saw somebody postulate that the set title is a shadow over innsmouth reference and the eldrazi are traveling to innistrad
zero chance this happens but it's a fun theory anyway
Vodalian Zombie reprint confirmedThe geists were easily the weakest thing about the set, I hope they don't bring those lame-os back.
What if they make a Deep Ones-esque sea tribe that's been influenced by Emrakul? :3
you guys think cavern of souls will see a reprint in SOI?
Yay! Another one of my least favorite blocks ever gets a return block while all the good ones get cheated out of one because the Magic player base are tasteless fucking philistines! I'm so excited!
And then you have these:
Currently watching Brain Demars set the record for most missed triggers in a match of Magic the Gathering.
BFZ sealed is one of the worst MTG formats ever because you don't get enough pieces to actually make a cohesive deck because there are 10 different niche decks in the format.
Looking at the art direction of Origins and BFZ, expect more CG art for Return to Innistrad.
It was a great card that sees eternal play. So, no.
shamelessly stolen from reddit said:If we rearrange the letters in "Shadows over Innistrad" we get "Vows standardise Rhino"
Siege rhino reprint confirmed.
How the hell do you hate Innistrad? Have you only played like, two blocks or something?
People with perverse tastes who hate everything popular and critically-acclaimed and love everything that comes out half-baked are rarely happy with the decisions made about future efforts.
HAHAHA, no. Alliances was the latest set when I started playing, I'm pretty sure that means I've played pretty much every block ever released.
As for why I dislike Innistrad (my actual hatred is reserved for Ravnica), well, you can't exactly expect a block based around horror tropes to get a favorable response from someone who thinks about horror (Gothic or otherwise) is stupid, boring and lame, can you?
Innistrad did precisely three things I liked: Double-faced cards, Curses, and soulbond. Unless SOI does literally only those things, the odds are stacked against it. Still, if by some freak accident I end up enjoying it, I'll give the people responsible the credit due for such a Sisyphean task.
I dunno, those people seem perfectly happy now.
HAHAHA, no. Alliances was the latest set when I started playing, I'm pretty sure that means I've played pretty much every block ever released.
As for why I dislike Innistrad (my actual hatred is reserved for Ravnica), well, you can't exactly expect a block based around horror tropes to get a favorable response from someone who thinks about horror (Gothic or otherwise) is stupid, boring and lame, can you?
Innistrad did precisely three things I liked: Double-faced cards, Curses, and soulbond. Unless SOI does literally only those things, the odds are stacked against it. Still, if by some freak accident I end up enjoying it, I'll give the people responsible the credit due for such a Sisyphean task.
I dunno, those people seem perfectly happy now.
So far you've had three notable opinions in this thread:
1) Ravnica sucks
2) Innistrad sucks
3) Damage on the Stack was great
In lieu of a detailed response, I'll just go with what you're going to get most: LOL
Other things that have been playing on my mind: I'd have definitely preferred an autumn release window, the setting just fits better with that time of year. I imagine the power level of the set will be closer to BFZ than INN? Does this mean my dream of a more traditional/faery plane is some time off?
If you type it out as "SOI" I will basically always read it as "Scars of Innistrad"
Why is everyone clamoring for faeries and fairy tale world? That was Lorwyn. Are folks wanting like, the actual Little Red Riding Hood and Brother's Grimm stuff? Because any fairy tale world is gonna be just lame knockoffs, not the actual fairy tales people want.
Nah, then we have no cycle symmetry and we can't have that now, can we?A fairy tale block would be really nice. How cool would it be to have 7 legends (all costing a single R or W preferably) for all 7 of Snow White's dwarves.
Doc - Blue
Dopey - Green
Bashful - Colorless
Grumpy - Red
Sleepy - Land
Sneezy - Black
Happy - White
Why is everyone clamoring for faeries and fairy tale world? That was Lorwyn.
BFZ was the first set after the 2-block paradigm shift and was changed midway through design. Originally it was going to be a 3-set block. Going by Rosewater's articles, the power level on BFZ was dropped significantly, because originally they still planned for 2 years (4 blocks) worth of sets to be in standard at any one time.Other things that have been playing on my mind: I'd have definitely preferred an autumn release window, the setting just fits better with that time of year. I imagine the power level of the set will be closer to BFZ than INN? Does this mean my dream of a more traditional/faery plane is some time off?
What is the first set 100% designed after the switch over to 2 block system?
Shadows Over Innistrad is the first set to start design under the Two-Block Paradigm. Lock is the first set to start exploratory design under the Two-Block Paradigm.
So, this Saturday a local store is having a Standard PPTQ where the prize support is...
1st - LP Mox Sapphire
2nd -Custom Play Mat by Dan Frazier
3rd - Modern Masters 2015 Booster Box
4th - Modern Masters 2015 Booster Box
5th - 1 Box of Battle for Zendikar
6th - 1 Box of Battle for Zendikar
7th - 1 FtV Angels
8th - 1 FtV Angels
So, this Saturday a local store is having a Standard PPTQ where the prize support is...
1st - LP Mox Sapphire
2nd -Custom Play Mat by Dan Frazier
3rd - Modern Masters 2015 Booster Box
4th - Modern Masters 2015 Booster Box
5th - 1 Box of Battle for Zendikar
6th - 1 Box of Battle for Zendikar
7th - 1 FtV Angels
8th - 1 FtV Angels
How do they split 5th/6th from 7th/8th?
It's very hard to predict the exact power levels of blocks before spoilers start. In general, they only do weak blocks after particularly strong blocks like Khans of Tarkir in order to reset the baseline, so I expect that SoI will be stronger than BfZ, but not as strong as Innistrad, which itself was on the higher end of what's allowed and had to be followed by the weaker Return to Ravnica and Theros.
And yeah, a fairy tale world will be further off, since it has a bit of crossover with Innistrad. Innistrad even already did Little Red Riding Hood!
Why is everyone clamoring for faeries and fairy tale world? That was Lorwyn. Are folks wanting like, the actual Little Red Riding Hood and Brother's Grimm stuff? Because any fairy tale world is gonna be just lame knockoffs, not the actual fairy tales people want.
BFZ was the first set after the 2-block paradigm shift and was changed midway through design. Originally it was going to be a 3-set block. Going by Rosewater's articles, the power level on BFZ was dropped significantly, because originally they still planned for 2 years (4 blocks) worth of sets to be in standard at any one time.
Since they wanted standard's power and complexity levels to stay about the same as before the change, it meant they had to reduce the complexity of each set overall. Later they realized that they were better served by upping the complexity and power levels and just reducing the number of sets in Standard down to 18 months worth of stuff.
Oath will probably be a better barometer for power level going forward compared to BFZ, assuming the change from 2 years to 18 months happened before or early in Oath's design.
[EDIT] Looks like that may not be the case: