Probably being unfamiliar with the format is a giant contributor, but not sure otherwise, I just wasn't having fun. It seemed like every game I was playing we would both go into topdeck mode and I would end up losing. I lost several games last fnm from Thoughtseize/IoK away some cards and Liliana to finish off the hand, and somehow wasn't anywhere in board state or better hands even though I dropped Tarmogoyfs and manland left and right. I probably got unlucky as hell, but being inexperienced with the deck and format it was really disheartening to be beat by topdecks all night.
This in combination that the players I was playing against weren't even playing tier 1 decks. I lost to some elf ramp deck that tries to power out crater hoof, Lost to a top deck genesis wave twice that round. round 2 I lost to some 4c deck that was better than me at taking hands apart with snapcaster and proceeded to dump on me with Spirit tokens and tasigur. Round 3 I actually won against burn, but it wasn't a stock burn list. Round 4 I lost to American control, top deckd a supreme verdict against me with Keranos in play, board wiped me and shot my Liliana with keranos trigger leaving me with an empty hand and no man lands. All in all I just think I probably just played poorly, but I know I got shit on by luck a bit too. Just wasn't a very good experience considering I've only played the deck for 2 fnm and didn't do super well at either.
There's something about modern I don't like, but I can't put my finger on it. It's not price either. So here's the deck I'd rather play because I seem to do better with jank than tier 1 decks: It isn't quite where I want it yet, but this is the outline Ive drawn.