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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


Revised duals now range from 6 to 18 tix.

This is pretty nuts. If fetches are reprinted in Khans & they run Tempest drafts again soon, legacy might actually become pretty cheap.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Revised duals now range from 6 to 18 tix.

This is pretty nuts. If fetches are reprinted in Khans, legacy might actually become kind of accessible.

Add a couple weeks of Tempest flashback drafts in there too.

On another note, Vintage isn't Legacy with the Power 9 stapled on. You need to have a specific answer to Dredge or you will lose every single game by turn 2.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Ok, whatever. Ya'll know I bitch about WotC a bunch, but thanks to VMA, I now finally own 4 dual lands.

It's an awesome feeling!

EDIT: And thanks to FTV: 20 I now have 4 JTMS and 4 Swords to Plowshares. I am getting dangerously close to a real legacy deck. Is Stoneblade a deck still? Cause I will not pay the 150 for Goyfs, but this is so exciting.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper

I just cast my first JTMS and it won me the match. OMG OMG OMG FOR REAL YOU GUYS

Thank you based MaRo

EDIT: I may or may not have email WotC to say thanks.


Why don't I ever get bomb sealed pools? Playing a match and the guy got two Thopter Copters or whatever, Tradewind Rider, Mana Drain and some other good stuff for blue. Looked like his deck built itself.

My R/W deck just kept getting mana screwed. Went both games without seeing a mountain and my shadow dudes suck when they just get Tradewinded... Stupid MODO shuffler...

This is why I never play sealed outside of prereleases. It's the only format that is a significant amount of luck.


Managed to draft a pretty sweet Storm deck today. Had Brain Freeze, Temporal Fissure, Minds Desire, Tendrils, High Tide, 2 Dark Ritual, 2 Frantic Search, 2 Obsessive Search and Yawmoths Will. It was so fun.
This is why I never play sealed outside of prereleases. It's the only format that is a significant amount of luck.

This is why I play sealed, but mostly avoid draft. If I suck at draft, I have nobody (usually) to blame but myself. I open a shitty sealed pool, at least I can blame my losses on shitty luck.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Its hard to argue when you play hundreds of games a month in your underwear. Not having to stack shit or shuffle is pretty nice too.

I guess. But five drafts of Vintage is $150 without boosters. With boosters it's $40. Buying the boosters is the smart way to go if you're going to do drafts more than once. That entry fee without a booster is just downright insane. Seriously: WTF Wizards?

It's worth pointing out the price difference between MTGO and paper.


Half price, basically.

Right, per-card it's cheaper for obvious (not "limited" Wizards could "print more" if they so wanted digitally) reasons to go Magic Online. But the events/"drafts" that aren't "make your own card table/game" starts to add up because they price those $1-2 more to "tax" for the sake of convenience. It doesn't sit too well with me.

I'm not saying Wizards needs to "Steam Sale" their digital cards/events, but you know: Yo damn, $30, ya know?


So today I decided I'd try forcing R/W defenders in Conspiracy. It was worth it. I ended up with:

1 Sentinel Dispatch
1 Cinder Wall
1 Flamewright
2 Guardian Zendikon
4 Pride Guardian (naming it with Secrets of Paradise; I actually did exactly the same in my last draft, but this time I got more of them)
Vent Sentinel (naming it with Immediate Action because giving defenders haste is value)
1 Warmonger's Chariot for the awesome image of a Plains riding a chariot

My day was slightly ruined by only drawing one Vent Sentinel in each of the games I played. C'mon, I draw through all four Pride Guardians, but I don't get even a second Vent Sentinel? I guess my deck just hates fun :(


This is why I never play sealed outside of prereleases. It's the only format that is a significant amount of luck.
To add insult to injury, the only reason I played that deck (that went 4-0) is because the person that beat me round 2 dropped at 2-0 and my shitty deck went 2-1, leaving me in third. Got two packs, though.

