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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|



I cant even. The first time I loose to this in limited i'm going to flip a table. I thought they had learned their Hexproof lesson- I guess not.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm done rating sets. I thought I'd hate GTC, but I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. Mostly because of my expansion into regular drafting.


Skylasher -- insanely powerful 2 drop 2/2 with four relevant abilities. Flavorful and almost certainly legacy playable. $3.
Savageborn hydra -- Unplayable x-spell with two relevant abilities and no evasion. Abysmal until turn 4-5. Won't see play in standard. $8.
Master of Cruelties -- 5 drop with no evasion. Incapable of killing an opponent. Will see no play in any format except some noncompetitive fringe. $10.

starcity, what the fuck.


Skylasher -- insanely powerful 2 drop 2/2 with four relevant abilities. Flavorful and almost certainly legacy playable. $3.
Savageborn hydra -- Unplayable x-spell with two relevant abilities and no evasion. Abysmal until turn 4-5. Likely won't see play in standard. $8.
Master of Cruelties -- 5 drop with no evasion. Incapable of killing an opponent. Will see no play in any format except some noncompetitive fringe. $10.

starcity, what the fuck.
Skylasher's a do-nothing in Standard right now.

Also, the Mythics always start off overinflated.
Skylasher -- insanely powerful 2 drop 2/2 with four relevant abilities. Flavorful and almost certainly legacy playable. $3.
Savageborn hydra -- Unplayable x-spell with two relevant abilities and no evasion. Abysmal until turn 4-5. Won't see play in standard. $8.
Master of Cruelties -- 5 drop with no evasion. Incapable of killing an opponent. Will see no play in any format except some noncompetitive fringe. $10.

starcity, what the fuck.

The later 2 get casuals hyped and have brew potential, hence the buzz. Skylasher is simply "Destroy target Geist of St. Traft" so it's price will be tied with how much Geist is a problem.


Skylasher's a do-nothing in Standard right now.

Also, the Mythics always start off overinflated.

I know. If it had protection from white instead it'd be preordering for a lot more I think, despite that being much worse in other formats.

The mythics are more than overinflated this time. Even EtI was like $2 at this point, and it's a commander staple that sees fringe play in casual woo brew style shit, which is really popular.

The influx of new players is making D-grade cards worth money again. This is probably good for the game, but it looks hilarious on the preorder page.

EDIT: Hell, most mythic dragons with more potential and timmy appeal than garbage like hydra -- the artifact stealer, the mass pumper, etc -- preordered at $2 or less. This is just confusing.


I know. If it had protection from white instead it'd be preordering for a lot more I think, despite that being much worse in other formats.

The mythics are more than overinflated this time. Even EtI was like $2 at this point, and it's a commander staple that sees fringe play in casual woo brew style shit, which is really popular.

The influx of new players is making D-grade cards worth money again. This is probably good for the game, but it looks hilarious on the preorder page.

EDIT: Hell, most mythic dragons with more potential and timmy appeal than garbage like hydra -- the artifact stealer, the mass pumper, etc -- preordered at $2 or less. This is just confusing.
Lots of people are very bad at evaluating cards. (Such as say, their website director, who failed to hand out Plasm Capture as a preview card.)


The later 2 get casuals hyped and have brew potential, hence the buzz. Skylasher is simply "Destroy target Geist of St. Traft" so it's price will be tied with how much Geist is a problem.

I feel like this is true. Having a creature that's immune to Unsummon effects and can crash through Esper Control and its love for Auger is also really nice though.


I'm also skeptical about Blood Baron of Vizkopa. It doesn't really have a home. I realize that it's a powerful card -- protection from black and white are pretty clutch right now -- but that second ability is the absolute definition of win more. If you're twenty life ahead, there aren't many situations where that extra power will make a difference.

It's a 4/4 with lifelink and two protections for 3WB. I think that's pretty decent on its own, but not $12 preorder quality.


These preorder prices are out of hand. It's in response, IMO, to Boros Reckoner, and it's surprising price tag post release.


Completely untrue.

I'm saying removal and counters severely disrupts dredges gameplan. Some sideboard cards like relic, RiP, tormod's, and leyline of the void aren't even specific for this matchup, either.

It could always be better.

But the criticism isn't valid. You said "for the most part there is virtually no interaction" in G1. I gave examples why that's not true. I was just assuming you possibly saw a legacy dredge deck get the nuts and win uncontested on turn 1 then figured that's how it'd be in modern.

I don't know what to tell you, it's not like there weren't answers to other cards that are on the banned Modern list. They've pretty clearly explained why they banned GGT and DR in the format. You can still play Dredge without those cards and if you want to play those cards there are two other eternal formats you can play them in.

Lots of people are very bad at evaluating cards. (Such as say, their website director, who failed to hand out Plasm Capture as a preview card.)

Yeah, you would think one of the more exciting cards in the set would've received that.

I'm not sure how I feel about DGM from a constructed, limited or value standpoint. I don't think there are very many speculation targets like there have been in the past few sets (Resto Angel, Deathrite Shaman, Boros Reckoner, etc).


