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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
That may actually be worse that OG Nissa. Her untap mana ability may be somewhat useful, but her ultimate will just lose you the game. GG, my wrath is also an armaggedon.

And no haste for the forest lands.

What a garbage card.
1) Her first ability makes the land a creature permanently. It's a 4/4, so it's bolt-proof. It's huge. This ability is actually quite good. And she can, in fact, kind of protect herself if you have an untapped land leftover after casting her (a big if, for sure).

2) Her second ability is...okay, kinda meh. The fact that these have to be forests is disappointing.

3) Her third ability just makes lands from the library into creatures. Your existing lands are still just lands, so the idea that it "loses you the game" is just not true. The ultimate is actually quite strong; your opponent either wraths or dies next turn.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
1) Her first ability makes the land a creature permanently. It's a 4/4, so it's bolt-proof. It's huge. This ability is actually quite good. And she can, in fact, kind of protect herself if you have an untapped land leftover after casting her (a big if, for sure).

2) Her second ability is...okay, kinda meh. The fact that these have to be forests is disappointing.

3) Her third ability just makes lands from the library into creatures. Your existing lands are still just lands, so the idea that it "loses you the game" is just not true. The ultimate is actually quite strong; your opponent either wraths or dies next turn.

1) Bolt does not exist. Tone of removal does.
2) Yup.
3) Getting 3 for 1'd on a PW ultimate is bad. Terrible, even. Also, ramping into her is useless.

But, I mean, what a flashing light that Zendikar is in the near future, eh? I know, I know, peek into past planes and whatnot, but worldwaker, the hedrons, the articles...it's a coming.
1) Bolt does not exist. Tone of removal does.
2) Yup.
3) Getting 3 for 1'd on a PW ultimate is bad. Terrible, even. Also, ramping into her is useless.

Sure, removal exists. If you've hit five mana, you're probably doing fine for it, and if they're killing your lands, they're not killing your creatures. And if you can't afford to risk your lands, just untap whatever forests you happen to have.

And you're way too afraid of the ultimate. Let's say I'm playing a ramp deck. If I execute that ultimate, every single basic land is coming out of my deck. I probably still have plenty of regular lands, so even if my opponent wraths I'm not screwed. And if they're wrathing, the game is going to keep going for a while, and I'm super happy to not be drawing more lands.

Nissa Worldwaker is the ultimate flood insurance card. That's what she's meant to do - make your lands into threats. The second ability essentially forces her to be played in mono-green (so you can play her and a 4-drop to protect her in the same turn), and that is not a meaningless downside, but I think she's completely playable.


The lands Nissa pulls out of your deck weren't from you hand and your other lands are still just lands. It's not massive card disadvantage or "Geddon" if they wrath. I REALLY wish the 1st ability untapped the land. Card seems quite playable but I can't say it excites me.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Except, in this case, they're killing your lands for cheap and removing a threat. I'd be happy to kill of your lands with a doom blade. Ecstatic.

It's not being scared of an ultimate. It's the fact that an ultimate that can actively lose you the game is not a good ability.

Now, I'll take that all back if M15 and Khans has no playable sweepers. Then she's only sort of durdly and not actively crap.


Except, in this case, they're killing your lands for cheap and removing a threat. I'd be happy to kill of your lands with a doom blade. Ecstatic.

It's not being scared of an ultimate. It's the fact that an ultimate that can actively lose you the game is not a good ability.

Now, I'll take that all back if M15 and Khans has no playable sweepers. Then she's only sort of durdly and not actively crap.

why would the ultimate lose you the game though, since by the time you ultimate her you have plenty of non-creature lands on the board


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
why would the ultimate lose you the game though, since by the time you ultimate her you have plenty of non-creature lands on the board

Because your ultimate is completely negated by a single card. Again, if they don't print playable wipes, then NVM. I'm assuming they're not going to let a standard exist nowadays without a playable board wipe.

I've been wrong before though. Also been right. Guess we'll see. I suppose monogreen devotion is losing the least amount to rotation, so maybe this will find a home.
Except, in this case, they're killing your lands for cheap and removing a threat. I'd be happy to kill of your lands with a doom blade. Ecstatic.

They're not killing lands. They'd just be killing creatures. Her ultimate takes useless basic lands from your deck and turns them into 4/4 trampling beasts. I don't get why you think this is a bad thing. This is 100% upside.

EDIT: The fact that an ultimate can be undone by a card doesn't mean that you "lose the game" if it that happens though...

