I'm kind of down on Standard right now. I've been the one man hype train for standard at my LGS for the last year, but I can't seem to find anything engaging about this current standard. I've spent a while thinking about it and what I've come up with is that the mana is too good. Standard is engaging in a metagame sense because of the limitations on deckbuilding. You only have 2 blocks worth of cards to work with and your mana is poor but workable. Those are the constraints, and you have to come up with a complex and robust gameplan within those constraints. Right now you can literally jam all the good cards you think will work together into the same deck and the mana will work itself out. Even if it works itself out poorer than other formats, it's still about as consistent and workable than Standard has always been. So the mana, by Standard's standards, is akin to Modern.
I like Modern because you can essentially come up with a plan with some powerful synergies and cards, and as long as you don't ask for the moon, the mana will take care of itself. That, along with the walled garden WOTC creates, developed into a complex and varied metagame where a player can choose a type of strategy they like to play and have, maybe not tier 1, but at least a not-shit option in that strategy. Very cool.
So why don't I like this current Standard? It's Modern with a shitty card pool. You get to play what you want, but those options aren't as interesting as the options you get in Modern, and the answers decks have to each other aren't as diverse. This is purely subjective and I'm sure once the mana has deadened out more I'll be back to Mr. Positivity about Standard, but it surprised me that as Standard got more powerful, I lost interest in it.