I'm also skeptical about Blood Baron of Vizkopa. It doesn't really have a home. I realize that it's a powerful card -- protection from black and white are pretty clutch right now -- but that second ability is the absolute definition of win more. If you're twenty life ahead, there aren't many situations where that extra power will make a difference.

It's a 4/4 with lifelink and two protections for 3WB. I think that's pretty decent on its own, but not $12 preorder quality.
It's that expensive due to EDH. This one makes sense.

I'm not sure how I feel about DGM from a constructed, limited or value standpoint. I don't think there are very many speculation targets like there have been in the past few sets (Resto Angel, Deathrite Shaman, Boros Reckoner, etc).
It's a good set, but one where the rough edges really show at Rare/Mythic from the last-minute hackjobs they had to do. It's "good" rather than "great" for me because of that. That Hexproof uncommon never, ever should have been allowed to stay in the set, though.


It's that expensive due to EDH. This one makes sense.

But it's terrible in EDH! Lifegain/aggro strategies suck in 1v1, and the 'bring you to 10 with sorin, kill you, enjoy sitting out the rest of the game' strategies it encourages are going to get you kicked out of your casual playgroup.

I still don't really see who that card was printed for. It's in the awkward/unfun spot for casual, and it's not like it'll ever make the cut in a synergistic/powerful EDH deck.


But it's terrible in EDH! Lifegain/aggro strategies suck in 1v1, and the 'bring you to 10 with sorin, kill you, enjoy sitting out the rest of the game' strategies it encourages are going to get you kicked out of your casual playgroup.

I still don't really see who that card was printed for.
"An Opponent." It rewards you for not killing the straggler.


It's a good set, but one where the rough edges really show at Rare/Mythic from the last-minute hackjobs they had to do. It's "good" rather than "great" for me because of that. That Hexproof uncommon never, ever should have been allowed to stay in the set, though.

It's quite unfortunate. I feel like most of the rares and mythics are about 1 mana too much which goes in line with what you say. Aside from that, I guess I really felt like we were going to get some cards in every guild that really pushes their keyword a bit.

I was really hyped for DGM since I know they usually wait for the last set in the block to push boundries and test the edge of power levels but I guess I had too high expectations for the set.

And yeah, that hexproof uncommon is ridiculous. I think I'll be resleeving Bant Hexproof for the first couple of new Standard while everyone tries to construct the new meta.


The dominance of control in block constructed kind of has me wondering if the few good control spells and finishers in Dragon's Maze will end up expensive.

Ral Zarek, Notion Thief, and Plasm Capture are all kind of scary, and are likely my top three control cards in the set.

The more I look at Ral, the better he seems. My first opinion was something like "ew, he's ajani v, but can't keep permanents tapped and doesn't gain you life."
Then I noticed he had one more starting loyalty. Then I realized the cute things you can do to ramp obscenely with him, like Verdant Haven and the new pinging mana dork. Then I noticed he can bolt a lonely creature on the board and survive, ready to bolt again -- this was one of the reasons consuming vapors saw play early on in standard. If you were in a decent position on turn 4, you just made a pretty hilarious tempo swing, forcing your opponent out of playing a creature for a turn. Against creatures that aren't Boros Reckoner, he'll often act as a Consuming Vapors with a planeswalker stapled to it (and, of course, no lifegain, which is admittedly very important against those fuckin' saito aggro decks.) I certainly don't expect him to be dominant -- I'm still not convinced he's as good as Jace AoT, who will be seeing some sharp price increases soon -- but he's a solid planeswalker.

I don't believe Plasm Capture has a place in standard until rotation, but I certainly could be wrong. It's very hard to cast, too late to be relevant against blitz aggro, and doesn't exile what it counters. It's worth noting that it's absolutely fucknuts against midrange matchups though. Notion Thief is part of the reason I'm skeptical about Plasm Capture's playability. I don't really think control will settle into a single deck, so it's possible that bant lists only splashing white for Sphinx's Revelation will run it, but... eh. It's a nice tool for the midrange and control matchups.

Notion Thief steals a Sphinx's Revelation. It'll see heavy play for this reason alone, but keep in mind that nobody's going to cast it when you have 2UB open.

Honorable mention goes to Obzedat's Aid for having some terrifying potential with bigass enchantments like Omniscience, which recently jumped to $10. Feeling pretty happy about my 32 copies now!

non-control shit I think has potential:

Ruric Thar and Sire of Insanity are both very interesting. I think they both fit into the same style of grindey Liliana midrange, and I think they both have potential to see some play. They certainly do the trick against control, holy shit -- forcing a mind twist every EoT or making your opponent eat 6 to remove your fattie. Blood Baron of Vizkopa fits in this category, but I don't like him anywhere near as much. His role is filled by Obzedat.

Voice of Resurgence and Skylasher will see tons of play, the former in standard and the latter every-fucking-where else. Voice has the potential to be a dud if it doesn't find a deck, but I'm convinced it's good enough for modern. It does seem to be going up, trending up to 20 from the 15 it was at last week, but I think it's a risk at 20. Buy every $3 skylasher you see.

