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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


Wow, Iroas is aggressively costed. Me likey

T1 - Firedrinker Satyr
T2 - BTE, Firefist Stryker
T3 - Viashino Blade
T4 - Iroas

What's funny is Boros Reckoner isn't that good offensively due to no dmg being dealt to it when attacking with Iroas out.

Iroas will definitely find a home in big Boros also. Chandra can make something unable to block that would've been able to double block your Stormbreath for profit or something and Iroas can handle the rest. Also adds two devotion.
So he's basically a cheaper Gruul War Chant with some additional upside? Seems sweet enough. Nothing that blows me away, but he gets the nod of approval.

EDIT: Nevermind, Gruul War Chant also only costs 4? And it buffed power too. Maybe this guy isn't all that good (why did I think War Chant cost 5?).


So he's basically a cheaper Gruul War Chant with some additional upside? Seems sweet enough. Nothing that blows me away, but he gets the nod of approval.

EDIT: Nevermind, Gruul War Chant also only costs 4? And it buffed power too. Maybe this guy isn't all that good (why did I think War Chant cost 5?).
This is in a much scarier color combo. R/G is fatter/slower and the card was awkward because of it.



There's the Sam Black match I was talking about. He starts off the last turn with nothing in play after a deed was cracked. No way a player like him doesn't realize that a craterhoof is the only creature that will be able to attack that turn and his play suggests he knows this. He even starts playing GSZ just to get more cards in his deck so he's able to play more creatures (3 glimpse forcing card draw). He knew he needed 28 power to swing for lethal, fizzled, and baited his dumb opponent into giving him the win.

Ya, it's just a game and Black didn't even make top 8 but players, especially pros, should be called out on this and not let some believe this is "next leveling" or good strategy if you're dead on board and playing a complicated deck.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
So he's basically a cheaper Gruul War Chant with some additional upside? Seems sweet enough. Nothing that blows me away, but he gets the nod of approval.

EDIT: Nevermind, Gruul War Chant also only costs 4? And it buffed power too. Maybe this guy isn't all that good (why did I think War Chant cost 5?).
Plus "prevent all damage" seems better then "gets +1/+0"


So he's basically a cheaper Gruul War Chant with some additional upside? Seems sweet enough. Nothing that blows me away, but he gets the nod of approval.

EDIT: Nevermind, Gruul War Chant also only costs 4? And it buffed power too. Maybe this guy isn't all that good (why did I think War Chant cost 5?).

It's a better color combo, but the 2 abilites aren't really synergistic- added evasion plus another thing that only helps when your guys are blocked? The main problem is that right now, with the way mana is, Boros Burn is probably better than a Boros aggro strategy, and once we rotate and loose hybrid mana and gold cards, the multicolor gods are probably all getting worse. I just don't think there is a place for it right now, or if there ever will be a place.


At the same time, after rotation, the kill spells that would be left so far are pretty expensive. Permanents will probably stick around longer unless we have a lot of cheap removals to replace it. Lets see what's rotating out:
-Doom Blade
-Ultimate Price
-Celestial Flare
-Lightning Strike
-All the Charms
-Devour Flesh

Probably missing a few more but yeah, lots of expensive removals will be left over.


At the same time, after rotation, the kill spells that would be left so far are pretty expensive. Permanents will probably stick around longer unless we have a lot of cheap removals to replace it. Lets see what's rotating out:
-Doom Blade
-Ultimate Price
-Celestial Flare
-Lightning Strike
-All the Charms
-Devour Flesh

Probably missing a few more but yeah, lots of expensive removals will be left over.

But then R/W aggro looses
Burning Tree Emmisary
Ash Zealot
Chandra's Phoenix
Boros Reckoner
Rakdos Cackler
Viashano Firstblade
Boros Charm


Lightning Strike will still be in.

I was hoping the minotaur one-drop would have been red, since cannot block is kind of red's thing, but can't complain otherwise. The dream is alive!



There's the Sam Black match I was talking about. He starts off the last turn with nothing in play after a deed was cracked. No way a player like him doesn't realize that a craterhoof is the only creature that will be able to attack that turn and his play suggests he knows this. He even starts playing GSZ just to get more cards in his deck so he's able to play more creatures (3 glimpse forcing card draw). He knew he needed 28 power to swing for lethal, fizzled, and baited his dumb opponent into giving him the win.

Ya, it's just a game and Black didn't even make top 8 but players, especially pros, should be called out on this and not let some believe this is "next leveling" or good strategy if you're dead on board and playing a complicated deck.

Yeah, it's a tough one. I can see where both players might lose their train of thought because that was a long ass turn. But I agree with you though, his play suggested he knew where he was going. If he had started that turn with Mystic in play he would have only needed to drop 10 more Elves plus Hoof to win, instead he was playing like he needed to get to 23 and when he didn't he threw a hail mary and got the win.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So apparently, WOTC decided that visitors to it's website don't need to see the 2 most exciting day 1 spoilers

I feel like I could find a way to use this in my Courser of Kruphix deck. Although perhaps not replacing Underworld Connections for the moment.

I don't care if it's playable, its existance shows me that WOTC still hasn't learned that Hexproof is the most dangerous mechanic to the health of the game since Affinity for Artifacts. It does nothing but create games that when you loose, the only things you want to do is punch the other player and quit Magic forever. I was disgusted by the reprint of Gladecover Scout in M14, and take each Hexproof card as an attack on the health of Magic.

