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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician






Fucking sweet


Weird that that Duel Deck is named so abstractly. That slot has recently been the "preview" Duel Deck for the next block.

We're so close to just calling one "Aggro vs Control".


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
What are you basing that off? That would be crazy value. Goblin Guide seems like a pretty good bet not sure about the other two.
If cunning is U/B I hope they don't have any mill in there.

Well the duel decks that don't have planeswalkers in them tend to have better cards in the decks. I doubt it'd have all of those though.


"Then, suddenly, hidden fighters spring from ambush."

This part makes me think Restoration Angel. But that is only because that is one my Top 5 favorite cards ever.


What are you basing that off? That would be crazy value. Goblin Guide seems like a pretty good bet not sure about the other two.
If cunning is U/B I hope they don't have any mill in there.

If you are making a "speed" deck, how is Goblin Guide not an automatic?
And the point of Duel Decks is to be competitive, there is no way that a mill deck short of Painter Stone or something could compete against an aggro deck. I am guessing Cryptic Command because they have reprinted all of the other Commands in ancillary products over the last few years, and it is a pretty "cunning" card


The point of the fall Duel Decks is to preview the mechanics of the coming block. Without knowing anything about the next block, speculating on the Duel Deck seems pointless.


Golgari/Simic and Orzov/Izzet looks too similar in color. Other than that, they look sweet (Boros is a little disappointing.

With older cards, I'm to the point of saying these prices will only go up from here, so I might as well pick them up now. I'm gonna have to put in hella overtime for sets of fetch and maybe even some badlands. :/


The other gods are totally jelly of Xenagos. I hope this block doesn't end with him dying/dethroned.

I think it's almost all but guaranteed

edit: This all-but confirms Ajani (which we already knew).

Also, Godsend could be a sweet equipment... please?


Golgari/Simic and Orzov/Izzet looks too similar in color. Other than that, they look sweet (Boros is a little disappointing.

With older cards, I'm to the point of saying these prices will only go up from here, so I might as well pick them up now. I'm gonna have to put in hella overtime for sets of fetch and maybe even some badlands. :/

Fetch lands are the cards most likely to get a reprint this year. Unfortunately after the Modern PTQ season.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Simic got shafted on Koira. I hope Kruphix is worthwhile.


U/B has had the worst deal out of the last two blocks imo, Ashiok is cute at best and the best card from Ravnica is best in mono coloured decks because of devotion rather than representing the colour combo well. Drownyard and Forbidden Alchemy were good though.


U/B has had the worst deal out of the last two blocks imo, Ashiok is cute at best and the best card from Ravnica is best in mono coloured decks because of devotion rather than representing the colour combo well. Drownyard and Forbidden Alchemy were good though.
Ashiok is a very good card, but they keep giving it mill cards without being willing to push it more than 1-2 cards at a time.


I always got the feeling maybe Ashiok would be good after rotation.

But then I got the same feeling from Ral Zarek.

So that line of thinking didn't quite hold true.


Lightning Bolt, Cryptic Command, force of will, show and tell, pyroblast... Those are all interactive!

w/e you read "interactive" just replace the word "interactive" with "doesn't regularly use the combat phase" and you can actually understand what's being said
Does Signal the Clans work like Gifts Ungiven and you can search and fail to find three cards, and instead just pull one card from your library? Which would guarantee you pull whatever creature you need.

Signal the Clans:


Gifts Ungiven


Quick Edit.
I think reading it a third time allowed me to catch the clause that makes it not work the same.

If you reveal three cards with different names, choose one of them at random and put that card into your hand.

They had to put that "If you" in there... Yeah, stupid powerful if they didn't.
I once had a theory that with Breaching Hippocamp in Theros, you could run Signal the Clans as a tutor piece for RUG Splinter Twin decks.

It actually was a really good idea; it's just that Hippocamp is so much worse than Exarch and Pestermite, and you're always crossing your fingers hoping that Hippocamp doesn't come up. Plus it means that you might sometimes draw Hippocamp. If they ever print another 3cc untapper in blue though, you can bet I'm going back to Signal the Clans...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
God art looks sweet as usual. That Simic one looks a lot nastier than I thought it would - it's a nice change though.

The lore has me thinking the UG god is another ascended mortal or planeswalker, in which case it would be so so awesome if it was a Vedalken


Blue red is the strongest base in Modern and pretty powerful in legacy. Can't agree with you.

