Siege Rhino.
There you go, a brief summation of Standard talk for the last year.
If you say Tiny Leaders in the mirror three times, your wallet and dignity disappear.Snake dude is probably pretty good in Tiny Leaders.
This is a pretty horrible standard. Worse than KTK Siege Rhino standard; I've pretty much checked out on the format already.
Dual-typed lands in standard with fetches was a fucking horrible idea from both a gameplay and financial standpoint. It's a huge convergence of horrible nonsense, from playing all the good cards, to shuffling fucking constantly, to the cheapest competitive deck being $300 and the best one costing more than Caw-Blade.
If you say Tiny Leaders in the mirror three times, your wallet and dignity disappear.
Yeah I think I'm gonna play modern until fetches rotate out. Too rich for my blood.
Otoh, commander is increasingly my favorite format! Loving these new cards.
If you say Tiny Leaders in the mirror three times, your wallet and dignity disappear.
That ally deck I saw was relatively cheap.In fairness, Modern costs a shitload too, and the vast majority of the expensive Standard cards are also cards that see play in Modern.
The specific type of Dual Land is actually a huge issue here.This is a pretty horrible standard. Worse than KTK Siege Rhino standard; I've pretty much checked out on the format already.
Dual-typed lands in standard with fetches was a fucking horrible idea from both a gameplay and financial standpoint. It's a huge convergence of horrible nonsense, from playing all the good cards in one deck, to shuffling fucking constantly, to the cheapest competitive deck being $300 and the best one costing more than Caw-Blade.
him and norin the wary ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Well, you could always have just used Torpor Orb or Platinum Angel or Sundial of the Infinite...but yes, more redundancy is good.
I think the only legendary creature that was literally unplayable as a commander before this card was spoiled was Haakon.
The specific type of Dual Land is actually a huge issue here.
Fetch/Shock manabases would be better because they actively punish you for using them on later turns untapped. The checklands, by contrast, encourage you to flood your deck with fetches while the lands become painless.
Something like Fetchable Scars Duals would have been better imo.
The specific type of Dual Land is actually a huge issue here.
Fetch/Shock manabases would be better because they actively punish you for using them on later turns untapped. The checklands, by contrast, encourage you to flood your deck with fetches while the lands become painless.
Something like Fetchable Scars Duals would have been better imo.
Speaking of which, Wizards has talked about how they like to mix fast and slow dual lands, so I'm expecting for SOI to feature enemy color versions of the scarlands.
I wonder if people felt similarly about Magic during its early years, before expectations were set and you knew what you were getting into before you started.
That irrational guy that showed up in the thread when Day's Undoing was revealed would point to there being at least some small number of folks that fall in that demographic.
The Gisela reprint makes the new RW battle angel even more egregious. Aren't like 50% of RW Legends angels?
This is the worst time of year.
Because we have to talk about EDH.
Angels are really popular. There's a reason Avacyn Restored sold so many packs.The Gisela reprint makes the new RW battle angel even more egregious. Aren't like 50% of RW Legends angels?
I think we're a block off from that, the painlands will still be in.Speaking of which, Wizards has talked about how they like to mix fast and slow dual lands, so I'm expecting for SOI to feature enemy color versions of the scarlands.
This is the worst time of year.
Because we have to talk about EDH.
When the first planeswalkers came out in Lorwyn, Jace handily did the best in market research even though he didn’t have the strongest planeswalker card.
gatvin asked: Its important to remember that with BFZ being a VERY low power set AND expeditions+ full art lands being in the set, you'll need to factor sales generated by those out before using sales as a metric for how good your design was.
We look at many factors with sales being only one.
Also, power level is development, not design.
People seem to be having a good time. Why can't that just be OK?
If you don't like this topic, start another conversation and see if anyone bites. It's not like we haven't had multiple threads within this thread in the past. We're all capable of multiple lines of thought.
Let Angry Grimace be angry, it's his thing.People seem to be having a good time. Why can't that just be OK?
If you don't like this topic, start another conversation and see if anyone bites. It's not like we haven't had multiple threads within this thread in the past. We're all capable of multiple lines of thought.
You will have your spunky, red-headed angels and you will like it!Angels are really popular. There's a reason Avacyn Restored sold so many packs.
The only part that bugs me is that we haven't gotten a freaking dragon in Boros. C'mon Wizards, it's the only Red color combination without a dragon.
