Triple Theros was actually quite balanced. I had slowed down a little bit just because no matter how good the format, you generally need a break. But TTT was actually a really good format; it sucked to lose to Ordeals, but it wasn't that hard to draft decks capable of beating them either. Then Born of the Gods screwed up the color balance so badly that it killed my desire to draft. You either fight like hell for white, or you just build a curve-out deck and hope your opponent misses on his synergies (and with all the infighting, most of the white decks are actually just really bad decks with nut draws). I can't bring myself to draft high variance like that, so I generally end up the 2-1 drafter in the Swiss pod because I wasn't willing to flip a coin on the 3-0 vs 0-3 draft.
And it bums me out. Because I love to draft.
Oddly enough, the format would actually be miles better if we drafted it old style. Born of the Gods should be drafted third, not first.