Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Tokens biggest problem is that it almost literally can't beat Tron.
Yeah. And Burn eats it for lunch when it starts to rise up and they start adding Pyroclasm back to the sideboard.
Tokens biggest problem is that it almost literally can't beat Tron.
I got banned from the magic channel because i asked if we could get a hot host for some Manservice![]()
So I just got home and it seems the "announcement" hasn't happened yet? Bummer :/
New cards for commander
Jace's Recall U
Draw 4 cards.
You thought I was bound by the reserved list?
New cards for commander
Jace's Recall U
Scry X, where X is the number of cards in your hand.
Draw 4 cards.
You thought I was bound by the reserved list?
That looked a looooot like an Innistrad thing (bloody angel feather in front of a dark church looking thing) but two Returns in a row seems unlikely. So the MM slot this year is obviously Innistrad flashback reprint.They showed the white feather again, but now it's being soaked in blood. Definitely means something about the next block.
Any attempt on the part of the winner to console or congratulate the loser for a game well played should be seen as deplorable bullying[29]. The loser prepared, practiced, and perfected their gameplay only to lose to luck, chance, and the tiny bit of skill their opponent brought to the table. If the winner says anything at all during this extremely sensitive time then the loser is obligated to salt-off. It is their only recourse after having been brutally insulted and offended by the winner[30]. The winner is socially obliged to treat the loser with kid gloves since the most savagely traumatic event of their life just took place: a loss at a children’s card game[31]. The type of winner who would initiate contact post-match is the same type of person who would kick a dog or throw away their grandpa’s ashes to make room on the mantle for a big-screen TV[32]. Remember: you are 100% responsible for your opponent’s emotional reaction to losing. It is your job to try and keep them from getting salty about their loss. Your opponent being a poor sport is not a reflection on them[33], but a reflection of you.
He's 2WW. The idea that decks are "stretching" their manabases to play him is hilarious.
That was obvious very quickly.I have to admit this Standard kind of sucks.
Return to Innistrad!!! May 2016
Shadows Over Innistrad
Return to Innistrad!!!
Shadows Over Innistrad, was it April or May?
Innistrad is maybe my favorite set of all time, but I'm disappointed by this announcement. Whenever they revisit planes, they seem to try to recapture the same mechanical bent they had originally, and it hasn't worked out yet once.
Shadows Over Innistrad announced. Rather surprised if Liliana appears in that block
Maybe Sorin's story is receiving development first. I guess this does mean that Avacyn is Nahiri, if that's the case.
Snapcaster and Liliana of the Viel legit do need to be reprinted badly though. I just assume WOTC doesn't want to put them through standard again but next summer is too soon for MM3. I wonder what they are going to do about that.
I consider Scars of Mirrodin block to be MUCH better than the original Mirrodin block. So they can do it right - it just seems they've whiffed more than they've hit.
Liliana is the face planeswalker for the set.
They've said so. She's the only Origins walker not in BFZ block.Huh? Where have they shown that?
The chance of them reprinting Liliana of the Veil is like 0 I imagine given Maro explicitly saying as much.
I consider Scars of Mirrodin block to be MUCH better than the original Mirrodin block. So they can do it right - it just seems they've whiffed more than they've hit.
There's a chance. They think she's too good, but she badly needs a reprint. And Jace is clearly even stupider than she ever would be.I'd be surprised if she wasn't included. They were going to put her in M15, but realized that having Thoughtsieze and Lili legal simultaneously was real dumb.
I'd be shocked to see Snapcaster though. It just got a promo and is clearly too strong for Standard.
Also, why wasn't this announced at the PT
There's a chance. They think she's too good, but she badly needs a reprint. And Jace is clearly even stupider than she ever would be.
Wouldn't having both Jace and Liliana of the Veil be doubly dumb, though?
I think they honestly believe (and I guess the surveys might back this up) that players want these returns.