Joe Molotov
Even the Uncharted Realms for BfZ are trash!
Zendikar was a mistake.
You know?
Even the Uncharted Realms for BfZ are trash!
It's a 2/3 that can easily be dealt with in a multiplayer game. Stop wanting cards banned because you don't like or don't know how to deal with them.
Just for clarification, whens the earliest time I can cast Mardu Charm on my opponent's turn? I believe it's either Draw or main phase 1, and I need to know this for a Mardu Tokens brew I'm working on. Languish wrecks the deck hard so I need some counter measures.
Just for clarification, whens the earliest time I can cast Mardu Charm on my opponent's turn? I believe it's either Draw or main phase 1, and I need to know this for a Mardu Tokens brew I'm working on. Languish wrecks the deck hard so I need some counter measures.
Their upkeep, I believe.Just for clarification, whens the earliest time I can cast Mardu Charm on my opponent's turn? I believe it's either Draw or main phase 1, and I need to know this for a Mardu Tokens brew I'm working on. Languish wrecks the deck hard so I need some counter measures.
Agree 100%. It's made every UG/x deck miserable to play against. I'd also probably give Maelstrom Wanderer the axe too. Even in the hands of a well intentioned player, it gets out of hand quickly.
Going through the list of cards that work with Zada in standard, this is the first after become immense that stood out.
Lol Maelstrom Wanderer is not that bad. Neither is Prophet.
Maelstrom Wanderer is totally fine. I understand the hatred for Prophet however. It's like half of a fully-leveled Lighthouse Chronologist. It lets one player take 3x the number of actions as everyone else. It's not that much more absurd than any of the other dozens of bah-roken cards in EDH, but it does feel like shit to have to be sitting across from it.
EDH is full of broken bullshit. Never seen people be so "casually competitive" and argue so much as I do in EDH. Glad I stay far away. There's no in between with EDH decks and games. We can either all build ridiculous combos, or we can try to win. Mixing the two leads to fun had by no one
I have a friend who builds degenerate things, then gets mad when you build degenerate things.
I don't play with him much these days.
I have a friend who builds degenerate things, then gets mad when you build degenerate things.
I don't play with him much these days.
How much does that deck cost in total? :lol
EDH is a format that's as good as your playgroup is chill.
EDH is a format that's as good as your playgroup is chill.
That's exactly why I play mass artifact destruction. :3
Ruinous Path, Kiora, and Lumbering Falls are the cards I'm watching in regards to their current preorder price. ($6, $13, and $5, respectively.)The reason the deck is so expensive is that fetchland prices went up fairly substantially, Jace costs $45 TCG mid and a lot of the cards are inflated due to pre-set demand.
Ruinous Path being $6.50 is unsustainable and I don't see Battlelands at more than $5 for long.
2. Lorwyn
3. Dominaria
4. Kamigawa
5. New Phyrexia
6. Alara
7. Ravnica
8. Theros
9. Tarkir
10. Kaladesh
11. Vryn
12. Fiora
13. Shandalar
14. Mercadia
15. Zendikar
16. Phyrexia
17. Ulgothra
18. Rath
19. Rabiah
20. Ragatha
What was the "There was definitely some confusion about what constitutes a return" part about?
What was the "There was definitely some confusion about what constitutes a return" part about?
We've got pretty similar builds, which I guess isn't too surprising. I really like your Radiant Flames splash so I'm just gonna steal your manabase for now. I'm going slightly heavy on the two drops for curve reasons. Hangarback is so nice. I'd like to play Skyrider Elf since it fits no matter what and blocks dragons, but it's so bad with Languish that I probably shouldn't.EDH is a garbage format of people playing broken combos and getting angry at other people disrupting their broken combos with other broken combos
Deck: 5-Color Rhino Control![]()
Kaladesh, Vryn
I can agree with that. Though if were making distinctions, there should be different categories of bombs. One one spectrum there are bombs that can take over the game at any point single-handedly. A good example would be Wurmcoil Engine. However, it takes six mana, so a deck like Infect could win the game before it takes over. On the other spectrum, there are bombs you can play early on and if your opponent doesnt have an immediate answer to it, he or she loses. You play the game out, but in your mind you already know the outcome. Think Pack Rat and Citadel Siege. The bombs in Khans are between those two spectrums. Im fine with control decks playing six mana bombs as win conditions; you get more draws and more time to set up your mana to deal with them and sometimes they just dont matter. Broodmate Dragon, Flameblast Dragon, <insert> Dragon are fine because theyre dragons. Dragons are supposed to be imposing and powerful. With cheaper, slightly smaller dragons in Khans, games could end very quickly largely off one card, which makes it no fun for either party.
We just have to agree to disagree with the variance of Khans and RTR relative to Shards. Drafting takes skill. In my experience with Khans, if you didnt open certain cards, youd be forced to draft something proactive to win games. Sultai for example was stone cold unplayable if you didnt have the rares to support it. You could draft five colour and pick up the good stuff, but in my experience, the drafting was too inconsistent. Im not salty because of a losing streak either; I had a lot of success with U/R. Its just that drafting U/R for the millionth time kind of soured the format after a while. I passed so many Wardens of the Eye because it just wasnt what I was trying to accomplish, namely to win games. In any other format, it would have been a semi-bomb (see: Izzet Chronarch). I could happily draft control in the original Ravnica block with just commons and uncommons. With RTR and Khans, the pieces rarely fell into the right places. Dont get me wrong. Khans is a good limited set. It didnt help that FTR and DTK left a bad impression as a whole though. Same with RTR; GC and DGM made the format worse. Whereas Conflux made Shards better. Perhaps thats why I have fonder memories of Shards. Take note, R&D! Dont blow all your wad on the first set! Maybe thats why they designed BFZ to be terrible. :3
[Dragonlord]Atarka is one of the worst mythics in a long time. Not by virtue of anything other than just being extremely boring Timmy design. One time ETB that's just Bogardan Hellkite's ability (e.g. something we already knew dragons could do) and a huge, unprotected body. It doesn't even have a static ability. Its just huge. Making a creature huge is not making it "mythic," its just huge.
I can't imagine anyone would ever play [Silumgar's Scorn] for real - Force Spike for UU is just not good enough. People just get excited about alternate costs and modes on counterspells.
Stupid Shit Angry Grimace Says™:
I had way more stupid shit to say during FRF spoiler season but I was banned. I think all of that dumb shit I said on SA, like "Tasigur sucks who would play that"
I always thought Atarka would see play, the complete non-presence (to my knowledge) of Dragonlord Dromoka is what's surprised me
I always thought Atarka would see play, the complete non-presence (to my knowledge) of Dragonlord Dromoka is what's surprised me
EDIT: Aside from apparently being in the winning deck of the 2015 World Vintage championships?
Dark Depths is legit. You can even fetch the Hexmage with Imperial Recruiter. They were even nice enough to add Dark Petition to the cube so you can tutor one of the pieces and play both of them on the same turn. :lol
I really wish LGS's around me drafted at all
Maelstrom Wanderer is totally fine. I understand the hatred for Prophet however. It's like half of a fully-leveled Lighthouse Chronologist. It lets one player take 3x the number of actions as everyone else. It's not that much more absurd than any of the other dozens of bah-roken cards in EDH, but it does feel like shit to have to be sitting across from it.
Did they hire on extra people, or did they wholesale replace a bunch of the creative team?