It's actually really smart for them to have these cards priced so high- they use these cards as a form of payment to judges in lieu of cash (and then needing to do W-2s, report earnings, pay taxes, ect). Without lots of judges, the entire OP system falls apart. There needs to be strong incentive for judges to travel, train new people, and do it all for zero dollars compensation.
And that Vintage Masters stuff seems super pricey. 30(!) Mythics, plus Power only appearing 1 in every 54 packs- you would need to open close to 500 packs to even SEE 9 pieces, and you probably will be getting some dupes. And the fact that packs are 6.99 each like MM means that unless there are money common and uncommons in here (Daze, Wasteland ect printed at original rarity), its going to be stupid expensive to acquire power.