Dack Fayden was pulled tonight. I was there but didn't play. I will play tomorrow but unfortunately it will be boosters from the same box. I doubt I'll pull one myself.
I played a really aggressive game of Conspiracy.
I first picked Marchesa's Emissary. Hexproof in this format? Just nuts. So my Conspiracy cards all named her (drafted two of her) and gave her haste, +1/+1 and one less mana to cast. I just took turns attacking everyone with the highest life total until I put Traveler's Cloak on her and named Island for my landwalk. Rolled over the one other guy with Islands. Got damage in with Brago, King Eternal and bounced Traveler's Cloak, naming Mountain as my landwalk, as the last two opponents both had Mountains.
Bad group game politics. Marchesa's Emissary was 9/9, hexproof, dethrone and Mountainwalk so I was promptly ganged up on and destroyed before I could get another turn. I had a couple counterspell and bounce spells to defend but it wasn't enough.
It felt just like a Born of the Gods draft with all the Heroic shenanigans. It was the first time I had forced a color, too, I was surprised it worked even a little. Brago and Dack's Duplicate were my only cards that I splashed for.
That Naya deck finally made somebody mad on MTGO. It was bound to happen.
I agree on maybe cutting the Soldier of the Pantheon. I am almost never happy to see it in my opening hand with a grip of spells. Can anybody think of something in RGW as a one drop? Legion Loyalist, maybe?
That can't be right
That's pretty awesome. I wish I had that kill bonus, I killed all three opponents simultaneously with a horde of two power flyers and a pelakka wurm I gave double strike.Our store did a pack per kill price support in the conspiracy pods, plus a promo magister for the last person standing. It was pretty fun and encouraged aggressive play, the most amusing thing I saw was a guy mill himself out just so he could get a pack for the kill.
I got to play a couple rounds of Conspiracy this weekend at my LGS. Overall, I really like how the "draft matters" cards work; They add an interesting element of the game without being too overpowered. One thing that ended up bugging was groups just playing 1 free-for-all round after drafting and then leaving or buying into another draft round. I kind of wish people would be willing to play more than 1 round after paying for 3 packs >_>
Yup, she's baaa--cckk.
Liliana. That playmat is a pictue of the Chain Veil (of which she is, and Garruk is cursed)whos back? elspeth?
Holy shit. Holy shit.
Have you seen the play mat artwork for the Magic World Cup qualifier that will be given to top 8?
Lili, oh my Lili.
Chain Veil (6)
Equipped creature gains hexproof and deathtouch.
Equip (6)
Basically, I'm not expecting this to be awesome.
Chain Veil (6)
Equipped creature gains hexproof and deathtouch.
Equip (6)
As someone who is not familiar with a lot of the current cards, when is a good time to jump into the world of standard?
My understanding is that 2014 will be legal until the next block hits and causes a rotation, and I'm wondering if the meta game usually changes quite a bit when that happens?
Where should my focus be on current cards - the Theros block?
Also random quesrion, does anyone used cursed scrolls anymore outside of kitchen table games?
Literally every deck stops being good at rotation because all of them rely at least somewhat on Return to Ravnica cards. We don't even know what cards will be printed in the fall set, so its impossible to say what's going to be good.
Mono-red is pretty much always viable. There's no way M14/Khans won't contain enough stuff to replace Rakdos Cacklers etc.
An interesting bug on MTGO was found earlier today when Joe Lossett did a quick stream to showcase the cheater. Essentially, it turns Order of Succession into "if you have no creatures and your opponent does, they time out/concede and you win". Just saw this on /r/magictcg and thought it was neat.
Wow, what a piece of shit.
Being that deliberate with an exploit in a daily event should get you permanently banned from MTGO. No refunds for cards, just delete all accounts sharing that IP.
There are a few cards that will probably be good no matter what, e.g. Polukranos, Stormbreath, Elspeth.
I think Prophetic Flamespeaker is a good hold. Mostly because I really like the card and believe Wizards will do something to make it good (e.g. put some decent equipment in the next set.)
Trying to buy cheap cards from tcgplayer is one of the most frustrating experiences. They want all orders to be at least a dollar so the stores aren't losing money, I get it, but their optimizer sucks. If I'm ordering one ~3 dollar card and one 25 cent card, it should try and find the cheapest store that has both in stock. But it just finds the 2 cheapest copies of each separately.
Yeah, I just stopped using them. Channel Fireball always ended up being the cheapest total when ordering anything that wasn't just a playset of something. Now, I'm exclusively a MTGOAcademy man though.
So in general, I dislike Magic's lore. Mostly because while I think Wizards does an exceptional job of worldbuilding, they do a shitty job of writing good plots. This short story is much more of the former than the latter, and I actually really enjoyed it.
So in general, I dislike Magic's lore. Mostly because while I think Wizards does an exceptional job of worldbuilding, they do a shitty job of writing good plots. This short story is much more of the former than the latter, and I actually really enjoyed it.
Garruk's almost certainly BG. Elaine Chase showed off the toys "In Color Order" on twitter, and he was last.Had a friend who is at E3 as press ask during his MTG interview whether or not Garruk was the only black PW in M15.
He said that Nik Davidson said he is not the only one.
Granted, I wish I could confirm it myself (I trust this person), but this is what I was told.