I don't that that's something they can do, logistically. They said that it takes them 18 months just to get the MM GP's organized.Simply put, they need to really annualize Modern Masters. It'd alleviate all this nonsense. Print Inquisition there. Fetches can go into standard when it's not 4 color Christmas land the set. Or, into MM.
Yup. BfZ was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.All of these decks are the same jesus christ
Dark Jeskai
Esper Tokens
Grixis Green
5 color bring to light
Temur Black
They are the same decks ....... with slight variations
Standard has become who lands their jace and keeps it
I haven't seen an exciting game of magic today
I don't know how well the Modern Event Deck did (probably not very), but a product that could help to get Modern staples into the wild during the off-year definitely needs to be a priority.
I copied Cruel Ultimatum even.The last time the mana was this good, at least they were casting Cruel Ultimatum.
SFM is a super safe unban and has been for quite a while. SFM without Jitte isn't broken.
Simply put, they need to really annualize Modern Masters. It'd alleviate all this nonsense. Print Inquisition there. Fetches can go into standard when it's not 4 color Christmas land the set. Or, into MM.
They can't unban Jace without a reprint; the soonest that could feasibly happen is MM3
Anyone else seen the judge call between Seth and Ken on the TCGplayer tournament?
It was pretty funny how both of them started calling for the judge and imo Seth made a clear misplay. His opponent could have been courteous and let him take it back but it was a possibly chances to get into top 8 or out situation so I doubt many would have.
No translation yet but Mina & Denn is the name and Elf Ally the type
Edit: You may play an additional land during each of your turns.
RG, Return a land you control to its owner's hand; Target creature gains trample until end of turn
Was no chance of that anyways.If Manlands are the other, that means that the Tangolands aren't being finished in OGW, right?
That's huge, massive visual errata incoming.
uh modern?Are the filterlands any good in constructed anywhere?
Are the filterlands any good in constructed anywhere?
If Manlands are the other, that means that the Tangolands aren't being finished in OGW, right?
uh modern?
cascade bluffs and flooded grove are $20 cards
After looking at this Yu-Gi-Oh thread, I'm sad that Magic will never have exhibition matches like this one. The yelling of what the cards do actually did help me follow the match a lot, despite never playing the game.
Unfinished cycles urghThey're like one-ofs in a lot of decks. In fairness, most of the Shocklands are 2 ofs, its only the fetches that people are jamming playsets of.
Also I don't get why any of you had even a shred of hope that they were printing the Enemy Duals in this set.
Except, as has already been mentioned, it would limit future Equipment design possibilities. It might be okay in the current Modern environment but it's more an issue of Modern going forward that keeps it on the ban list.
Yeah that's dumb but that doesn't make another unfinished cycle more palatable. Especially since the tango lands are pretty nice for people starting out or jut playing casually and having a bunch of basics still.
Oh yeah the Mystic Gate might be fake the art was released prior.
It's still super crazy to me that they didn't do this in the first set of the block. You'll be drafting <> alongside (1).
Unfinished cycles urgh
It's actual stupid that Scars Fastlands don't have enemy versions.
Khans? It only had 5 fetchlands.Yeah, on the one hand it makes sense to do it this way to keep the secret (it'd be super obvious what was up if you launched this in BFZ)
but it really is just super weird looking and jarring nonetheless.
I'm really glad the only split land cycle
After the original duals in Alpha, it took until Ravnica for a single block to have a full 10-card cycle of duals. The only blocks that ever
had a full cycle like this are Ravnica, Shadowmoor, Return To Ravnica, Theros, and Khans -- i.e. four of the five are explicitly multicolor blocks. Time to get used to having a lot of ally-only dual land cycles sitting around.
Well, Innistrad gave us the enemy versions of an existing ally-only cycle last time, so....
Khans? It only had 5 fetchlands.