Also: we got the "Kird Ape" cycle today as well. I don't see any cards here that are good enough to see play in Constructed (like M13's Flinthoof Boar did), but they seem fine enough. I'm excited for one - Dauntless River Marshal is basically a slightly tweaked Azorius Guildmage, a card I've wanted to put in my cube for a while but never did because it's a mono-white card that occupies an Azorius spot in the categorization. I'm pretty sure this card is going in straight away.


I suppose Sunblade Elf might see play while the Shocklands are still a thing in Standard, but all of these guys go way down in value when those rotate out.


Because your ultimate is completely negated by a single card.

but this isn't a reason you lose -- if your board was going to get wiped, it would get wiped with or without the ultimate. those lands didn't even exist in your hand or board before the ultimate, and your position would probably still be fine. it also thins out the deck later in the game so you're not getting lands when you don't want to


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Ha. So much for dreams of kird ape stompy. That's disappointing.

but this isn't a reason you lose -- if your board was going to get wiped, it would get wiped with or without the ultimate. it also thins out the deck later in the game so you're not getting lands when you don't want to

It also gets rid of all the lands that you might need. Especially considering creature ramp.

...then again, ultimating with Courser on board seems fun.


A) I guarantee you the opponent will have more lands than you have pinpoint removal. I'm also assuming the opponent won't turn their lands into dudes if removal blows out their development since they probably aren't stupid.

B) If the opponent wraths right after you use the ultimate, you still have just as many lands as you did before you ultimated. It's irrelevant. PW ultimates in general tend to be "whatever" anyway but this isn't any worse than any "Do you have Wrath NOW?" PW ultimates we've seen.

Also: we got the "Kird Ape" cycle today as well. I don't see any cards here that are good enough to see play in Constructed (like M13's Flinthoof Boar did), but they seem fine enough. I'm excited for one - Dauntless River Marshal is basically a slightly tweaked Azorius Guildmage, a card I've wanted to put in my cube for a while but never did because it's a mono-white card that occupies an Azorius spot in the categorization. I'm pretty sure this card is going in straight away.

Stop caring where exactly cards fall in categorization. I put Dyrad Militant in my White section because I know it will see more play in White decks than Green decks. Your Cube & players won't care if the colors are slightly imbalanced, especially if the slight imbalance is due to hybrids. I'm also assuming your Cube is Peasant? Because there are like 10+ U/W cards that go in before Azorius Guildmage unless your Cube has a particular theme :p


Man, I haven't checked in on this thread in a while and haven't gone to FNM in months. Partly ran out of funds to dumb on magic and partly because I felt that, well, standard was pretty boring. Standard was all I really played often (because Theros drafting was eugh) and partly because my magic friends don't get together often enough to play with the proxy Power Cube one of them made.

Oh, I guess I should mention this will just end up being sort of complaining about the standard format (or maybe just end up being whining about Theros).

I got excited for Theros initially cause Mono Black looked like it could be a really cool thing and I love playing Black more than anything. Ironically, it also sort of ended up being why I got really worn out by Standard. I went to my LGS consistently every week and initially was just rolling solid mono black. Only to be greeted with everyone else playing mono black or flavors of it (specifically BW). And honestly... I realized it's not fun to play against. I'm pretty sure it's just really the specific types of cards in the format right now (I wouldn't lay the blame solely on Thoughseize), but the format just feels so grindy too me. It ends up not being very fun to play against. So creature heavy in a really uninteresting way. I really like playing Mono Black and several of the decks I managed to put together, there are a lot of neat little synergies in the decks that I enjoy (I love Whip of Erebos and Pack Rat so much).

But the whole meta right now just feels so... grindy? I don't know how else to describe it. I'm writing this right now mostly cause I want to know if I just burnt out or went crazy from playing too much or if this really is just a blegh meta right now.

I'd love to play Modern but I've only been gathering a paper collection and working towards building Affinity but I doubt I could find many Modern players around me.


Why are wizards so utterly dreadful at online stuff? Magic Online is one of the worse pieces of software I've ever touched, and the new web design is shockingly bad. Having to click three times past some dreadful schlocky moveable cover page reminds me of web pages from 10 years ago.

Also, has no-one on their team got an IPad? It's the single most popular table for browsing and the new site doesn't work on it. Card links now stay on the screen for ages, obscuring text, and mana symbols float oddly spaced in text.

For one of the biggest gaming companies in the world, Wizards seem allergic to actually investing in decent online design. It's odd because their actual content on their website is amazing and practically the bible of how to make a CCG.


That deck got steamrolled by Master of Waves though.

Really now? Didn't finish the video. Seems like Statiscaster would make the deck less soft to Master of Waves than regular mono red devotion.

In general, the deck doesn't look like it's going to be that good against anything other than Black Devotion.