I don't know how to evaluate Legion's Initiative. It's a bad Honor of the Pure stapled to a one-time-only blink effect. It seems amazing, but I don't really know if preexisting aggro decks want it. Seems like a risky preorder at $10, but I could easily see it jumping to $15+ if it found a home. (Then again, that goes for every mythic in the set that isn't complete garbage.)

Blood Scrivener will not be at $7 for long. Even in overexcited attempts to break it with zero mana cycling effects, it still underperformed in comparison to Bob. There's a deck that will eventually pick this guy up and play him, and I do see potential for longterm value.... I just don't think it has a place in standard OR modern right now.

AEtherling could potentially hit $10 if this set is really as amazing for control as people are speculating and if it sees significant play in post-release top 8 lists. If we're going to be playing in a format where control mirrors are popular, it's going to be a crucial card. I don't think this is a likely scenario, however, and I'd place both short and long term at $1. It just doesn't do enough in any other matchup, and seems like it'll stay in sideboards (or, y'know, nowhere.)
I'm predicting Ral Zarek will command close to a $15-$20 price tag for much of his time in Standard, until the Vraska vs. Ral duel deck comes out, by then he'll settle around $5-$7.
Lol, "dies to removal".

Peeps on the interwebs are so funny. I point out that Skylasher hoses Delver and Geist. They point out that Skylasher "will just get bolted before it can block, dies to removal". I proceed to ask them why they pay $100 for Tarmogoyf.

It's such a dumb point on small creatures. Guess what? If they bolted your bear, you're practically up 1 card.
Lol, "dies to removal".

Peeps on the interwebs are so funny. I point out that Skylasher hoses Delver and Geist. They point out that Skylasher "will just get bolted before it can block, dies to removal". I proceed to ask them why they pay $100 for Tarmogoyf.

It's such a dumb point on small creatures. Guess what? If they bolted your bear, you're practically up 1 card.

Actually, you'd be down on tempo and no one would have gained/lost any cards.

Technically, snapcaster would serve the same purpose (killing geist) and could possibly net you a card in return


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Lol, "dies to removal".

Peeps on the interwebs are so funny. I point out that Skylasher hoses Delver and Geist. They point out that Skylasher "will just get bolted before it can block, dies to removal". I proceed to ask them why they pay $100 for Tarmogoyf.

It's such a dumb point on small creatures. Guess what? If they bolted your bear, you're practically up 1 card.

Reddit is great for that. Ruric is going to suck "because it could just get countered and then what?" Nevermind that counters suck at the moment, you'll have plenty of ramp in the colors, plenty of threats leading up to it and you're taking 6 no matter what you do. "Dies to counter"

Eh, Baneslayer didn't have an ETB effect and died to Doom Blade, but still defined a format. Skylasher will be this block's Graffdigger Cage.


Eh, Baneslayer didn't have an ETB effect and died to Doom Blade, but still defined a format. Skylasher will be this block's Graffdigger Cage.
I feel like the cage was way more limited in its applications, plus Rest In Peace came out so soon after and kind of overwrote it. You may be right, it might not be impactful, but I don't believe it yet.
I feel like the cage was way more limited in its applications, plus Rest In Peace came out so soon after and kind of overwrote it. You may be right, it might not be impactful, but I don't believe it yet.

Well, I meant more that a couple of copies will creep into sideboards by people anticipating blue-heavy metas, which is I thought was the case for Cage. Though I guess the fact that it is green instead of colorless does sort of push it off to the edge a bit.


Well, I meant more that a couple of copies will creep into sideboards by people anticipating blue-heavy metas, which is I thought was the case for Cage. Though I guess the fact that it is green instead of colorless does sort of push it off to the edge a bit.

You don't feel like it gives green a bit of draw-go surprise/turn-the-tables against control decks that would probably like to hold up mana? I feel like if a green deck "misses" a turn and doesn't cast a spell, you might reconsider your next turn's play/attack due to the potential of this card.


Is Reap Intellect at all playable? Mostly in control mirrors, it would be awful to see all land or get countered but they are pretty boned if they are holding a Sphinx's Revelation.


Is Reap Intellect at all playable? Mostly in control mirrors, it would be awful to see all land or get countered but they are pretty boned if they are holding a Sphinx's Revelation.
Not at all. Play Slaughter Games if you want the effect.
You don't feel like it gives green a bit of draw-go surprise/turn-the-tables against control decks that would probably like to hold up mana? I feel like if a green deck "misses" a turn and doesn't cast a spell, you might reconsider your next turn's play/attack due to the potential of this card.

In Modern, it may force UWR players to keep Bolt or Helix mana open, which could effectively buy you tempo, or save one of your other more important guys from their burn. He's not bad, I may run a few in my board for my Standard Gruul aggro deck, I just don't see him grinding decks like Bant Hexproof to a screeching halt.


They usually save one rare slot for the "weird rare". This one is at least way more interesting in terms of effect than something like Search the City. There has to be something cool you can do with this.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You can change Blood Moon so it turns everything into Islands!
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