Dryads.Is there any subtype with a bigger emphasis on t&as?
Dryads.Is there any subtype with a bigger emphasis on t&as?
Barely any ass for those.
It's more a question of concentration rather than quantity. A lot of Dryad art, especially Dryad art made after Magic's early days, is T&A-focused. Not just in the creature cards, but also in Dryad-related art like Dryad's Caress. There are a lot more angels and they tend to be more balanced with the fanservice, but Dryads after a certain point in Magic's history were almost all fanservice.Barely any ass for those.
I expect this and the female demon thing to get busted down sooner rather than later.Get me some goddamn male angels
It's more a question of concentration rather than quantity. A lot of Dryad art, especially Dryad art made after Magic's early days, is T&A-focused. Not just in the creature cards, but also in Dryad-related art like Dryad's Caress. There are a lot more angels and they tend to be more balanced with the fanservice, but Dryads after a certain point in Magic's history were almost all fanservice.
On a side note, Chorus of the Conclave might have the most laughable art in Ravnica. The great leaders of the Selesnya are a bunch of Victoria's Secret models.
Rakshasa Gravecaller is supposed to be female according to the art description.I expect this and the female demon thing to get busted down sooner rather than later.
Terese is awesome.what i got out of this is ivy dancer has incredible art
it's feminine, but powerful (i love the musculature in the back). your eye travels over the dryad then lands on the dead people at her feet. this shit is so fucking awesome.
Terese is awesome.
On this dryad talk, I wish WotC had gone crazy and printed Dryad Arbor in this standard.
We're fighting next to a tree. Wait a second that tree is suddenly swinging at us (and pumping the other creatures for some reason)!Ok now how does that work flavourwise?
I hope the R/U Sphinx is awesome, and not combo or instant/sorcery focused like most of the R/U commanders.
fun with heartless hidetsugu
The new wording on these cards confuses me
The wording does have a strange flow to it, but it's worded like that so you can't do the Fiend Hunter permanent exile trick.
The new wording on these cards confuses me
Yeah but I always liked that interaction and it needed an enable too so it was fine imo. The new wording makes all of them effectively worse since the targeted cards have never been exiled if the source is removed before the trigger resolves.
Yeah but I always liked that interaction and it needed an enable too so it was fine imo. The new wording makes all of them effectively worse since the targeted cards have never been exiled if the source is removed before the trigger resolves.
It prevents LSV from breaking MTGO "for value"
This card is actually pretty cool. Makes people think about how much they want their permanent back versus how much they don't want their opponents getting theirs back.
The new wording on these cards confuses me
That is sure to piss off everyone else at the table.Even tho I don't play white in EDH, that's a great card design for the format.
"I'd rather see the guilds contend together with words in the halls of power, than in the streets with swords."
- Jace Beleren
Jace the Party Pooper
Jace the Party Pooper
That seems quite strong.
That seems quite strong.
This makes me want to finally make a Commander deck.
I will say that while I don't really have a problem with EDH, I've never been super high on "specifically for Commander" cards. I don't know, it feels like those cards kind of defeat the purpose of the format.
Magus of the Wheel 2R
creature-Human wizard
1R, Tap, sacrifice Magus of the wheel: each player discards his or her hand, then draws seven cards.
IRL = Online. They're nice and consistent like that. Just buy what you need (SCG/FB LP = really close to NM btw) and order for pickup.
Thanks! I ordered the rest of my deck for pickup at the Philly SCG event. All told, the deck cost me $70. Not too bad for my first foray into Modern and what seems like a (somewhat) competitive deck for local stuff. I'll definitely build it up with better and more expensive cards as I go on. Link to what I bought if anyone cares: http://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/budget-magic-84-6-tix-modern-uw-tempered-steel
Looks good, Affinity is always a solid choice even with the insane amount of sideboard hate it faces. Now might be a good time to pick up or trade for the Mox Opals if you can, it was recently reprinted in MM 15 and I'd expect it starts going up in price again soon.
I'm loving the new cards.
You can just play Tombstalker instead.Part of me wants to figure out a way to make this work in some kind of Legacy Pox brew. But I know it won't be good in it.
Also, I don't wanna play Legacy anymore.
what are you talking aboutUncharted Realms - All the Cairns of Jund
The story of Meren. She went through a ritual to become a shaman, but used death magic during the trial, which was unknown to the residents of Jund at the time, and was thus left to die by her clan. She managed to survive and traveled to Grixis to practice her skills. Now she's back to kill not just her clan, but everyone on Jund.
This story makes it clear to me that Alara had terrible, terrible art. Also, everyone in the story being a dick aside, I thought it was pretty decent.
EDIT: The flavor text for Meteor Volley is pretty good.
"Behold the impact of astronomy on war." - Fennor Rhyr, astronomer