What am I looking at Haly
Or keeping track of the stack, or doing your storm count, or floating mana.
What am I looking at Haly
F6 is a shortcut to skip priority until end of turn, it's for when you have absolutely nothing to play and want MTGO to stop prompting you when you have priority (which happens at any point you can actually get priority).
F6 is a shortcut to skip priority until end of turn, it's for when you have absolutely nothing to play and want MTGO to stop prompting you when you have priority (which happens at any point you can actually get priority).
I'd be amused to no end if he also had an F3 ready to drop in case of a botched F6.
I'm also scared I'll drop a hundred bucks the first day just drafting. I can already sit on bestiaire for an hour.Its not very difficult unless you're not willing to learn. You just buy tickets, trade them to a bot for cards or packs and then enter drafts. Its very easy.
The reason MODO is popular is because you draft at 2 a.m. drunk in your underwear if you really want to. If that's not important at all to you, then don't even bother signing up. Of course, it also lets you play 20 games a day to test your bad deck ideas. The biggest reason I like MODO is because digital objects means I don't have to physically assemble decks to play them when they use a lot of the same cards.
Playing in the Tournament Practice room on MODO lets you play some really weird ass decks. I played a Mono-Green Devotion deck the other day that had 13 creatures out, including three voyaging satyrs, Polukranos and a Nykthos. He activated Polukranos monstrosity for 33 and killed every single one of my guys. Ironically, I probably would have won the game if I could pull another red mana because it was all weenies who would die to Mizzium Mortars and I had Xenagod active.
That situation is not hard to do, especially given that you can buy tix through paypal, but it doesn't pass as quickly as you might think even if you lose a lot because its so much easier to move cards through bots. If you, for example, pull Ajani, you can just sell him for 20 tix immediately unless you really want the card. The only card I've taken to keeping extras of is Thoughtseize, on the probably delusional belief it will be worth more than 5 bucks once it rotates (even though I've pulled like 6 Thoughtseize in the last two weeks).
But yeah, I burned about $150 the first month drafting. I don't exactly regret it - I've blown a lot more money in casinos for a lot less fun. But you could really burn a hole in your pocket if you aren't careful or very good at drafting.
I could use some Thoughtseize...![]()
But yeah, I burned about $150 the first month drafting. I don't exactly regret it - I've blown a lot more money in casinos for a lot less fun. But you could really burn a hole in your pocket if you aren't careful or very good at drafting.
I'm deliberately holding off on drafting right now - I really, really like JBT, but I'm saving my money for Vintage Masters. If I'm going to spew value, I'm going to do it in style.
The problem is that Vintage Masters packs cost 2x what Journey packs cost. I guess the closest analogue is going from playing quarter-slots to dollar-slots. But yeah, I'm going to draft the fuck out of it, but luckily there's a four-month window to do so.
Its going to be really funny when the most expensive card in the game is an uncommon from Tempest.
I am trying to get a friend into casual modern, so I showed him some budget decks and told him to pick one. Anything that called out to him.
He chose soul sisters, which is a deck I built for my daughter, so that's kind of weird to duel against with him.
Anyway , is there a deck that you guys like on that budget list?
I already have Living End as well.
BTW. that list is budget stuff at the time it was written.
Triple ROE is one of my least favourite draft formats.
Triple ROE is one of my least favourite draft formats.
Does removing a figure of destiny and it returning to the battlefield reset it to the original 1/1 even if it had already been leveled up?
AVR was so awesome for constructed, cube additions and casual appeal. I'm glad I didn't draft it, because I loved that set and it's universally hated by anybody who ever drafted it.
Oh I was there and it was terrible. It was filled with clunky bombs that you couldn't cast without playing green/red. Rest was forcing W/U/B level-up with the standout being a 2/1 flier for three that taps down all your opponent's mans at common, which is especially fantastic when you have three packs of the same set. Removal was light, and it had (instant) umbras, so good luck killing any sort of creature. There were a few cute, fringe draft archetypes, but they were either terrible (walls) or required a bunch of the same card (aura gnarlid and kiln fiend).
Which card do you cut?
Is this supposed to be a Tempo deck or Control deck? Why is Dauthi Horror in the same deck as Damnation? Dauthi Horror and Oona's Prowler are your worst cards (this deck doesn't seem aggressive enough for them)
You cut Sinkhole. You don't want to be boxed into having to have BB on turn two.
Builds like that are why I pick what colors and archetype I'm building in cube before 1.1.
Well, again...and I can't stress this enough, it's cube, so you can plan whatever archetype you want, but if it's not there, it's not there. I can play to go mono-red all day long, but if Piledriver is the only card I get in the color....well.
If it's not there, I just force it anyway. With varying levels of success, of course.
Most times I'm drafting W/x, and I always feel that white is underdrafted. Best run I had was when I spent an entire weekend drafting Armageddon/Ravages of War/Tax/Rack decks
Oh god that sounds painful just thinking about. Add in a Ghostly Prison for maximum salt
Need your opinion on Triple AVR before judging you
Which card do you cut?