I am very, very curious how much of this answer is showman Mark.
Converge needing to be added points to the design issues- "Colorlessness" is only a defintion of the Eldrazi, it doesn't define WHAT they are.
Well it's basically awaken on an ally, they just copy pasted the effect on an ally triggered effect is allThe word haste on a white/blue creature doesn't sit well with me. Why does it need haste anyway? You have multiple lands. You're not going to animate the land you just played (though I have done this before online).
The word haste on a white/blue creature doesn't sit well with me. Why does it need haste anyway? You have multiple lands. You're not going to animate the land you just played (though I have done this before online).
The word haste on a white/blue creature doesn't sit well with me. Why does it need haste anyway? You have multiple lands. You're not going to animate the land you just played (though I have done this before online).
Also cards are up
I mean, why have haste on awaken at all? Seems such a marginal advantage.
OK, I've been lurking this thread since the start of set spoiler, but why the hell is this card White? Nothing about it screams White to me. Activating off of instant and sorceries is Blue, but animating lands is Green and haste is Red. And does nearly every non-Eldrazi have to be an Ally now?
This card is a disaster of the worst kind. It doesn't fit the colors it has and it's actually not really that great in my opinion. I wouldn't even want it in Commander. It's like one of those card auto-generator programs made it.
I actually think it's kind of a cool design for EDH, although not very good.
Also I don't understand why it's white either.
To kirblar's point: I wonder how much smoke Maro is blowing right now. However, I could definitely see how moving from a three-set model to a two-set model in the middle of doing set design would be disruptive. However, I don't see why you would let it be disruptive and not just put it off for another year while you finished up what you were currently working on.
However, I don't see why you would let it be disruptive and not just put it off for another year while you finished up what you were currently working on.
Now this is a sick Commander!
Also cards are up
That looks pretty good. There's tons of allies. Won't work for converge though I guess <_<![]()
Inevitable but solid. Best ally card for allies in the set.
Now wheres the 5 color legend? I wouldn't even run most of the ally legends revealed thus far in my allies edh deck.
This card is a disaster of the worst kind. It doesn't fit the colors it has and it's actually not really that great in my opinion. I wouldn't even want it in Commander. It's like one of those card auto-generator programs made it.
Why not just play Talrand in that case? It's not like white has decent cantrips and 2/2 drakes > 3/3 hill giants that tie up your mana.I want to say its a control finisher? Throw it down, counter some stuff, draw some cards and boom, you have 3-4 3/3s. Only problem is that you can never wrath the board if things go astray.
White interacts with land as secondary trait(land tax, knight of the white orchid) Haste being on it is probably just a reminder for players that it can attack once "awoke"
I want to say its a control finisher? Throw it down, counter some stuff, draw some cards and boom, you have 3-4 3/3s. Only problem is that you can never wrath the board if things go astray.
White interacts with land as secondary trait(land tax, knight of the white orchid) Haste being on it is probably just a reminder for players that it can attack once "awoke"
Haste being on it is probably just a reminder for players that it can attack once "awoke"
Painful Truth 2B
Converge - Draw X cards and lose X life, where X is the number of colors of mana spent to cast Painful Truths.
This set is unsaveable, I think. Looks like garbage.
Theros had Thoughtseize. BFZ has ???
Why not just play Talrand in that case? It's not like white has decent cantrips and 2/2 drakes > 3/3 hill giants that tie up your mana.
As for Standard purposes, lolno. It has the same mana cost as Ojutai and it doesn't even attack through Siege Rhino.
Before I wrap up for today, I do want to answer one pressing question. A recurring theme you'll see through this and last week's articles is how often things were changed in development. Spawn turned into Scions. Ingest and Processors were made. Awaken became variable. Converge was added. Why such an excess of changes in development?
The answer is that we decided to swap from the three-set block model to a two-set block model in the middle of the design of Battle for Zendikar. During most of that time, Standard rotation hadn't changed—so we were trying to figure out how to keep Standard from increasing in complexity, and the only answer at the time seemed to be bringing down the complexity of each individual set. That meant I was trying to solve a very complex problem while keeping one hand tied behind my back, and the result is that the set didn't get handed over as complete as I would have liked.
Erik and his development team stepped up though, and did amazing work finishing off the design and turning it into the exciting set you all are going to get to play very soon. Also, with the rotation changing in Standard from two years to eighteen months, that meant that not only did we not have to go down in complexity per set, but we could even go up a little.
The goal was literally not to have a big influence on Constructed.
I love the cups![]()
I'm also against big and beefy merfolk. I know they have lords and stuff, but that can be explained by strength in numbers. This merfolk isn't a lord and it's 4/4. Same size as Savage Knuckleblade and Stormbreath Dragon! I'm the kind of person who thinks it's weird to have Tasigur be 4/5. Look at his size compared to Silumgar in Dragonlord's art! Are you saying Tasigur can fight with non-elder Silumgar and survive? I'm aware power and toughness doesn't necessarily translate into physicality, but that's just wack, son.
Also put me in camp pro-cups
Magic!Where does the water come from? Is it all rainwater? Do they rotate at random? So many questions.
The other Islands in this set are all far superior
This bugs me too, but its been a pretty clear shift in the last five years or so, almost always on Legendary creatures
Also put me in camp pro-cups
Legends is like 18 years old and Kamigawa got screwed on multiple levels due to its Legendary theme. Look at how Teysa's stats changed between Ravnica and Return, or the numbers on like all of the Weatherlight crew![]()
Human again.
Most people would have. It's objectively the most popular Zendikar Island.Nah its like half and half. I would have preferred