Played a total of 5 sealed events, format is different. Looks like aggro is semi viable in any pool, but if you get lucky you can have a fun deck.

Besides my first pool, opened up a foil Brainstorm and shit else. Got three duals in my first pool, bummer they are lower duals, Bayou, Taiga and Badlands. Only got 2 StP or Brainstorms, but three Sylvos, Jank Ass Rare.

Still have four packs and 30 something tickets from the $200 I dropped this weekend, will do a draft sometime. Probably wont play again til I build a deck and get 4 Mana Drains, FoWs, JTMS and anything else that is Legacy/Vintage playable in the set.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";116722631]Anyone have paper Snapcasters/Cryptics for trade/sale?[/QUOTE]

Yup. Looking for rough equivalent online value for my entire paper collection. I have 2 Cryptics and a full set of Snappy.
Made an awkward modern pile because I just hate everybody, dammit. Every deck I make is pretty much with the God draw in mind, so I'm hoping to drop turn 1 Lotus Cobra and use a fetchland to commit some brutal crimes against my opponent with four mana on turn 2. God only knows how it would ever kill someone, but I'm thinking a good chunk of players would scoop in rage if I get to put both their lands on top. I built it off the cuff while jogging, so some of the numbers are kinda random and surely I missed some good inclusions. Ideas?

4 Lotus Cobra
4 Simian Spirit Guide
3 Huntmaster of the Fells
2 Frost Titan
2 Garruk Wildspeaker
3 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
4 Boom//Bust
2 Plow Under
4 Mana Leak
2 Remand
1 Snapcaster Mage
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Electrolyze

4 Misty Rainforest
3 Scalding Tarn
2 Verdant Catacombs
3 Breeding Pool
2 Stomping Ground
2 Steam Vents
1 Flooded Grove
1 Cascade Bluffs
2 Isand
3 Forest

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
To the dude that showed up in Round 2 with Turn 2 Dreampod Druid in each game, followed by Empyiral Armor and/or Elephant Guide: Fuck off. No, seriously, it took me 20 minutes to methodically grind down the guy in round 1, and I get nothing because some asshole has a totally bullshit unrecoverable combo.

And of course, my entire draft pool is worth 0 tickets (because the bots won't even buy those cards), since VMA is the worst value set in the history of mankind. At least Fallen Empires boosters only cost like 95 cents.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I don't get why Brainstorms are still so expensive online. I have like, 36 of those in paper that I got incidentally. That VM art is stupid as hell, too.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Well, fuck it. I guess I'm stuck with Naya Aggro for the rest of Standard season because I just cashed out on my MTGO Mutavaults and basically everything else that's not in Brave Naya that's rotating out soon.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Damn, a little early, dontcha think? Rotation is what, Oct?

Not interested in playing those decks now, and even if I was, Muta ain't getting more expensive, and neither is Blood Baron or Obzedat.

Also, I just played a Vintage game, apparently against Ted DiBiase:



I don't think U/B is viable in VM. Tried storm earlier and in another draft I had Upheaval and Psychatog (with Vampiric Tutor to fetch either of them) in a control shell and lost both first rounds to mediocre decks with zero pressure. U/B basically does nothing, has no removal and no finishers. Maybe suicide black is possible? It's kind of dumb how many black cards there are that don't fit in a natural control deck (Carnophage, Sarcomancy, Fledgling Djinn, Lurking Evil, some more creatures that cannot block/have shadow. Who designed this set? When white has better removal than black, you dun goofed.


I played my first conspiracy draft.

Was happy when I was chosen for the 4-player table, but it happened to be the one with "that guy". He complained about every play that got made, every time he was targeted, every time something good was played, etc.

Another player had a genuinely good deck, and probably should've won, but everyone hated her out of the game early on for taking ten or twenty minutes per turn.

Three hours into our first game, the 3-person table had just finished their third, and the entire table was at 15+ life (except the only fun player at the table, who had gone home an hour ago.)