Needs BTE I think for the explosive draws. Nykthos seems more like a liability wihout it.


ajani's abilities are really strange to have on the same card, it's like it's trying to fit in superfriends, tokens, and aggro at the same time.


Disappointed in the Kird Apes, none of them fit in Modern Zoo. The green one isn't awful when you flood I guess but I'd rather have loam lion.

Nessa seems good, probably not great when behind maybe but it's a lot of value everytime you tick her up. People get too obsessed with planeswalker ultimates but this one puts them on a 1 turn clock most of the time. And what answers are they still going to have if you've been ticking her up for 4 turns.


so I guess the christmasland turn 4-5 for nissa is:

play nissa
untap 2 temple gardens, a breeding pool, and a forest
play supreme verdict


He's like the 3 drop ajani, but in the creature decks you want them in the extra mana is important. I think Nessa is better


New Ajani's -2 is disappointing; Ajani Goldmane's was so, so, so much better. Vigilance gave you a chance to untap with your token army and use the ability again, often for a lethal swing.

Extra counters on your other planeswalkers is very close to useless on a combat-focused PW.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
And if you don't have a creature on board?
Why would you cast it without a creature on the board? Most planeswalkers die to having a terrible board state.

Disappointed they didn't just reprint Caller of the Pride though.

Something tells me that the only pushed walker in this set is going to be Garruk.


Why would you cast it without a creature on the board? Most planeswalkers die to having a terrible board state.

Disappointed they didn't just reprint Caller of the Pride though.

When we talk about Planeswalkers "protecting" themselves, they normally create a token that can block (Every Elspeth, Most Garruks, ect), Remove a creature (Jace TMS,Liliana 3 and 4, Vraska, Big Sorin, ect), or do something that prevents a creature from either attacking or doing full damage (Kiora, Tamiyo, Jace 4). Giving a creature Vigilance isn't protecting it. The only walkers that saw standard play that couldn't protect themselves were Baby Jace, Koth, and the Tezzerets (which, you can debate, actually did protect themselves)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
When we talk about Planeswalkers "protecting" themselves, they normally create a token that can block (Every Elspeth, Most Garruks, ect), Remove a creature (Jace TMS,Liliana 3 and 4, Vraska, Big Sorin, ect), or do something that prevents a creature from either attacking or doing full damage (Kiora, Tamiyo, Jace 4). Giving a creature Vigilance isn't protecting it. The only walkers that saw standard play that couldn't protect themselves were Baby Jace, Koth, and the Tezzerets (which, you can debate, actually did protect themselves)
And Domri Rade.

I'm aware of what it means. Vigilance does in fact protect him, just conditionally; he's a combat focused walker.


I'm aware of what you're talking about. He does, it's just conditional.

It's not even conditional- if Ajani had a totally different ability (I dunno, gain X life) it would do the same job protecting that this one does- you just get a bonus attack with the creature you already had in this case. Vigilance isn't protection.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's not even conditional- if Ajani had a totally different ability (I dunno, gain X life) it would do the same job protecting that this one does- you just get a bonus attack with the creature you already had in this case. Vigilance isn't protection.

Its a bad metric to judge a card anyways. Domri Rade saw play as a four of with no protection.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There is a massive difference between 3 mana and 4 mana.

I don't understand what your point is then, you're just moving the goalposts around. You're saying walkers are only good if they protect themselves, except for this whole set that saw play, oh and it also doesn't count if they have a specific CMC. There aren't enough walkers for any kind of pertinent conclusion to come from looking at it that way.


I don't understand what your point is then, you're just moving the goalposts around. You're saying walkers are only good if they protect themselves, except for this whole set that saw play, oh and it also doesn't count if they have a specific CMC. There aren't enough walkers for any kind of pertinent conclusion to come from looking at it that way.

The statement I should have used is "4 CMC or higher Planeswalkers that cannot protect themselves are not playable". The 2 3 mana walkers that are playable without a form of protection, Jace and Domri, provide repeatable card advantage. It's why I got excited when Tibalt was printed.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The statement I should have used is "4 CMC or higher Planeswalkers that cannot protect themselves are not playable". The 2 3 mana walkers that are playable without a form of protection, Jace and Domri, provide repeatable card advantage. It's why I got excited when Tibalt was printed.

Half of the PW cards period are unplayable regardless of whether they protect themselves, and there are only like 30 of them total. I don't think that's necessarily the problem.

The reason this guy sucks is because I'd rather play Elspeth for the same CMC.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";118141466]Leagues better than new Ajani, that's for sure. Mono green devotion is gonna be interesting in a world potentially without 4-mana wraths.[/QUOTE]

There are two sets to be fully spoiled and that hasn't happened since way before Shards of Alara.
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