But Ral isn't great haha

Blue/red has been objectively awful in Standard for a few years now, which is all that really matters.

Basically, when designing blue/red cards, use this template:

Does it...
[ ] Draw card(s), discard card(s)?
[ ] Draw card(s), discard card(s) at random?
[ ] Steal a creature for one turn?
[ ] Counter two or more spells on the stack?
[ ] Copy spell(s) on the stack?
[ ] Flip coin(s)?

If not, scrap it.


Blue/red has been objectively awful in Standard for a few years now, which is all that really matters.

Basically, when designing blue/red cards, use this template:

Does it...
[ ] Draw card(s), discard card(s)?
[ ] Draw card(s), discard card(s) at random?
[ ] Steal a creature for one turn?
[ ] Counter two or more spells on the stack?
[ ] Copy spell(s) on the stack?
[ ] Flip coin(s)?

If not, scrap it.

You can add to that the ridiculously narrow and awful ability the Izzet got in Overload (still better than Replicate... I guess). I'd say being the spell-oriented color combination isn't a good place to be when the game's becoming more and more about creatures and combat than before.

The U/G god is my favorite one so far, but the U/R doesn't look too good... hopefully it does something interesting rather than being something obvious such as a scry-based Lightning Rift or Eyes of the Watcher.

I still want to build a deck that uses Ral Zarek in some way, but I don't see too many uses for his untap ability other than to speed up Ratchet Bombs and add an extra mana through lands or something such as Sylvan Caryatid... am I missing anything worthwile in RUg colors?


There's Gilded Lotus. I believe there was a UWR list that used a set of Gilded Lotuses to power up Sphinx's Revelation.

I thought about a Grixis shell and using Cyclonic Rift with Rakdos's Return, but Mono Black kind of kills that.


Well, let's take a look at the descriptions, I bet there are clues as to what their abilities will be:

Athreos, God of Passage - Black/White

When mortals die, their souls must cross the Rivers That Ring the World to reach the Underworld. The shrouded god Athreos is their guide, ferrying the dead to their ultimate rest. Silent, bent, and tattered, he patiently fulfills his role.

Athreos is never without his signature staff, a gnarled length of dark wood. When the dead arrive on the shores of the Rivers, he lays it across the water to transform it into a barge. In his role of easing the passage from life to death, he is associated with white and black mana.

The custom on Theros is to craft a funerary mask of clay for the newly dead. In this way, the identities of the deceased are "framed" for Athreos, so that he can mark their proper passage. Such masks are broken into shards called ostraka and used as barter in the Underworld.

The "easing the passage from life to death" situation feels like something that could be worked into an ability. I'm gonna guess it's somehow graveyard related. It probably won't be super powerful like reanimating a creature for a turn then exiling it (especially since the Whip already does that). Maybe you get some kind of bonuses for creatures dying or something, Reaper of the Wilds style? Maybe you can exile creatures from the graveyard for some kind of gain? The clay funerary mask might also point toward creating tokens of some sort.

Keranos, God of Storms - Red/Blue

A bolt from the blue can be both devastating and inspirational. Likewise, Keranos embodies the fury of the storm and the sudden blaze of epiphany. A god of little patience and less mercy, he dispenses insights and blasts of lightning in equal measure. As such, he is associated with blue and red mana.

As the embodiment of wisdom, Keranos is intolerant of mortals, whom he sees as reckless. Yet he also respects those who take action with clear purpose, especially if they seek his approval first. Such individuals earn a two-edged blessing: momentary glimpses of the future, but the inability to change what is to come. Among mortals, Queen Cymede of Akros is Keranos's greatest servant and has done much to spread the god's worship in the city.

Well, a "bolt" that's "devastating and inspirational" points toward the usual Red/Blue mechanics of direct damage and library manipulation. Insights and blasts of lightning in equal measure means whatever ability it is, it will be symmetrical, so for example, deal 1 damage, Scry 1.

However, I don't think it will be Scry because of this: "momentary glimpses of the future, but the inability to change what is to come". So maybe it will be something like deal two damage at the beginning of your upkeep, look at the top two cards of your library. It would play nicely with Scry lands and things like Courser, to know one card deeper, I guess.

Pharika, God of Affliction - Green/Black

Deadly poison can be healing medicine in small amounts, and this dichotomy is reflected in the god whose province is such tinctures. Pharika is the keeper of apothecary knowledge, the source of dark magic. She is also the mother of all gorgons, and their snaky bodies resemble hers.