Hexproof is a pretty dumb mechanic. Its only really fun when it works like Prognostic Sphinx does, so players have to actually think about it. Of course on MTGO, players try and doom blade my Sphinx all the time simply because they don't read the card past the Scry text.


But then R/W aggro looses
Burning Tree Emmisary
Ash Zealot
Chandra's Phoenix
Boros Reckoner
Rakdos Cackler
Viashano Firstblade
Boros Charm

I was more focused on the comments on the gods being playable or not after rotation. It's too early to say. All I'm stating is a lot of cheap removals are leaving so permanents will stick around longer to give devotion. We'll see if they give us more hybrid cards.

R/W aggro still probably wants Chandra PW over Iroas but I can see it fitting on the white weenies version.


But Gravecrawler is a zombie and that is a minotaur.

I don't know why minotaurs should be black other than the minotaur god being red/black.

Basically, stop giving black all the good stuff!

If you're going to cross minotaurs into black with red/black minotaurs, then it stands to reason that there would be monoblack minotaurs as well. Same thing in Innistrad with UB zombies or UW spirits.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So I like playing, but I'm not all that great on knowing the "right" play and I lose to misplays a lot. So what is the "right" play to make in this situation?

Opponent playing monoblack devotion, has one creature on the board - Nightveil Specter. Also has three swamps and a Underworld Connections on one.

I have four lands on the board, no creatures, and a Kiora in my hand, as well as a Hero's Downfall.

Should I cast Kiora and use the +1 on the Specter? Or should I Downfall the Specter and cast Kiora on my next turn? I feel like the correct answer is Kiora, but I'm not sure. I didn't really know what to do considering the likliehood of drawing or holding a Thoughtseize or Hero's Downfall.


On first look I would probably drop the Kiora since it uses your mana the most efficiently and you only really get wrecked if your opponent has Downfall, a Swamp and Thoughtseize in hand on their next turn.

Of course I don't know what's in the rest of your deck.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
On first look I would probably drop the Kiora since it uses your mana the most efficiently and you only really get wrecked if your opponent has Downfall, a Swamp and Thoughtseize in hand on their next turn.

Of course I don't know what's in the rest of your deck.

Yeah, I was thinking that was kind of a doomsday scenario given that if he had a Thoughtseize, he probably would have already used it.
A bunch of random "basic lands matter" cards keep popping up in this set:


EDIT: The Hero's Path stuff is out too. It looks like card #7 is an equipment card, and you complete achievements during the prerelease to buff it up. They are really playing up this whole hero's path game thing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I just played a game where I was at 5 life and my opponent was at 17 where I had no creatures on the board except a Caryatid and he had 2 Kalonian Hydras, Nylea, a Gyre Sage and a Corpsejack Menace on the board.

Overload - Cyclonic Rift. I ended up winning due to the Thoughtseize in my hand and topdecked Hero's Downfall right after that.

Why start out with bad previews? Don't they want to get us excited? :/

The problem with previews is that a lot of players are looking for constructed playable mythics but there's only going to be so many of those per set. That blue merfolk lady at least looks like it has some interesting uses given that its a one-drop that can draw you cards.

Scourge of Fleets looks like a penis

Combos with Armada Wurm.


The lands-matters cards are probably there to throw a bone to the devotion players. Other than the gods, this set doesn't use the devotion mechanic, according to Rosewater.


The lands-matters cards are probably there to throw a bone to the devotion players. Other than the gods, this set doesn't use the devotion mechanic, according to Rosewater.
Yup, that's what I assumed as well. This set really doesn't have room for it (and is overstuffed already.)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yup, that's what I assumed as well. This set really doesn't have room for it (and is overstuffed already.)

Yeah seeing how stuff is shaping up in Nyx now Theros definitely feels like it had less evolution and more individual mechanics then they usually do. I wonder if that's because they had trouble finding ways to evolve mechanics like Monstrous and Heroic in the later sets


Yeah seeing how stuff is shaping up in Nyx now Theros definitely feels like it had less evolution and more individual mechanics then they usually do. I wonder if that's because they had trouble finding ways to evolve mechanics like Monstrous and Heroic in the later sets
I don't ever ever ever want to come back to this setting. There isn't enough depth to it like there was with gothic horror.
Also, did Inspired just get dropped? It seems like it was a huge mistake to put such a slow, grindy, value-based mechanic in a set if the goal wasn't to ultimately slow the draft format down over time. Did they just realize that it was a mistake and decided to hold it back for further exploration in a better setting?


Also, did Inspired just get dropped? It seems like it was a huge mistake to put such a slow, grindy, value-based mechanic in a set if the goal wasn't to ultimately slow the draft format down over time. Did they just realize that it was a mistake and decided to hold it back for further exploration in a better setting?

Before Big-Small-Small became the minority, it was usual for a new mechanic in the 1st expansion that wasn't in the next set- Battle Cry wasn't in New Phyrexia, Domain wasn't in Alara Reborn, ect


The spoiled cards that matter


God is probably too expensive to see play but thats a powerful ability. I love Howling Mines, this is a cool one that you get to use first


Yeah, that's a really good take on the Howling Mine effect. I'm kinda surprised it took this long for a card that makes you draw the first card and not an opponent.
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