After a crappy pool at the prerelease this weekend and ditching the second flight to draft a Power Cube (where I drafted UG Eureka/Show & Tell, so much fun), I got first in both Legacy (bug delver) last night and Modern (uwr control) tonight. I was completely undefeated in Legacy, playing Storm, Dredge, Rack, Dredge, then BUG Delver. Against the second dredge player I won the die roll and opened Thoughtseize, Triple Deathrite Shaman, and lands; it wasn't pretty but was so fun. In Modern I played against Tarmo Twin, UR Twin (draw after insane 35-minute game 1 that I won and a punt game 2), RG Tron, UR Delver. My game 2 vs Tron was fun since I (on the play) opened Clique, Snapcaster, Sowing Salt, 2 Steam Vents, 2 Tectonic Edge and drew a Mana Leak.
There's a Modern SCG IQ I'm considering going to this weekend. I like where my UWR is at right now, so we'll see.