Because its just a joke, and I even said "I'm just joking" on this page already. I bought all 5 of the Commander decks last year even.
Seems pretty good.
Missed that before. It's hard to tell with you sometimes
I think these decks could be pretty fun... we'll see.
HahahahaWhy is this restricted to basic lands? I'm paying six mana here :/
I really liked the ones last year, but the whole "experience" counter thing seems kinda meh to me. But then again, if I make an EDH deck it's usually just goodstuff shit I own, I don't really care to play them as Spike decks.
Maro selectively answers questions, so it really comes off like he's trying to shunt blame for BFZ being pretty bad.
Why couldn't it be a 2/3 instead to make her recurrable with Alesha. Still really cool.
This feels like weird templating.
"Commander creatures" is odd. Is it to cover if you steal control of someone else's commander?
Okay, that's really damn cool.
Fuck yes Straight into opal eye.
Maro basically stops paying attention to sets by the end of Development, and feels almost completely divorced from discussions on power level except when he's talking about how the entire team almost got fired for Urza's Block.
With regards to that guy's question or comment that Maro was responding to, Wizards does do a bunch of surveys and market research. Their big problem, or at least my impression of it, is that they don't do a proper job of trying to correct for power level's entanglement with the other aspects they study, like art, flavor, settings, or mechanics. Kamigawa is like bottom of the barrel in everything including art/flavor/setting, which seems nuts to me. People like things that are powerful, and liking them for power level taints how much they like everything else about the card or mechanics.
Honestly, I think WotC has hit a home run with the new commanders. I don't think a single one so far has been disappointing. All of them encourage interesting deck-building and have something unique to provide.
I wasn't playing then, but is Jace Beleren on its face seems like it has a similar power level to Garruk Wildspeaker and is better than the other 3....
With regards to that guy's question or comment that Maro was responding to, Wizards does do a bunch of surveys and market research. Their big problem, or at least my impression of it, is that they don't do a proper job of trying to correct for power level's entanglement with the other aspects they study, like art, flavor, settings, or mechanics. Kamigawa is like bottom of the barrel in everything including art/flavor/setting, which seems nuts to me. People like things that are powerful, and liking them for power level taints how much they like everything else about the card or mechanics.
This feels like weird templating.
I don't think it's hard to explain people disliking the Kamigawa creative. It's in the middle of the guys-from-under-the-green-sun era of setting design, so all the mortal-side creatures are really similar humans or {insert one color-themed race here}, while the spirits are all weird and incomprehensible floaty stuff that's hard to make out at card size. Only one set had ninjas and most of the other anime craziness people were expecting never showed up.
Eh, Tibalt was popular despite having a bad card. Theros is generally considered a low-power set, but it's very popular.
I don't think it's hard to explain people disliking the Kamigawa creative. It's in the middle of the guys-from-under-the-green-sun era of setting design, so all the mortal-side creatures are really similar humans or {insert one color-themed race here}, while the spirits are all weird and incomprehensible floaty stuff that's hard to make out at card size. Only one set had ninjas and most of the other anime craziness people were expecting never showed up.
It's pretty obvious what it does, it just feels weird.The perception at the time was that Jace was probably the middle of the pack out of the five in power level.
They've gotta say "creatures" since the card that is your commander could theoretically be a variety of other permanent types, but yeah, I agree it's awkward. "Creatures that are a commander" would probably be better.
There's definitely exceptions, but as far as I know Theros is the least popular of like the last five or six years of settings, right? It's down there with Scars.
There's definitely exceptions, but as far as I know Theros is the least popular of like the last five or six years of settings, right? It's down there with Scars.
Fair enough.
I recall MaRo discussing Tamiyo at some point with her character being unpopular, until people realized how powerful she was, which led rising like of her character.
I actually loved Scars. But nobody has to worry about it anymore -- it's New Phyrexia now so they can kind of "recreate" it when they return.
Theros was super popular. The flavor and world was pretty cool, actually. The set was just not super powerful.
Speaking of Ghave, Ghave+Insect general+Ashnod's Altar is another infinite combo. Like Ghave didn't have enough already.I don't really care for Mizzix but I will freely admit that it's because I'm sick of blue-red cast-stuff commanders. Both Simic generals are awesome, Daxos is awesome, Kalemne is at least decent, the insect guy is a fun combo of two GB themes and probably isn't as broken as generals like, say, Ghave.