The fun of my deck came around. I had a Chandra's Phoenix and several burns in hand. My Ash Zealot attacked when open, and I used the Phoenix to constantly chump his eventual 23/23 Favored Hoplite and recycled it back to my hand every turn. I eventually came back with just 4 life sitting there for several turns as I chip away at his life total. Feels good man!
I played against R/W burn first round with my Esper control yesterday, a really scary 2-0 for me. If it weren't for me sideboarding in Blind Obedience and the Blood Barons, it would have been almost impossible.
I wound up losing to my girlfriend in the last round, she plays Golgari which is basically invincible against control. Everything's pro-blue and can't be countered, and she golgari charms against supreme verdict. Abrupt decay vs Detention Sphere and Ashiok. -_-
I usually play draft though, I have a 75% win ratio for the last dozen or so drafts, never going below top 3. But I play standard when I go with my cousins and girlfriend as a kind of get-together.