Is there any tier list available for the JOU cards for use for the prerelease like there was for BNG?
Do they though? Does modern need 5 more fetches?
I don't know why, but I was just thinking about the card. I don't really like the idea of the card in general because it doesn't seem like a "fun" card to play against since there's almost literally no point at which you can be guaranteed to resolve a spell.
Confirmed as real - its the "special" pack at the prerelease you have a chance of pulling.Rumours going round that there are JOU packs with 15 gods in
Introducing the other 5 won't lower the cost of entry (in the long run), but it will open up new avenues for deck building.
Standard however never needs fetchlands again. Absolutely abysmal format for those cards.
Most control players aren't that great, they just play the odds with their deck. Force is the embodiment of this, and there's few things in the game more satisfying than baiting a control player into playing incorrectly. Like the King of Beatdown used to say, there are no wrong threats--only wrong answers.
Confirmed as real - its the "special" pack at the prerelease you have a chance of pulling.
The third, with the promo.So they are packaged as one of the two normal looking JOU packs?
My playgroup is playing with heavily proxied Modern decks lately, so I'm building Melira Pod, and looking over some of the lists is there a reason they don't make use of Sun Titan? He seems like a perfect fit and gives you something to fetch off of eating a Revilark
Yeah, but you can't put the the allied fetchlands in modern without putting them in standard, unless you make some weird rule, right?
They've definitely said at some point that they don't want to print land cycles that don't include all the 2-part combinations, so they won't eschew printing the ONS lands. They'll probably just make them modern legal.
Why would they not put them in Standard, though? I'm not following what's so broken about fetch lands in a format that doesn't have other typed duals.
They'll move a billion boxes by reprinting them in standard, 2 billion if they're over two different sets (most likely.) They're not going to throw away money.
You don't get enough of a print run. They'll be standard legal. MM2 will sell enough on its own.I agree. That's just the most common argument for why they'll put them in a supplementary, modern legal set, rather than standard.
You don't get enough of a print run. They'll be standard legal. MM2 will sell enough on its own.
It's also why I really hate Psychic Strike- cheap (<4/5cc) C-Spells should always have XUU.
Ah, ok, your post seemed to imply you agreed with the statement.Again, I agree. I think they'll be in standard.
Yeah, but you can't put the the allied fetchlands in modern without putting them in standard, unless you make some weird rule, right?
Wizards doesn't like newcomers shuffling decks.
Speaking of, Wasteland is now a $100 card? For the love of Marit Lage, reprint some fucking uncommons.
It was? I don't remember that, but man, the prices are ridiculous.It was higher than that a a year ago IIRC
For anyone but the legacy player (EDH or Casual) Strip Mine has been reprinted a ton of times and is pretty cheap, and strictly better than Wasteland
I guess from my out-of-it noob perspective, I don't see why there ever has to be a billion different dual land types. The shocklands seem like a good compromise between straight duals and having some kind of gameplay value. I'm not really sure why they aren't just perpetually in the core set.
I guess the maximum creature size on MTGO must be 1000/1000 because some guy managed to get 4 Corpsejack Menaces out with his Kalonian Hydra and I died with negative 978 life.
I actually don't know how much I really lost by though because the math involved in a 64/64 Kalonian Hydra with 4 Corpsejacks is too complicated for me to understand.
(Also, I had a Courser out and my next card was a Hero's Downfall. I had Kiora's emblem active as well.)
I'm thinking about which direction to take my UWR deck.
UWR Midrange
UWR Control
UWR Twin
Any suggestions? I was thinking UWR Twin for some fun but it seems like it would get a little boring maybe? Always trying to search out the combo for the win con.
Midrange is fun for the beat down. Control is fun because draw-go and playing cards on your opponents turn.
I saw a sweet Twin deck that transformed into more of a Control deck. It was on a stream or I'd post the decklist.
I know this is like, the least helpful post in the history of posts.
3 Arid Mesa
4 Celestial Colonnade
1 Clifftop Retreat
1 Hallowed Fountain
2 Island
2 Mountain
1 Plains
1 Sacred Foundry
4 Scalding Tarn
2 Steam Vents
2 Sulfur Falls
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Path to Exile
4 Serum Visions
3 Lightning Helix
2 Mana Leak
3 Remand
3 Snapcaster Mage
4 Deceiver Exarch
1 Pestermite
3 Restoration Angel
4 Splinter Twin
2 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
I could still only find one in a Top 8 deck since Theros dropped. Maindeck or sideboard. Monoblack featuring Ashiok is easier to find than Psychic Strike in the Top 8.
It's not. Lets you filter too many options for too low a price. At sorcery speed, maybe.I'd rather have Ponder honestly. Or Augur of Bolas.
Maybe Impulse is reprintable?
I'd rather have Ponder honestly. Or Augur of Bolas.
Maybe Impulse is reprintable?
Why no serum visions/other 1 cmc cantrip.
In terms of the 1-CMC U cantrip, we didn't want to create a new one (as that could cause problems in Modern), but also felt like we didn't need one for Standardso we left it out.
Fucking useless Gatherer. Why would it not list Modern under legality listing? A simple "Invalid" would be nice for those of us without a encyclopedic knowledge of when sets were released.