To those who would oppose her, Pharika is a fearsome enemy, but mortals she favors are hard to kill. She bears a potion cup from which she dispenses draughts that simultaneously strengthen her servants and slay her enemies.

Pharika is associated with black and green mana, and her dual nature also governs aging—the stretch of life and the approach of death. Stories say that the secretive god has hidden medicinal knowledge within the natural world. None know whether she did so to reward or to toy with mortals who quest to unearth them.

Potion from one cup that heals her own but kills her enemies. Sounds like it could be something like "deal two damage to target creature, gain two life", but maybe it's "put -1/-1 on creature you don't control, put +1/+1 on creature you do" or something like that?

Iroas, God of Victory - Red/White

The beacon of glory in combat, Iroas takes the form of a muscular, centaur-like being. He governs both personal valor and bravery in battle, and thus he also governs warfare. He is twin to Mogis, god of slaughter, who commands the dark and brutal side of war, and the two spar constantly.

Iroas seeks to encourage the honorable aspects of warfare in mortals. He favors the militaristic polis of Akros and has established the Iroan Games in that city's arena, whose podium is also the main temple to the god. Each year, during the height of summer, athletes and soldiers from all across Theros compete for the wreath that signifies the highest achievement in physical prowess.

The god of victory is associated with red and white mana. His devotees include champions of the Games and charismatic commanders of troops. King Anax of Akros, a ferocious warrior and skilled tactician, is a longtime worshipper of Iroas, although in recent years he has also embraced Purphoros as he forges his polis into an empire.

The idea of him being the opposite of Mogis is interesting. Perhaps you'll gain life for having warriors on the battlefield? No, probably not. I think he'd more directly influence your creatures though being so involved in warfare, so perhaps he'll add a buff and first strike, or something like that, to one creature at the upkeep? I'd say maybe he'd force two creatures to face off and Fight, fair combat style, but I thought that was a Red/Green color combo ability, so I'm not sure.

Kruphix, God of Horizons - Blue/Green

The most enigmatic of the gods, Kruphix has dominion over the potential, the distant, and the unseen. Thus, he is seen as an oracle of dreams. He also governs navigation, mystery, and the cycles of time. Mortals say that Kruphix is the most ancient of the pantheon, the keeper of mysteries that no others are meant to learn.

The reclusive god speaks rarely and counts few worshippers. He often takes no real form but appears only as a Nyx-filled space in the sky. Kruphix is associated with green and blue mana, and his temple is built over a cataract at the very edge of the world.

Kruphix knows the truth of the origins of Theros and its deities, and he understands the price that must be paid for the power to slay a god.

I'm not going to lie, I have no ideas here. Scry seems boring and Thassa already does it, but it would fit with the "oracle of dreams" part. The key is "navigation, mystery and the cycles of time"... maybe he'll allow you to do something crazy like skip your upkeep? I have absolutely no ideas for this one.


I'd hesitate to automatically think "4 arms = vedalken" considering only Vedalken from Mirrodin mutated by the Blinkmoth serum have four arms. Vedalken from other planes (Ravnica, Alara, etc) only have two. These are Gods, they can take any form they want :p
I think the red/blue god could see some balance to his powers. Maybe 2 damage to target creature or player when a blue spell is cast and scry 2/draw 1 when a red spell is cast. Or at up keep do a combination of 3 damage and/or scry as you choose. Or he could be a Counterbalance with a body that deals 1 damage when it counters.


I think the red/blue god could see some balance to his powers. Maybe 2 damage to target creature or player when a blue spell is cast and scry 2/draw 1 when a red spell is cast. Or at up keep do a combination of 3 damage and/or scry as you choose. Or he could be a Counterbalance with a body that deals 1 damage when it counters.

Two-colored gods only have a single ability, so the first idea isn't viable, and free repeatable damage/scry could be too strong at 3 (perhaps 2 would be decent, but if it's limited to instants and sorceries to avoid overlap with Purphoros). Counterbalance that damages sounds really unfun, even without crazy library manipulation like what's available in eternal formats.

