Because it'd be a mess. What would tie them all together? It's already difficult enough to design three colour cards. Four colour commander decks would be the proverbial jumped the shark moment.
Instead of the presence wouldn't the absence of a colour be the design orientation.
Like doing something that's the most opposite from the missing colour.
I'm just throwing random ideas here and not necessarily all they do.
- -G A commander that ETB shuffles away X lands from a player.
- -R A commander with flash that makes every player sac a creature and get healed by the toughness.
- -U no idea
- -W players can't gain life whenever you'd lose life NAME deals that that much damage to himself instead. U/G NAME gets -1/+1 or +1/-1
I really like this one imo incorporates all 4 colours.
- -B Exile all Graveyards. XW return target creature with CMC X you own from Exile to the Battlefield return it to your hand EOT.
This one isn't bad either, lacking green though.
Man, I see how it is firemind. You're off the Christmas card list.
As for colors, I have always hated 3 color cards. In my opinion, they ruin the strongest element of Magic - the color pie. When you cram 3 colors together on a single card, something has to give. Siege Rhino is the alpha and omega example. It's a green card for sure. Big dumb creature with trample is super green. The life drain is a black ability. Why does a rhino suck life? Well, because we have to cram black on there.
Fine. But then you add white. What does white lend to the card? Not a damn thing. It's only white because this is a wedge set and a pushed card had to be wedge. In any set ever made this would have been a B/G card.
Wedges and shards suck.
it's a steppe creature, Rhinos should always have been predominately white.