I've yet to actually draft the set, but it seems kinda bad, from what I can tell.

It plays like a Magic-themed board game.

You rarely want to play a board game with randoms, because they're only as fun as the people you're with. I'm guessing Conspiracy is a blast if you can get 7 magic-playing friends together.
It plays like a Magic-themed board game.

You rarely want to play a board game with randoms, because they're only as fun as the people you're with. I'm guessing Conspiracy is a blast if you can get 7 magic-playing friends together.

Should have quoted; I was referencing VM.

I've done five Conspiracy drafts at this point, and had a blast each time. But yes - I was drafting with people I enjoy playing with. And mechanically, the set is actually pretty interesting. And I now own a Misdirection, a Stifle, an Exploration, etc. Which is sweet.


I played my first conspiracy draft.

Was happy when I was chosen for the 4-player table, but it happened to be the one with "that guy". He complained about every play that got made, every time he was targeted, every time something good was played, etc.

Another player had a genuinely good deck, and probably should've won, but everyone hated her out of the game early on for taking ten or twenty minutes per turn.

Three hours into our first game, the 3-person table had just finished their third, and the entire table was at 15+ life (except the only fun player at the table, who had gone home an hour ago.)


This is exactly what happened at my first draft, except I was the one getting salty because this one player who didn't really know what they were doing (ie, chump blocking with a 2/2 against a 3/3 when at 18 life, ect) just started randomly throwing brimstone volleys at my head, knocking me down to 5 life, when there was a tapped Pristine Angel on the board with a tapped out owner.


Not interested in playing those decks now, and even if I was, Muta ain't getting more expensive, and neither is Blood Baron or Obzedat.

Also, I just played a Vintage game, apparently against Ted DiBiase:


It will as M14 supplies dry up. But I get your point.


Played my first conspiracy draft this weekend which played out about as well as I expected from my experience with EDH awhile back. Nobody wanted to hurt feelings by attacking so the game lasted much much longer than was necessary. Got my fill of multiplayer magic for this year though I suppose and mostly joined to open a few Conspiracy packs with the chance of winning more.



In what world is this not Mythic

I guess this also confirms that there will be a B mana symbol somewhere in Garruk's casting cost


I play aggressive MP so my experience with Conspiracy has gone well so far. It helped when the second time the shop drafted the format they changed the prize payout to one pack per kill. Games went much quicker - even the ones without me, lol.

I have one EDH deck built so far, and the reason I like playing with Mogis is that I can run Rain of Gore, Everlasting Torment and Wound Reflection. That way we can play three games in three hours instead of one.

I imagine the passive MP players are like that outside of the game of Magic and with every other game they play. They are the people who play SP RTS's to build a neat base for sixty minutes instead of attacking their opponent.


Well, that's a sweet, flavorful card that will never, ever, ever get cast. In real Magic, I mean, not EDH. :p

We know nothing about limited speed yet. This card basically does say "You win the game" the turn you cast it, so if the format isn't too fast, it could be playable, even at 9 Mana.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
We know nothing about limited speed yet. This card basically does say "You win the game" the turn you cast it, so if the format isn't too fast, it could be playable, even at 9 Mana.

If a double black, 9CMC card is limited playable, I will eat a whole bag of Doritos and wash it down with a cool, refreshing Mountain Dew.


I have one EDH deck built so far, and the reason I like playing with Mogis is that I can run Rain of Gore, Everlasting Torment and Wound Reflection. That way we can play three games in three hours instead of one.

My play group always complains that our multiplayer games get out of hand time-wise, lasting 2+ hours. So I built a new deck the other day with a couple of infinite win-cons so that, when I felt like the game should end, I could make it do so. It's just Kiki-Jiki and Zealous Conscripts style stuff -- things anyone could prevent if they kept up a removal spell or something.

They all got mad when I did it after about 30 minutes.