I honestly can't come up with an ability that feels both blue and red and doesn't overlap with other gods'. Dealing damage when creature ETB would be stepping into Purphoros' territory, as would scry on upkeep step on Thassa's... perhaps "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, scry 1 and Keranos deals 1 damage to up to one target creature"? That'd be kind of boring, but probably be fine as long as he isn't too cheap (I'd sat 2UR would be pushing it).
Yeah, the problem with red and blue is the moment you start mixing them things get really stupid or really powerful. I agree that 3 is too powerful for every turn and agree that most of that specu-wishing steps on other god toes. I think counterbalance could be okay in a standard format without heavy deck manipulation. Maybe instead of countering, you draw that card if the cmc matches and deal 1 damage to the opponent.

I'd like a green/black god that gives out a -1/-1 token every time a +1/+1 token is put into play. But that's close to infect and that seems verboten in current standard circles.


I'd like a green/black god that gives out a -1/-1 token every time a +1/+1 token is put into play. But that's close to infect and that seems verboten in current standard circles.

It'd be unlikely since Wizards has stated they try to avoid mixing both +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters in the same block. Encompassing both curing and killing with her balms seems like a hard thing to do in a single ability, as both life drain and mirrored temporary P/T gains/losses tend to be part of BW's skillset rather than BG's.

It feels like she shouldn't just profit from life/death, but rather be the cause of it, perhaps by casting Necrobite or something like that.


It'd be unlikely since Wizards has stated they try to avoid mixing both +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters in the same block. Encompassing both curing and killing with her balms seems like a hard thing to do in a single ability, as both life drain and mirrored temporary P/T gains/losses tend to be part of BW's skillset rather than BG's.

It feels like she shouldn't just profit from life/death, but rather be the cause of it, perhaps by casting Necrobite or something like that.
Could be an Altar's Reap type effect too. Like you may sacrifice a creature to have some other effect like card draw or have another creature gain +X/+X until end of turn.

For some reason, all of my main friends got into Magic out of nowhere these past few months. I was very nervous about falling down the rabbit hole, because it seems like a huuuge money sink. But alas, several days ago I played with them using some of their extra decks and the game is freaking awesome.

I'm going to start with Duels of the Planeswalker first before spending all of my money on cards... however, I've heard conflicting things about whether I should go with the 2013 version or the 2014 version. I'm towards 2014 because duh, it's newer, but my friends have told me the 2013 version is better. Do any of you have a recommendation one way or the other?


They are both pretty good introductory Magic experiences. The only real difference is the decks available. I played way more of 2013, but that was mostly because by the time 2014 came out I had started playing way more paper Magic.


My guess for the U/R god: whenever you scry x, deal x damage to target player or creature.

I just want the U/G god to be as good as its art. If a any of the kruphix themed cards are an indicator I think it might be related to taking extra turns.


In other news, White Weenies can suck a dick. Turn 1, SotP, Turn 2, swing SotP, drop Precinct Captain or Dryad Militant and Boros Elite. Turn 3, drop Brimaz or something else stupid. Esper players are fucked unless you pull a Doom Blade or something.
I need some cards and was wondering if any of you had these for trade?
I wont even bother with the stupidly expensive fetchlands. lol

Cryptic Command x3
Remand x3
Celestial Colonnade x4
Sulfur Falls x4
Ajani Vengeant x2

Lesser wants would be the other Innistrad block dual lands.


In other news, White Weenies can suck a dick. Turn 1, SotP, Turn 2, swing SotP, drop Precinct Captain or Dryad Militant and Boros Elite. Turn 3, drop Brimaz or something else stupid. Esper players are fucked unless you pull a Doom Blade or something.

turn 4 no rush
In other news, White Weenies can suck a dick. Turn 1, SotP, Turn 2, swing SotP, drop Precinct Captain or Dryad Militant and Boros Elite. Turn 3, drop Brimaz or something else stupid. Esper players are fucked unless you pull a Doom Blade or something.

Supreme Verdict




For some reason, all of my main friends got into Magic out of nowhere these past few months. I was very nervous about falling down the rabbit hole, because it seems like a huuuge money sink. But alas, several days ago I played with them using some of their extra decks and the game is freaking awesome.

I'm going to start with Duels of the Planeswalker first before spending all of my money on cards... however, I've heard conflicting things about whether I should go with the 2013 version or the 2014 version. I'm towards 2014 because duh, it's newer, but my friends have told me the 2013 version is better. Do any of you have a recommendation one way or the other?

Yeah, either one is good though the latest one lets you tap land better. I actually learned a lot of rules properly thru DotP that I wouldn't have otherwise known just playing the regular paper game lol.

Magic can get really expensive, but if your group is casual, it can be relatively cheap.
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