An oldie but goodie:
This thread is FYI for the massive amounts M:TG wankers wasting their college funds into the card game ignorantly thinking that its its the best TGC (non-virgin translation: Trading Card Game) out there.
1. Building a decent/strategic Yu-Gi-Oh! deck doesnt cost you hundreds of dollars.
If you dont take promotional cards (that are reprinted in other editions any way) the most expensive card, a LOB Blue Eyes White Dragon 1st Edition costs 30 bucks (3 bucks if you dont need the 1st Edition stamp).
A alpha Black Lotus on the other hand is going to cost you thousands of dollars (hundreds if youre going for the cheapest reprint in shit condition).
Thats because the designers at Konami design the cards to be played and not to be locked in a safe for investment so that one day someone even stupider than you will buy it from you.
2. The game isnt broken.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a well designed game where everything is accounted for. Magic on the other hand is a crippled system. Loop holes that make damage infinitely high and other glitches are constantly removed from the games by banning cards (Enjoy your Black Lotus because youre not allowed to play it) to keep the tournaments going.
3. Yu-Gi-Oh! focuses on the art, M:TG focuses on text?
Yu-Gi-Oh! cards have images that cover 50% of the surface of the card. MTG has images that covers 25% of the card.
Also, unless its a promotional card Yu-Gi-Oh! never reuses the same art for reprints. M:TG on the other hand...
The five re-prints of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (notice how none of them look the same)
The four reprints of Black Lotus (look how all of them are the fucking same)
4. Yu-Gi-Oh! cards are more expensive to make and only contain the premium grade materials. M:TG dont.
If youve ever held a Yu-Gi-Oh! card you should have noticed a waxy feeling. Thats acid and stain repelling wax to preserve the cards quality. Theyre also made out of a contracting (like a spring) material so that can be bent, from top to bottom 180 degrees without deforming.
M:TG contain the same materials now as when the first edition of the game was released (before they knew that it was going to be successful). The cards plain hard-pressed paper and is no more durable than the cover of soft-cover novels. The slightest deformation will damage the cards.
Its more common to see M:TG players having their playing deck in selves to preserve the color of the cards.
Experiment. Take a M:TG card and put it in your right pocket and put a Yu-Gi-Oh! card in your left pocket. Go out and jog and see for yourself which card takes the most damage.
5. Yu-Gi-Oh!'s gameplay is quicker.
Its not because M:TG is more strategic, or anything like that. Its because in most cases its stupid to attack in M:TG since the opponent decides who of the creatures are going to defend. This can drag out the already tedious gameplay to 30 minutes and its often that your library run out of cards and you lose the game by default.
6. M:TG, playing a game or debating its rules?
If you ever played M:TG you should know that at some point youll encounter players will bring up rules that you didnt even know of because it was introduced in the latest generation (see argument 2).
Its not like youre going to memorize all the unnecessarily complex rules for all the details anyway.
The rules of Yu-Gi-Oh! can be written on a sheet of paper the size of a present card and everything else comes together logically so you wont have some asocial douche nitpicking glitch rules to win.
7. Boring decks, fucked up gameplay.
In M:TG you summon creatures by mana which you gain from tapping (non-virgin translation: Using) land-cards which your only allowed to put one in play per turn (you know unlike the logical approach of summoning the creature directly like in Yu-Gi-Oh!). This means that you have to fill your deck with land cards which you either have too little of or too much. It pretty much adds to the Poker-factor that you have to draw your land cards (luck) to win, if not youre not able to do anything.
These land cards take up unnecessary space in your deck (since you need both land cards and a spell card to cast that spell) and drags out the gameplay (see argument 5).
8. Theres more money put in Yu-Gi-Oh! making it a safer investment for the future.
Multi-season cartoons, manga, movies. All these media will influence children to create nostalgic bonds with the game and maybe later in their life spend a lot of money into collector items.
Do you know why a first edition Charizard sells for hundreds of dollars today? Its not because its rare (see Black Lotus) its because people want to renew and preserve their childhood memories. Rest assure this is likely to happen to Yu-Gi-Oh because of its large media spectrum.
9. Yu-Gi-Oh! is more popular.
For a reason.