I believe you are off base on green.
Green is the color most in tune with nature. Whereas the other colors seek to modify the world around them, green believes that the best course of action is to simply allow nature to take its course. Thus, green is often seen as the least confrontational of the colors: it does not seek to impose its values on others; it just wants to coexist as peacefully as possible. This does not mean that green will not defend itself when it feels threatened, but it generally will not seek to impose its opinion on others.
I could see your argument about her being black though.
The same article I cite says this:
Green also relies on instinct. Green embodies this in the primal sense, being the color most attuned with wild animals. However, even green's more intelligent users dislike over-thinking matters, preferring to rely on their gut instinct to make judgments, rather than wasting time thinking about things. This primal aspect can lead to conflict with others, as green does not restrain the wild animals it is in tune with, allowing them to attack others as their instincts dictate: if they cannot defend themselves, then they were simply filling the role of prey in the natural cycle. Furthermore, green's reliance on gut instinct and first impressions can make it vulnerable to deception
This actually feels a lot like what she's doing, but it also feels quite at odds with the other ideals of green.