Talk about a mixed message.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";116722631]Anyone have paper Snapcasters/Cryptics for trade/sale?[/QUOTE]
Interested in Players Rewards Cryptic?
I also have the GP Batterskull if interested.

Anyone interested in the 8 rack deck?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Dredge Report - Vintage Dredge is basically unbeatable in game one, but the entire sideboard of every Vintage deck is anti-Dredge hate + anti-shop hate. Speaking of which, fuck 'shop decks. I can't fathom how anyone can really hate Dredge when Shop decks exist in the same format. (Shop Deck = Mishra's Workshop deck that plays multiple Trinisphere effects to prevent you from playing anything.)


My play group always complains that our multiplayer games get out of hand time-wise, lasting 2+ hours. So I built a new deck the other day with a couple of infinite win-cons so that, when I felt like the game should end, I could make it do so. It's just Kiki-Jiki and Zealous Conscripts style stuff -- things anyone could prevent if they kept up a removal spell or something.

They all got mad when I did it after about 30 minutes.

Talk about a mixed message.
Same thing was happening in my group, people complaining about games going on too long. Put Mikeaus/Triskelion combos etc in all my decks. Then they get upset when I end it. Make up your damn minds.


This is why I don't understand why they banned Worldfire. It's not like my mono red deck can cast it on turn two, unlike Impending Disaster which is actually dumb.


Commander: Fun for five minutes unless someone wins

The commander community is the worst. They want to do their mean-spirited shit then get mad when you do anything besides just take it. On top of that you have to wait 10 minutes between turns for a usually meaningless outcome.


My group has implemented a rule that if you demonstrate an infinite combo you have to roll a D10 and that how many times you repeat whatever the combo is. Keeps the games a bit more fun.


The commander community is the worst. They want to do their mean-spirited shit then get mad when you do anything besides just take it. On top of that you have to wait 10 minutes between turns for a usually meaningless outcome.

This is the truth.

My group has implemented a rule that if you demonstrate an infinite combo you have to roll a D10 and that how many times you repeat whatever the combo is. Keeps the games a bit more fun.

Why not just play politically, hold removal in your hand, and proactively destroy threats? I mean, if someone's got a way to turn 2 loop Time Warp then that's pretty wack. But if we're 15 turns in and I go off with a Kiki-Jiki, that's everyone else's fault.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The commander community is the worst. They want to do their mean-spirited shit then get mad when you do anything besides just take it. On top of that you have to wait 10 minutes between turns for a usually meaningless outcome.

Yeaaaaah I'm lucky to have a group of five pretty laid back friends. We just play a few hour-ish commander games every Friday (and maybe a few rounds of all proxy Modern :p)
It's possible to have a ton of fun in EDH without being a giant cock. I wish more people actively tried. I have over 20 decks that have blue in them, and not one of them runs Time Stretch or Consecrated Sphinx. And I'll never pair Strip Mine with Crucible, despite people telling me I should. My favorite deck is actually a result of trying to make a theft-based deck that avoided players' butthurt from actual theft (hint - play all the clones.)


My group has implemented a rule that if you demonstrate an infinite combo you have to roll a D10 and that how many times you repeat whatever the combo is. Keeps the games a bit more fun.
Probably better than the rule I was going to implement, no alcohol. Usually we just drink, shoot the shit and take 10 minutes a turn for nothing.


Why not just play politically, hold removal in your hand, and proactively destroy threats? I mean, if someone's got a way to turn 2 loop Time Warp then that's pretty wack. But if we're 15 turns in and I go off with a Kiki-Jiki, that's everyone else's fault.

Well, because we actually don't try to actively play infinite combos at all anymore. It sucks to play a 2 hour game with tons of politics and strategy and then for the game to end with a blindside combo out of nowhere. When we first started everyone was playing combos and honestly those games were lame as hell. There isn't enough removal in a deck to actively police combos let alone the threats. Every deck was just tutor, tutor, tutor, combo, game over if no one has an answer.
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