Officially spoiled by WotC on Reddit.
Nope. The Selesnya chick is new too.From the mothership: none of the cards in Vintage Masters are modern-legal. That ought to give a really good idea of what to expect from the set.
EDIT: We haven't seen this Conspiracy card yet, have we?
Why is the font/layout so ugly, to make it clearer that these aren't tournament legal?
AKA that monstrosity that people are clinging to in order to maintain their jobs.These are all screenshots from the MTGO V4 Client.
Is it just me, or is the removal in pack one insane compared to the rest of the set?
Where should I be buying my tickets for MTGO? Does any website sell tickets? I just made an account and would like to know if there are ways to get tickets cheaper from third parties.
In general, no. There isn't a way to get tickets cheaper. That's the one part of the economy that stays stable. This is out of necessity; if the value of a ticket can fluctuate, then the economy crashes because the ticket is no longer a currency you can trust in.
So in that sense the tickets are the only thing that is advised for one to buy from the MTGO store?
Even though I realize how comically broken it is, Skullclamp at Mythic feels so wrong to me.
Speaking of which, I realize I bought into MODO pretty damn hard before I moved, now I can't play it much at all. I really need to sell my mutavaults and the dozens of other high value things I have.
Anybody know a good bot for that?
Are you wanting to just sell out entirely? MTGOtraders.com will give you an offer for your entire collection:
Big daddy Jace is in Vintage Masters as well. This set is looking to be pretty sweet...
I was going to say. Jace kinda needs to be in Vintage. He's a staple there.Big daddy Jace is in Vintage Masters as well. This set is looking to be pretty sweet...
It makes me sad that we'll probably never get a set as packed full of value in paper. Unless they just go crazy with Modern Masters 2 and don't make it a limited print run.
What whyAlso, lol @ the ending of the stupid Journey into Nyx book.
Elspeth dies, Heliod kills her.
What why
I refuse to recognize that as canon until MaRo says it is. Or somebody in charge of that sort of thing.
Got a challenge for some of you guys. I need the absolute best anti-burn, modern legal sideboard card for my scapeshift list. I've been running into, on average, 1 burn deck per daily on mtgo and I want a sb option that if draw just completely shuts them down. Even if it's completely, 100% dead against every matchup but burn, I still would make room for it since that matchup is that bad and that common.
Must fit RUG colors and reasonably castable by turn 4-5. Skullcrack is a thing so the cheaper the better to leave room for cheap counters like Izzet Charm.
edit: can't be equipment either since I run very few creatures and none of them survive lightning bolt.
Both are decent against burn but I'm looking to go real deep. The spell just needs to delay them several turns. Something like Heroes' Reunion (WG Gain 7 Life) but in RUG colors. Wish Leyline of Sanctity wouldn't be a completely dead card unless it was in my opening hand.
Courser of Kruphix?
Obstinate Baloth?
Spike Feeder/Brindle Boar?
Totally forgot about Witchbane Orb. It's a little slow but I'll usually have 4 mana on Turn 3 so it should gain me more life than most other cards due to blanking half or more of their deck. I'll give the others a try too but this might be exactly what I'm looking for. It even works in other matchups like storm too.
Completely forgot about Nourish too. Never thought this is a card I'd consider putting in my 75 in an eternal format.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys.
TURN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[ Leyline Better ][ Orb Better ]
Pros of Witchbane Orb: You can cast it naturally.
Cons of Witchbane Orb: Just as much of a dead draw after a certain turn. Shouldn't you have stabilized by then and be in control of your own fate? How much value are you getting there?
So Witchbane Orb is only better than Leyline of Sanctity if you happened to draw sometime between your first draw step and the turn at which being hexproof is no longer relevant. Is the upside of that situation actually better than the upside of having hexproof turn zero for no mana? Or are you overreacting to the feel-bad of drawing an uncastable card?
To put it another way: let's look at the first 14 cards on the top of my deck.
Code:TURN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [ Leyline Better ][ Orb Better ]
So Witchbane Orb is only better than Leyline of Sanctity if you think that becoming hexproof is still relevant on turns 7+. I'm not worried about you hitting the requisite land drops because your deck does that quite well. I'm just considering when the card hits your hand, and when you've stabilized against the burn deck. I have to imagine that by turn 7 you're either dead or you're winning, so putting four Leylines in your deck is going to have higher upside than four Orbs.
EDIT: And yes, I realize that Orb isn't dead in my opening 7, while Leyline is after that point. But the burn deck specifically comes out of the gate so fast that those first three turns (on the draw) might be quite relevant.
If I manage to lose this draft with 2 Bassara Tower Archers, Ajani, a Courser of Kruphix and a bunch of eagles, I probably am the worst.