Maro is going to keep putting off Kaladesh until he figures out how to do Riggers and Contraptions.
lol like he doesn't already have it penciled on a napkin tacked to his monitor
As far as we gather, Sorin is off trying to find Nahiri to
...get their Easter best on so they can be ready for
Kozilek Does Kamigawa, basically.
I hope tango lands sticks to annoy all these pros on twitter
Ari Lax is the only smart man in the world, apparently, since he's the only one of them that actually seems to realize that complaining endlessly about the nickname just guarantees that it'll stick.
I see what he did there.
I hate this theory (which is not to say that it's definitely not true, of course.) The whole point of the Avacyn storyline is that when Sorin was an oldwalker he could just do whatever insane fucked-up shit he wanted to fix problems on Innistrad, but now he's stuck working with what he's got. He
could, pretty trivially, just make an angel like Avacyn out of thin air at that point, so... why would he need to make her out of a person, much less another all-powerful planeswalker?
Plus, it's not like the characters really have anything in common besides white hair. Nahiri's whole thing is working with stone, sealing shit up, manipulating equipment and tapping ley lines. Avacyn's whole thing is being indestructible and killing the shit out of you. If you were going to make an angel out of Nahiri she should at least have, like, a forehedron or something.
I'm really interested in these babies. How much do you guys think it'll go per piece?
Ranging from $30-50 for the Expedition Tangolands, all the way up to $300-400 for an Expedition Scalding Tarn.