It's pretty much worse than read the bones.
In most decks you'll draw 1-2 cards yeah? Converge is really dumb unless there is some big 5 color deck that we don't know about.
It's pretty much worse than read the bones.
Collect a cash pool, buy a box, draft (minimum 6 players), have fun! The cards you get out of the packs are then sold and used to buy another box. Repeat until the set is no longer fun.
I mean, would it have killed them to make it 4B so you can draw 5 in magical christmasland? Sheesh.
Well, it's certainly possible. Khans for example had a lot of value in the fetchlands. What usually happens though is that the value is less than what you payed for it, so everyone has to chip in again. But who knows!? You might get one of those special expedition lands!So it's possible to make enough off a box selling cards individually to continue buying boxes without spending money?
I guess I'd have to figure out how to deal with if someone really wanted a particular rare card or something though.
Well, it's certainly possible. Khans for example had a lot of value in the fetchlands. What usually happens though is that the value is less than what you payed for it, so everyone has to chip in again. But who knows!? You might get one of those special expedition lands!
my bad good removal
Cheap instant speed removal that fits into any deck running creatures? This card will never survive past pick 2 in draft, that's a guarantee. It's an A+ limited card and it could also see play in constructed since it fits into colors that normally don't get straight up removal. I could see U/B control decks designed to survive until they can drop the new Ulamog or something run two of these, especially since the replacement for Hero's Downfall is sorcery speed.
It's not necessarily that good in limited. It does nothing if you play all your creatures or have no other cards in hand.Cheap instant speed removal that fits into any deck running creatures? This card will never survive past pick 2 in draft, that's a guarantee. It's an A+ limited card and it could also see play in constructed since it fits into colors that normally don't get straight up removal. I could see U/B control decks designed to survive until they can drop the new Ulamog or something run two of these, especially since the replacement for Hero's Downfall is sorcery speed.
Not necessarily. Read the Bones digs deeper if you're looking for a specific card.It's better than Read The Bones in decks that play Read The Bones but uh... yeah shouldn't be a rare.
Well, Induce didn't have a color (or lack thereof)-requirement. Now, with Devoid this shouldn't be as much of an issue, but I wouldn't call it an A+ limited card, and especially not "premium removal".It's pretty much Induce Despair for all intents and purposes.
It's better than Read The Bones in decks that play Read The Bones but uh... yeah shouldn't be a rare.
Pretty neat , lots of deck ideas coming from this guy
Power creep!
I wonder if there would ever be a situation where you would actually pass that. Really fucking amazing limited card at least.
Yeah, I'm just going to focus on making my Kiora deck and forget Eldrazi are even a thing. I hate most of their art and they're all super bland.
Yeah I'm getting more interested in Limited, but what the fuck is this set going to do for Standard?
I really don't get the folks crying about power level and what standard is going to look like when not even close to half the set is revealed. It takes just a handful of cards to shape and alter what a meta looks like.
Most of the rares are revealed, and people have not been "crying" over power level- they've been calling out a shit set design (this has 0 to do with power level.)I really don't get the folks crying about power level and what standard is going to look like when not even close to half the set is revealed. It takes just a handful of cards to shape and alter what a meta looks like.
Now that's an Eldrazi.Here, I fixed it.
Here, I fixed it.
Nope we know all three, Gideon, Ob and KioraStasis Snare is probably my favourite card of the set so far.
There's still a planeswalker left and Ob Nixilis looks pretty strong.
Here, I fixed it.
I am very, very curious how much of this answer is showman Mark.Before I wrap up for today, I do want to answer one pressing question. A recurring theme you'll see through this and last week's articles is how often things were changed in development. Spawn turned into Scions. Ingest and Processors were made. Awaken became variable. Converge was added. Why such an excess of changes in development?
The answer is that we decided to swap from the three-set block model to a two-set block model in the middle of the design of Battle for Zendikar. During most of that time, Standard rotation hadn't changed—so we were trying to figure out how to keep Standard from increasing in complexity, and the only answer at the time seemed to be bringing down the complexity of each individual set. That meant I was trying to solve a very complex problem while keeping one hand tied behind my back, and the result is that the set didn't get handed over as complete as I would have liked.
Erik and his development team stepped up though, and did amazing work finishing off the design and turning it into the exciting set you all are going to get to play very soon. Also, with the rotation changing in Standard from two years to eighteen months, that meant that not only did we not have to go down in complexity per set, but we could even go up a little.
Nope we know all three, Gideon, Ob and Kiora
Nope we know all three, Gideon, Ob and Kiora
It's a 2/4 do nothing. It's not even on the same level as Courser.
Also cards are up
There have been hints at a fourth.
The word haste on a white/blue creature doesn't sit well with me. Why does it need haste anyway? You have multiple lands. You're not going to animate the land you just played (though I have done this before online).Also cards are up